
Fashion Coordinator — Huo Qing’ang

The setting sun bathed Lujin in a gentle orange hue. The evening breeze swayed the dreamy white curtains, casting their graceful shadows within the room.

Gu Pianpian, who had just woken up, allowed herself to be immersed in this soft ambiance for a while before her senses gradually returned.

—This isn't Qin Courtyard!

The room had a minimalistic style, and apart from the bed she was lying on, it was empty. Judging by the dark blue sand-colored bedding, the owner of this room appeared to be a man with a discerning taste.

A man?

Why was she on a stranger's bed?

Gu Pianpian felt a surge of panic, but her relief washed over her when she realized that her clothing was intact.

Opening the bedroom door, she carefully explored the unfamiliar space while trying to recall the events from the night before.

She was a hundred percent sure that she had never been to this place before. So, where exactly was she?