
Pregnant During An Apocalypse [BL]

“Lin Yunfeng! Stop right there!” Lin Yunfeng gazed back at the speeding figure behind him. Heart racing, he picked up speed and ran through the abandoned corridor. “You better stop Yunfeng!!” Ren Muchen growled loudly. The little brat was much faster than he had expected. “This is how you wish to face me after you fucking slept with me? Fine! Run then! Let’s see how long you can last,” Panting Lin Yunfeng looked back in panic. “I’m so sorry, it was a mistake. think of it as Stepping on shit. Please forgive me!” he placed a hand on his lower stomach and ran even faster. “Watch out!” Yunfeng gazed ahead in surprise. a half-rotten corpse stood in his way. He came to a screeching halt but the slippery floor made it hard for him to come to a complete stop. He fell unceremoniously face down on the ground. “Fuck,” The zombie jumped onto him with its mouth wide open. Its bloody saliva dripped onto his face. Yunfeng held his breath. He had read about this before but this was the first time he had actually seen an undead. It petrified him. ‘Is this how I die?’ “Growl,” the beast aimed at his neck precisely, Just as he thought his life was coming to an end, a long axe cut through the decayed neck of the Zombie. The heavy zombie fell right on top of him, oozing blood and puss. A hand grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up. “You are not dying, not today, not anytime soon...” Ren Muchen said with a nasty grin/ Yunfeng gulped. Muchen peered into his trembling black eyes coldly. “You know why?” because we are having a baby.” Yunfeng’s hand reflectively went into his tummy. “h-how do you know?” “You knew?! Yet you ran!” Muchen laughed coldly and shook him like a rattle. “Take responsibility you bastard, we created a life that day! “y-yes, I’ll take responsibility!”

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Chapter 38 - Move to city s?

Yunfeng gazed at his phone with a small pout. It has been two days and that annoying guy had surprisingly stopped texting him. 'is he sick again? Why isn't he texting me?' he picked up his phone ready to text him.

But slowly he put it down with a sigh. 'I don't want to disturb him. But…. What if he hospitalised again?'

His heart clenched in pain just thinking about him being sick. 

With a frown, he patted his chest. 'this alpha omega thing is super annoying.' Quiting the chat he went to baidu and searched Muchen's name. 

There was no new news about him or about his health. 

Sighing laid down on the bed. 'fine ill ask him myself.'

He plucked his pheon from the bed side table and typed hurriedly. But as he was about to send it, he paused. He cleared the text and sent, 'I have made good use of your money.' He then sent an itemised bill of his purchases. 

Biting his lips, he held the phone close to his face waiting for the reply.

But it didn't come.

"ugh why is he taking so long?' He tossed the phone aside and laid there rolled up like a cocoon. "Yunfeng you can't waste time thinking about him. Now time is of essence. You must use it well,' he mumbled to himself, and sat up.

The food problem had been solved. Now he had to look for a good house. The house they live in was too small, and it was also in a very congested area.

When the disease broke out, congested areas like this were completely surrounded by the infected and it was very hard to survive.

It was best to move to the outskirts, likely close to the army or airforce base. Then timely help will arrive.

Yunfeng racked his brain, remembering the history book he had read in the past. 'fuck why was I so disinterest in history? I literally had a golden finger, but because of my laziness I lost that chance.'

The only thing he could remember about the pandemic was that almost a quarter of the human population was killed in the first attack. The second attack came six months after that. The other countries tried to control the spread of the decease by destroying the highly infected countries.

Yunfeng paled. 'they bombed our city! Fuck! So we have to move to another city now. God, why is this so difficult?' he scratched his head.

The only cities that were spared from the bombing were city z and city s. 

'fine, but how am I going to convince my mom to move? She is not ready to believe in the pandemic….' He picked up his phone and once again the chat interface was silent.

Grunting, he pulled out jai's chat. "jai I want to move to city s."

The reply came instantly. "why? It's too far."

"that's why."

Jai sent a cat emoji, followed by a voice message. "you don't have to be so scared of my father. He is not going to eat you. So don't worry. You don't have to move to another city or anything," 

Yunfeng rolled his eyes. "That's not why. This world is going to end in a few months. Only by moving to city s can I survive the bombing,"

Jai's reply to this was a call. "did you lose a nut?"

"no I'm being serious. Our world is going to be infected by a deadly disease. And our city is the first to be infected. The other countries will try to control it by bombing us. It's impossible to survive here. The only cities I remember surviving is city s and city x. city x is too far and I won't have cash to move all the food to that country so city s is my only option. Jai, you have to move as well."

Jai on the other side of the phone remained silent.

"hello? Can you hear me?'

"hmm… I can hear an idiot mumbling." Jai said in a soft whisper.

"I'm not an idiot! Why won't anyone believe me? this world is going to end. Why else do you think I ordered so much food?" sighing he punched the pillow beside him. 

In the danmei books he had read, all the heroes will eventually reveal the truth of the end of the world to his family and friends and they will all readily believe him. 'like is not a novel,' he sighed bitterly. "fine don't believe me.'

Instead he was already hatching a plan on how to move his family and his friends to city s right as the pandemic hit. That way the borders will be closed and they will be stuck in city s.

'maybe I can take them on a trip to city s. hmmm that will work. But it's a huge risk.'

But that was the idea he could come up now.

With that in mind. He hurriedly arranged a warehouse in city s and shipping method to move his food from jai's house to that said warehouse.

All the cask that Muchen threw at him really worked in wonder. 

ONCE again, he was left thinking about his proud little face.

'god it's like he has corroded my mind with his face…. It's hard not to think about him…'