

Vivian got home from her cleaning job, exhausted and all she could wish for is a miracle to happen. Suddenly she got a text that she had been appointed as the personal assistant to the pack Alpha; Viniscius II in one of his companies. She was certain this is the way for her to be financially dependent and also free from her debt not knowing fate had a bigger portrait made just for her.

PatyLeo · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
34 Chs



"Logan!" I called out desperately, my voice ricocheting off the walls of the dimly lit hallway. He remained immobile, his eyes fixed on some unseen point in the distance, as though entranced by an invisible force. A chill slithered down my spine, an unexplained fear pulsating within me. What had ensnared him? What sinister entity had taken hold of his being?

Attempting to sidestep him, I felt his firm grip clamp down on my arm, pulling me back sharply. His voice, when it finally emerged, resonated with an eerie depth, carrying an unfamiliar authority that sent shivers down my spine.

"Grab your belongings and follow me now," he commanded, his words a stark contrast to the Logan I once knew. Trembling, I complied, unable to discern his intentions or the dark path he was leading me down.