
Don't Worry about All the Gossip

Huo Qingqu managed the Huo Corporation's projects quite effectively, and they had achieved good results. If he were truly useless, he wouldn't have dared to take on those projects in the first place. Huo Zhenyun always had clear rewards and punishments, and he wouldn't allow the projects to be mismanaged. Huo Qingqu simply had a penchant for taking the less conventional routes instead of following the straight and narrow.

As she removed the headphones, leaving the telescope behind, Gu Pianpian walked over to Huo Qing'ang and sat down, deep in thought.

The most surprising thing about the spectacle they had just witnessed through the telescope was Li Yun's calm and clear-headed demeanor. It left Gu Pianpian wondering whether Li Yun's usual affectations, superficiality, and short-sightedness were a deliberate act.