
Chapter 103: A blown fuse 

Chapter 103: A blown fuse 

Emily's POV

I stared at the mirror in front of me and a pair of familiar green eyes stared back at me or at least I hope they were familiar because each day I lose parts of me I could never get back.

 I pushed my long black hair away from my face to focus on my make-up free face but it just kept coming back.

I felt a tightness in my chest and an urge to cry just as I felt the urge to scream until the tightness was gone but I couldn't do any of them because that would mean I care that Owen didn't show up for his children and Waylen despite his big promises and words was awol from my life too.

There was nothing like that warm feeling emanating from the pit of my stomach to tell me that I was not good enough for anyone. It's the worst feeling really.

I felt my breath shudder and my hands went to my belly.

"You are good enough. Can you hear me? Both of you are good enough"