
Chapter 34

"Will I be able to hold you again, touch you again, kiss you again or make love to you again?

"Well you just held me a while ago and you kissed me tenderly but making love to me, that part is the one I cannot answer.

"Some one told me I could use protection, you know I started attending therapy so that I could know more about this disease.

"Do you want to make love to me?

Her question sho led him, she had never been that blunt with him before, though she was always blunt whenever she was in the mood and wanted him but he wasn't expecting her to be free and open to him today, they had been away for too long and she had been badly treated. She must be too forgiven if she would allow him to make love to her after knowing his status.

"Are you going to really lete touch you there?

He said pointing towards her sweet area but she shyly nodded. Making love to him was a risk but she couldn't watch him suffer anymore, if she contracts the disease, they will then be even, she would know then that she had paid for her sins.

Andrew was anxious, it was as though it was his first time, he had this anxious nature, he stood up and moved to the door to confirm that it was locked, he stood infront of her not knowing where to start, it felt like he had never touched her before. He had starved her for too long and now that he had the chance he wanted to satisfy her.

He went on his knees and started to remove her foot wears, she allowed him as she raised her legs to give him a free passage to removing her shoes, when the shoes came off, she looked at him seductively waiting for what he wants to do next. Her thought kept drifting towards the other night with Joseph but she often shook her head to get the thought out and to focus on what was infront of her.

He raised her hands up and removed her blouse, she smiled at him but she was loosing interest, she wanted him to take her in a hurry manner, she wanted him to show her that he was hungry for her. But, he was still Andrew Anderson, he was his same old self, not having any crazy vibe or adding anything to spice up their sex life. She decided to spice it up maybe if she participated more she would not think so much about the doctor that tricked her into sleeping with him.

She pulled him close the moment her blouse was on the floor and she was left with only her brazia and her trouser that was yet to come off, she wanted him to take it off in a hurry so she grabbed him with such force and started kissing him hungrilly, he responded with the same pace and before she knew it he was struggling with getting her belt off, he struggled too much that he pulled it off by force and the hook came off and the belt was destroyed. Anna also did the same thing with his trouser but he didn't give her the chance as he helped her remove the trouser and soon enough they were both left with their undies. They both had white undies on, it was typical of Anna to always have white undies on, it was rare to find her on black or brown color panties, white was her favorite color.

The force with which she had started continued as he grabbed her Lacy panties and holding on to the rope that she had used to hold it by the side, he pulled it out and her pant was seen lying on the floor. 

For once she felt shy, she had been naked just the other night with her gynecologist and now she was naked infront if her husband about to do the same thing she did last night with her doctor but then again she saw the act that is about to happen as a way of redeeming herself, even though Andrew was going to use protection with her so that she would be safe, she hoped that somehow she would catch the disease and she could die with him. Atleast she knows that her daughter would be safe.

His hands went straight down to her genitals to touch her well shaved vaginal, she shivered as his hands went down her pelvic area, his hands kept moving up and down on her pelvic area. She gradually started to spread her legs and the pace with which they had started with before slowed down and he started to admire each part of her body before exploring it.

His hands continued to move up and down until it landed on her clitoris, she almost fell down but he caught her and pushed her gently on the bed, she spread her legs wide Hopi g that he would come into her as she could see that his Manhood was standing inside his white undies. She reached out to his Manhood but he stopped her.

"Let me satisfy you"

His hands were still on her clitoris and she was already dripping wet, she begged him to come in but he refused, she cried as the pleasure became too much for her to handle.

She watched him lick the wetness off her and she felt she wasn't worth it, she wasn't as pure as she used to be and there was no need for him to treat her as though she was some pure Angel. She moved down and put his mouth there and started to lick her dey.

That was the first time he was doing that to her, she wanted to make him feel her too but he still refused, she could tell he was running away, he was trying to be reasonable and not make her contract the disease but she was not even a saint and whatever way he wants to punish her she was ready.