
Chapter 112

Paul could not come to terms with what he just heard, he looked around him and the next he did was, he  hit him hard that his nose started bleeding.

Manager Wilson held his nose and started to move back, some securities rushed towards them and Peter and Paul told them to go  back by just raising their hand.

Those that were still leaving stopped, they brought out their phones to video.

Paul didn't want to fill the cover page of the news papers by morning, he looked down while Peter looked up and said to the waitress that had attended to them earlier.

"Hey, bring in all standing outside, let them come back to their food, this is the last time u hear of something like this.

Now the camera lights could be seen and pictures and videos were taken.

The king and Queen were surprised to find the people coming back, though he had heard the commotion, but the reason was not known, but we the people that had initially walked out started walking in and taking their seats, the Queen wasn't happy at all, he demanded to see the manager, but was told that he had been rushed to the chemist across the road, when they heard what had conspired between the manager and the Anderson twin, they decided not to be found wanting.

The Queen, wanted to act, to show she was angry, but when she heard what happened and those involved, she sat down back and enjoyed her food.

As she looked around her she could see commoners dining with her, this was one of the reasons she hated eating out, with all the servants she has, she still likes to come out from her palace, leaving all the food to come and eat out.

The Queen had loved the way the manager was treating them whenever they came around, she wanted it to continue, but today,   they had been stopped.

The manager soon came back with a wrapped  nose, she need not ask questions, she knew what had happened.

"You sent for me my king and Queen"

The couple exchanged glances and returned to their food. 

"You can go back manager, we have nothing to say to you, we have gotten the information we needed.

Manager Wilson could tell that they were angry, but he was trying not to show it.

The manager went back to the other side where the twin where seated and knelt down infront of them, he hadn't planned to kneel down to beg, but, since the king and Queen he was doing it for didn't say anything,              he decided to be smart and beg because he didn't want to be the reason, the diner would be shut down.

Once again people were happy to be allowed to finish their food, the twin left the manager kneeling down, while they also finished their food.

Paul who had wanted to eat free food from his brother initially, took out his card from his wallet and paid for everybody in the Diner.

The people went crazy, they were so happy they nicknamed the twin kings.

The king also heard what had happened, though he had finished his food, he had to stay rooted to his seat, he didn't want to be    found wanting, he didn't want people to call him a bad king, he stayed back to eat quietly, hoping that they would leave before he and his wife leaves.

But Peter and Paul seem to be interested in the show and had no plans to leave anytime.