
Pregnant During An Apocalypse [BL]

“Lin Yunfeng! Stop right there!” Lin Yunfeng gazed back at the speeding figure behind him. Heart racing, he picked up speed and ran through the abandoned corridor. “You better stop Yunfeng!!” Ren Muchen growled loudly. The little brat was much faster than he had expected. “This is how you wish to face me after you fucking slept with me? Fine! Run then! Let’s see how long you can last,” Panting Lin Yunfeng looked back in panic. “I’m so sorry, it was a mistake. think of it as Stepping on shit. Please forgive me!” he placed a hand on his lower stomach and ran even faster. “Watch out!” Yunfeng gazed ahead in surprise. a half-rotten corpse stood in his way. He came to a screeching halt but the slippery floor made it hard for him to come to a complete stop. He fell unceremoniously face down on the ground. “Fuck,” The zombie jumped onto him with its mouth wide open. Its bloody saliva dripped onto his face. Yunfeng held his breath. He had read about this before but this was the first time he had actually seen an undead. It petrified him. ‘Is this how I die?’ “Growl,” the beast aimed at his neck precisely, Just as he thought his life was coming to an end, a long axe cut through the decayed neck of the Zombie. The heavy zombie fell right on top of him, oozing blood and puss. A hand grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up. “You are not dying, not today, not anytime soon...” Ren Muchen said with a nasty grin/ Yunfeng gulped. Muchen peered into his trembling black eyes coldly. “You know why?” because we are having a baby.” Yunfeng’s hand reflectively went into his tummy. “h-how do you know?” “You knew?! Yet you ran!” Muchen laughed coldly and shook him like a rattle. “Take responsibility you bastard, we created a life that day! “y-yes, I’ll take responsibility!”

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Chapter 35 - Indulging in my black powder fan

A day passed and Muchen was finally discharged to his home. The biopsy results will only come in in the afternoon so his manager and he were waiting. He was quite calm about it because in his heart he had already accepted whatever result was about to come out.

But his manager Shao was another story.

Like a pregnant lady, he was prancing before the tea table where an innocent phone was lying face up.

"Walking around is not going to make the process any faster,"

"But I feel so anxious! That darn doctor why is he taking so long?"

Sighing Muchen pulled him down to sit beside him on the sofa. "chill, it will be fine."

"Chen what if…"

"shh." Muchen pinched his chattering lips together. "I need a moment of silence," mumbling he gazed at his phone with a subtle smile.

"Why are you smiling did you get the result?" Shao pushed his hand away and anxiously leaned over his shoulder to look at his phone. But when he saw the contact black powder he frowned. "Why are you chatting with black powder fans? They are ungrateful and to be honest quite spiteful. Just block them. How was your number leaked…"

"Tsk," Muchen glared his way. he quickly typed in a good morning message and sent it in. he waited with his fingers at the type bar. One second went by... one minute went by and then five minutes mark hit.

"Why isn't he replying!" he sent another emoji.

Still no reply.

"Is he busy? I told him to take a few days' break. He must be free why isn't he chatting with me? He is my fan, right? Isn't he supposed to be elated that I'm chatting with him." Frowning he leaned back on the soft sofa cushion. "Maybe it's his tactics to attract my attention," he grinned.

"you've gone nuts," Shao gazed at him peculiarly. "Is the tumor affecting your brain." He grabbed his face and peered at him curiously. "No, it's in your gut how can it affect your IQ like this."

Muchen slapped his intrusive hand away and sent another message. This time he sent a small money packet through chat.

The money pack was collected instantly.

"See, this guy is like a fish. We have to use bait to catch him." He grinned widely.

"You just sent him a hundred dollars?! Muchen! Who is this scammer!"

"Yunfeng," Muchen grinned widely. "My very own little black powder Fan."

"the guy you got involved with in that car shoot-out! God! Why are you even talking to him? Maybe he is one of those guy's accomplice. Maybe he is trying to bait you! Oh shit…" Shao frantically walked around.

Muchen gave him a dull stare. "Why are you overthinking everything? This guy is just a normal little brat."

"Wait…Yunfeng? That schoolkid… he is a child." Shao froze. "Muchen! You will be called a child groomer!!!" Shao held his shoulders and shook him.

"he's eighteen!" Muchen just rolled his eyes dramatically. "Stop overreacting! You asshole! We are just chatting!"

"yeah, it starts with chats then it progresses to little meetings and then it progresses to full-on sex! this is how love works! See see! You're grinning! You're actually falling in love," Shao pointed a finger to his nose.

Muchen just pushed it away as he gazed at the chat.

Yunfeng had sent a tamagoyaki sticker with an egg York tiredly saying thanks.


Shao went quiet. "fuck… we need a huge pr team to deal with this."

Muchen ignored his chattering manager and walked to his room.

"Wait! I got it! the result."

Muchen gazed back with his eyes slightly wide open. He hurried back to the sofa. "Quick, what does it say?"

With trembling hands, Shao opened the email. His face was still stiff with no expression.

"Shao?" Muchen peered up at him anticipatedly.

"you're… you're not sick. Oh, thank god!" Shao knelt on the ground.

Muchen let out a small sigh. "Good."

"But the doctors suggest that it's good to remove the tumor surgically."

Muchen scoffed. "Find me some herbal therapy. I don't want to put a knife on my body."


"It's just a small tumor. Herbal therapy works wonder… I want to try the traditional medicines before trying English ones."

Shao nodded. "Fine I'll find you some experts." He ran out of the room calling up people he knew.

Muchen who had a relieved smile on his face texted the kid. {"I'm not sick anymore."}

A reply came instantly. {"No, you're sick."}

He frowned. {"No, the doctors cleared me."}

{"You went to the wrong doctor. Go to a physiologist. You desperately need one."}

Muchen laughed out loud. "This brat."


Yunfeng gazed at the phone with a small sigh of relief. "I knew it. alpha's body can recover faster than normal. Why was I even worried in the first place." He placed his phone down.

A dangerous glare came from behind him.

Gazing back, he met the glaring eyes of his mother.

"Mum…" he viably froze. 'Why is she glaring?'

"Playing with your phone without studying!!" she watched him on the head. "Study!"

"waa!! it's all useless cuz the world is going to end..." he whimpered holding his head.

"Let it end. I'll end you if you don't pass your college entrance exams!!" she grinned dangerously.

Yunfeng gulped. Even if the world ended his mother will ask him to study….