
Pregnant At Seventeen Of Triplets

Amelia was the kind of daughter who is innocent and practiced abstinence until one day she found out that she's pregnant. For seventeen years old who always stays away from mingling found herself preg. This event changes her life and the lives of those around her. Unsure of the father to her unborn child she wonders whether she is cut out for parenthood... but the real test maybe when the father is revealed.

fatoum · Urban
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Chapter 23: John's Point a view (3)

John‟s Point a view

I was sitting in Amelia‟s hospital room. I had not left since they had bought her in, and I wasn't planning on leaving any time soon. I had called around for Olivia, to see if she was ok, and it turned out that the bastard lied. He never touched Olivia, which was a relief. However, now I am sitting in this chair waiting for Amelia to wake up. She was in a coma.

The doctors said that she was lucky; she would have died if she wasn't at the hospital in another twenty minutes. The blow to her head had caused her brain to bleed. The pressure could have very easily have killed her. She was a survivor.

The gunshot wound and the break in her arm were serious but under control. I had been looking after the triplets, which was a new experience for me. I had no idea how Amelia had done it for so long. It made me appreciate her more.

At the moment they were all asleep which had taken me much longer than it really should have. It had been three days since the incident at the police station. I still felt guilty. Amelia should never have had to there. It was my fault, Olivia kept telling me it wasn't but I knew deep down that it was. Amelia mom had come home from overseas.

She was a little shocked. A lot had happened since she left. She was here whenever she wasn't at work and had helped teach me a hell of a lot about looking after the triplets. I had gotten to know them a lot over the last few days. I loved them.

I knew it was weird to love them so much, unconditionally when I had only met them less than a week ago, but from the moment that I had held them, and been with them, really looked at them, I loved them. I could never leave them. It scared me to think that Amelia wouldn't want me in their lives.

I had not made a good impression on her of late. I looked over at Amelia‟s unconscious body and felt the tears threaten again. I had been crying too much, way too much. It was hard. All I wanted to do was to hold her in my arms and tell her how much I loved her and that I was sorry. I would do anything for her.

I would have taken that bullet and would have gladly been in her place with that bastard. If he was alive I would have killed him myself, but I didn't even get that much. It cut me up inside when I looked at her. They had to shave part of her hair off; she had bandages around her head and a cast on her arm.

The triplets kept asking if mammy was going to be ok. I was strong and said yes, but as the days went on I wasn't so sure. I just wanted Amelia back… was that too much to ask? I realized that I had never told her that I was in love with her.

When I had found out that I was the father of her children I had just walked out, not telling her that I was happy about it? She probably thought that I didn't want to be there. I did, Lord I did so much it hurt.

I wanted her to wake up so I could tell her all this. "Wake up Amelia, please, just wake up so we can be together" I whispered to her. For the first time in my life, I prayed. Prayed that she will be ok. She had to be.