
Pregnant At Seventeen Of Triplets

Amelia was the kind of daughter who is innocent and practiced abstinence until one day she found out that she's pregnant. For seventeen years old who always stays away from mingling found herself preg. This event changes her life and the lives of those around her. Unsure of the father to her unborn child she wonders whether she is cut out for parenthood... but the real test maybe when the father is revealed.

fatoum · Urban
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67 Chs

Chapter 22: John's Point a view (2)

I was instantly so afraid that I froze. He grabbed Amelia by the arm and put a gun to her side. Amelia looked over at me with tears in her eyes. I couldn't let anything happen to her, not after what Lionel had done to Stephanie. She had been my girlfriend before he had raped and killed her.

I had told the police what happened when they questioned me, the next day Lionel had gone. I had not seen him in five years. Now he was here threatening the mother of my children and the love of my life. I wasn't going to let him hurt them, not now not ever.

I would kill him before he laid one greasy hand on them. "Hey there John," he said in that creepy voice that made my skin crawl. "What are you doing here Lionel?" I asked calmly.

I didn't see any reason to make him angrier, and if he did he might hurt Amelia. I pulled the pram closer to me and put myself in front of it, protecting my children. The children I had not yet had the time to get to know and I would after this was all done. I saw a look of relief in Amelia‟s eyes when she realized that the triplets were safe.

"Oh, I was in the neighborhood and heard that you were here. Heard you had a family and everything… your sister…Olivey, was it?

Was very helpful when I persuaded her to talk to me" Oh, Lord. What had he done to Olivia?! He tightened the grip on Amelia‟s arm and it caused her to whimper and more tears fell. I notice the Deputy moving out of the corner of my eye.

I knew that if I kept Lionel distracted that the Deputy might be able to reach Amelia and save her. Lord, what idiot brings a gun into a police station and takes a hostage in the Deputies office? "What did you do to my sister?" I asked, my voice shaking from fury.

"Oh, well she will be fine. I called an ambulance. You can‟t say that I am unthoughtful, now can you." What happened next, all went in slow motion. The Deputy pulled a gun out from his desk, aimed and fired at Lionel.

Lionel realized what was going on and threw Amelia to the ground roughly. I heard the snap of bones and the crack of her head on the floor. The Deputy fired repeatedly at the bastard until he was on the floor, no longer breathing.

The triplets started screaming at the gunshots and I ran over to where Amelia was laying on the ground unmoving. There was a lot of blood and I realized that it was coming from a different place.

I tried to wake her up but she didn't. The blood was everywhere, coming from her head, the greenstick break in her arm and from a bullet wound on her stomach. "Amelia! Amelia! Wake up baby, please, wake up" I kept trying to wake her up but she wouldn't.

I realized that I was crying, Lord, if I had not been an idiot I would never have ended up in here and none of this would have happened.

It was my entire fault. I saw a paramedic come rushing in; they dragged me away from Amelia. I let them, she had to be ok, and she just had to. I went over to the triplets, who were being comforted by one of the receptionists.

I dragged them all into my arm. I need Amelia, now more than ever. I had to know if she was ok. I had never told her so much; she couldn't die because of me. She just couldn't.