
Pregnant At Seventeen Of Triplets

Amelia was the kind of daughter who is innocent and practiced abstinence until one day she found out that she's pregnant. For seventeen years old who always stays away from mingling found herself preg. This event changes her life and the lives of those around her. Unsure of the father to her unborn child she wonders whether she is cut out for parenthood... but the real test maybe when the father is revealed.

fatoum · Urban
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67 Chs

Chapter 5: Teen parenthood

NO! What? Bad thoughts! Think pregnant teen, think pregnant teen. Nobody wants to date a pregnant teen. "Oh, I just popped over to see how you were going?" he said, "I am guessing that things are a little hard for you right now" I sat on the edge of my bed and he followed and sat opposite to me. I laughed, "Yeah I guess that‟s right.

Teen parenthood isn't going to be a walk in the park" I said mirthlessly. "Well, it might not be that hard. You never know." "Yeah go and look at the stuff on the computer and say that again." He did. He stood up and walked over to my desk and sat down in front of the computer and started reading. I expected him to skim the pages, but once again he surprised me.

He sat down and read each one of the lists I had so thoroughly made. He even asked a few questions! When he had finished, he came and sat back on the bed. Closer than last time, but still not in my space bubble. He reached over and put his hand on my ankle and smiled at me. "Wow" was all he said before flopping backward. I stared at him curiously.

"You know that for somebody who I know nothing about, who I met once about ten years ago, and someone that I don‟t even knows why they are living here again, you seem pretty damn interested" I stated. He stared up at me. He looked like he was trying to figure something out, something that was important. He patted the bed next to where he was laying down.

"Come on, get some rest and I will tell you in the morning" he mumbled, already going to sleep himself. It was a very strange request from an almost stranger, one that if any other had made I would have yelled at the top of my lungs or lunged at them with a baseball bat. However coming from John it seemed to be very normal, almost safe. "I am not going jump you if that is what is bothering you"

he mumbled sleepily. Beginning to feel very tired, I decided that maybe I should lay down. I got myself as comfortable as I could be with John there and fell asleep. I was securely wrapped up in John‟s arms with my head on his shoulder, his arms around my waist and one of my thighs sandwiched between him when I was awoken by somebody clearing their voice.

I lifted my head off of John‟s shoulder sleepily to see a horrifying picture; my parents, my sister and Olivia all standing in the doorway. They had expressions on their faces ranging from anger to curiosity. I elbowed John in the stomach, waking him up. "Shit", I heard him mumble.

"Shit alright" I mumbled back. Today is going to be an interesting day. As soon as everybody left my room I turned to John and started laughing. Not Ha, Ha, laughing, the hysterical "oh Lord how screwed is my life" laugh. There is a huge difference. John looked over at me with concern. I don‟t blame him, I have lost it. See that open window? That where my mind is…out and gone. "Hey, calm down," he said. I was still laughing.

"Calm down; you are going to make yourself ill Amelia" I was kept on laughing. I was still laughing when he walked over to me and shook me. I was still laughing when he put his hand on my shoulders. I wasn't however laughing when he kissed me I was so underprepared that I just stood there while his lips were moving softly but firmly over mine. I regained my senses just in time for him to pull back.

I stood there frozen staring at him like he had grown an extra head. He kissed me! John, my best friend‟s brother, not the father of my baby, just kissed me. Hell, it was the best kiss I have ever had. "There", he said satisfied, "now you have stopped laughing". He looked at me smugly and walked out of the room in the same way he had left me.