
Ready when you are

Kaley's Pov

I sat down on the bench and waited. I didn't know how long it was going to take or how long I was going to sit there alone staring at my dead father wrapped in white and in a wooden boat waiting to be given an Alpha's funeral.

I just didn't know…I simply sat there and I waited.

I mean how long would it take for a sister who just found out you got her entire family murdered to forgive you enough to stand by your side while you set her father on fire?

One hour…two?

Perhaps more?

For Katilyn Reid, it took twenty minutes. It took twenty minutes for her to put on a brave face and walk towards me.

When I saw her, I stood up and I tried to touch her but she took a step back.

Her face was still ashen like she was perpetually stuck in a bad nightmare and she was reliving it over and over and over again.

I did that.

I blinked. Another life ruined by me.

"Katy" I tried again.