
Pregnant During An Apocalypse [BL]

“Lin Yunfeng! Stop right there!” Lin Yunfeng gazed back at the speeding figure behind him. Heart racing, he picked up speed and ran through the abandoned corridor. “You better stop Yunfeng!!” Ren Muchen growled loudly. The little brat was much faster than he had expected. “This is how you wish to face me after you fucking slept with me? Fine! Run then! Let’s see how long you can last,” Panting Lin Yunfeng looked back in panic. “I’m so sorry, it was a mistake. think of it as Stepping on shit. Please forgive me!” he placed a hand on his lower stomach and ran even faster. “Watch out!” Yunfeng gazed ahead in surprise. a half-rotten corpse stood in his way. He came to a screeching halt but the slippery floor made it hard for him to come to a complete stop. He fell unceremoniously face down on the ground. “Fuck,” The zombie jumped onto him with its mouth wide open. Its bloody saliva dripped onto his face. Yunfeng held his breath. He had read about this before but this was the first time he had actually seen an undead. It petrified him. ‘Is this how I die?’ “Growl,” the beast aimed at his neck precisely, Just as he thought his life was coming to an end, a long axe cut through the decayed neck of the Zombie. The heavy zombie fell right on top of him, oozing blood and puss. A hand grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up. “You are not dying, not today, not anytime soon...” Ren Muchen said with a nasty grin/ Yunfeng gulped. Muchen peered into his trembling black eyes coldly. “You know why?” because we are having a baby.” Yunfeng’s hand reflectively went into his tummy. “h-how do you know?” “You knew?! Yet you ran!” Muchen laughed coldly and shook him like a rattle. “Take responsibility you bastard, we created a life that day! “y-yes, I’ll take responsibility!”

Lullabybao · LGBT+
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70 Chs

Chapter 49 - Want to date?

Muchen's lips were plundered by a soft heated pair licking and sucking at them brutally. It was all too much.

He grabbed Yunfeng by his shoulder, trying to push him back slightly. He was really breathless. He could not hold on for long.

Growling, the younger man let go of his lips. Even then, he took a nip at his swollen bottom lip before leaving his bullied lips. "don't talk about anyone else. You're only mine,"

Panting, Muchen peered up at him. it was too dark inside the blanket and he could not even make out his expression. Frowning, he pushed the thick sheets off their shoulders.

The evening golden glow fell on the young man, illuminating his flushed face and his wet lips. His eyes were completely dilated as they peered down at him.

Muchen's breath hitched. 'Beautiful… he's so beautiful...'

He had heard so many of his colleagues rave about their younger lovers. He never felt the appeal of it. Even worse he looked down on that practice. he had only dated people his own age until now. 

Only now was he realizing what he was missing out.

That excitement, that fresh feeling of innocence...it was all new to him.

Yunfeng's blush ran down to his neck, making him look like a cooked lobster. That too, was appealing.

Muchen gulped. 'I want him.' He bit his lips hard. His slightly trembling hand gripped the younger man's hands and placed them on his own chest. "Touch me..."

That was the invitation the young man needed as his hands started to tug at his shirt and pull it over his head.

The shirt got stuck on his neck and he was not able to pull it up further. Yunfeng let out a growl in frustration.

Chuckling, Muchen glanced up at him. "You might yank my head off chill," he pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side. Then he cupped Yunfeng's face softly. "You, what are we?"

Yunfeng blankly gazed at him before lowering his head to take a bite of his nipple.

"Do you want to date me?" he whispered, blushing softly. "Hmm…"

Without a word, Yunfeng continued to klick his nipples.

"mnn… I asked you a question. You better answer me." He grabbed him by his hair and made the brat look up at him. "What are we?" smirking, he gently traced his wet lips

Yunfeng narrowed his eyes before he slowly licked his fingertips.

"Yunfeng! Answer me. What are we? What… what am I to you?"


Muchen felt his sex drive plummet in a second. He did not wish to have sex without any feelings. And it seemed like Yunfeng could not even give him a definitive answer.

"I excused your behavior as being young, but I can't any longer. You're an adult, Yunfeng. So, make a decision. Do you want to date me?"

Once again, he did not get a proper response. Yunfeng just looked up at him like a lost puppy licking anywhere he could reach.

"Stop!" Muchen sat up pushing him away. "I don't want to do this anymore," he pulled his shirt on with a deep frown.

He put his heart out, and this is the answer he got. Absolute silence.

Not even a word of rejection.

Just silence.

His lips twitched down as his eyes teared up.

"Fuck you, Yunfeng. Fuck you! do you think I'm someone you can easily play with?" he grabbed him by his collar.

The stupid brat only looked at his lips.

"Am I… am I just a piece of meat to you? I'm a person." He grabbed his chin tightly and pulled his head up. "Look into my eyes… look at me. Do you love me?"

"Muchen… you smell so good." Yunfeng smiled softly and kissed his lips.

He blankly sat there, letting him kiss his cold lips.

silent tears rolled down his pale cheeks, wetting his face.

"Mister Muchen are you up there? I bought your orange juice. And I also brought meds for my stupid brother. He absolutely refused to take them." a soft voice accompanied by hurried footsteps came from out of the room.

Muche hurriedly pushed Yunfeng away.

To his surprise, the young man flopped down, hitting the ground hard.

Hana, who opened the door, looked at this in surprise. Her brother was on the ground and Muchen was on the bed with tears dripping down his face.

"um… I'm so sorry," she went to leave but her eyes lingered on her stupid brother. "he is not dead, is he?"

Muchen snapped out of his dazed state. Wiping his face hard, he climbed out of bed and pulled Yunfeng up. "Stand up, don't act like this…" To his surprise, Yunfeng was completely out of it. "Shit!" he pulled him onto his lap.

"What? What's wrong?" Hana ran back in.

"don't know..." Muchen grabbed his face softly. "Hey don't scare me like this. wake up… Yunfeng… Yunfeng!"

Hana did not completely panic. She reached out and touched the back of her brother's head. "there's a bump there."

Muchen's eyes widened. He was the one who pushed Yunfeng down in fury. "it's all my fault! It's all my fault."

"He is burning up. I think he just fainted." Hana checked his pulse. It was normal.

"We... we need to get him to a hospital" Muchen wiped the tears off hurriedly.

They both carried him to his car and Muchen drove off with the two siblings.