
Chapter 91

Miles went back to his brother's. They were all wearing a long face. They were all looking sad and hopeless. He wanted to know the situation of things, but doesn't know whom to ask.

His father have left his hospital bed, he forgot he too needed rest, they had both been involved in the accident.

"What are you doing here Dad? Came his voice from behind and they all looked at him. They wondered how he could possibly be asking such a question when he should know that his father has a special kind of likeness for Andrew who was a business tycoon as he.

"I want to be here, when he wakes up"

Mr Anderson responded, not looking at him, but could tell that he was not pleased with his response.

"We are all here, you don't have to stay here, besides you need to rest too"

Anthony, Paul and Peter also thought Miles was right so they all insisted that their father goes back to his room to continue his treatment, with the promise that they will call him as soon as Andrew wakes up.

Mr Anderson reluctantly left with the help of his wife and precious his daughter in-law, who didn't seem to like the sight of Andrew.

When they were all out of sight, miles asked.

"What is the doctor saying?

"He is saying brother is in comma" Anthony answered, mocking his brother.

"I can see that already, but what is the situation, do we have any hope of Andrew waking up anytime soon?

"Well, I don't think so;  Peter answered.

"The doctor said, our brother suffered a brain injury, which he called Anoxic brain injury"

"Oh my God! That is a serious one.

"Shhhh! He can hear you. Paul tried to hush them and prevent them from talking.

"What do you know about Anoxic brain injury, I thought your interest was in art and craft, when did you develop interest in the sciences?

"Since brother became sick with HIV"

He answered, and as if he shut them up, they all became quiet.

"The trauma of the HIV must have added to the brain damage.

"Yes Andrew is traumatized already and then the accident happened"

"But what if I tell you guys,  that Andrew is HIV negative not positive, what will you do?

"What sort of a joke is that?

Came Petranilla who hadn't said anything since the brothers started their discussion.

Are you saying, Andrew played us into believing he was positive when he was actually negative? She added.

"Miles if this is some kind of a joke you better stop it now, I am in no mood for jokes" Anthony chipped in.

"If you have something to say to us, just say it now, I don't have time for mind games" Peter added.

Miles watched all of them before speaking up, he didn't want their reactions to be out if hand, he had gone over board when he had heard it too, but right now, he would appreciate it if they would all be mature and not let their father hear it now.

"Yes I have something to say, brother Peter, but I need you all to promise me not to involve father yet, because if he finds out, he would be devastated and he doesn't need such news now that he isn't well too.

"Alright Miles go on with what you have to say" Paul was impatient now.

Andrew was lied to!