

Melody tried to gauge his expression, but his face was unreadable. A part of her wanted to believe that he meant what he said, but another part of her was afraid to get her hopes up.

She couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions at his statement. On one hand, his words made her feel giddy with excitement and hope, but on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness knowing that he was still in a complicated relationship with her sister.

She couldn't hold back a chuckle as she studied Morgan's face, trying to determine if he was serious or not. "You better not be messing with me, Morgan." She spoke playfully, hoping to diffuse some of the tension in the air. "Are you sure you're not just saying that because you're feeling a little lost and desperate? Because as much as I love being your great assistant, I'm not sure I'm ready to start planning a wedding just yet."

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