

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Lord's Arrival

Zargo turns around and sees, Muscular Beast with glowing eyes descending from mid-air at Zargo with immense speed.

Zargo states, "What...!?" As beast descends at him, launching kick at Zargo.

Zargo blocks kick but strength of Beast's kick sends him flying backwards, However, Zargo quickly slides on his feets after gaining balance.

Zargo swiftly tilts his head at Beast, Stating, "What...?" 

All members observing start to feel nervous as beast materialized out of nowhere and joined battlefield. Member 1 states nervously, "Hey. You got to be kidding me. Do we have to fight this beast also?" While member 2 responds, "I think not. That beast is attacking demon not us. Therefore, It's pretty reasonable to argue, He is not on demon's team."

Sorceress answers Member 1 by saying, "Don't worry, He is on my side. Which means, You all should be fine." To which, Member 1 let's out deep sigh of relaxation.

Zargo starts to approach Beast, saying, "I see, Sorceress. You made quite friends in Ethereal planes. He seems to be ethereal being. Now, Battle would be quite troublesome."

Sorceress replies with a huge, confident grin, "That is exactly what I want. Before Morgrathun and his army arrives, I want you to not cause us trouble in the battle."

Zargo stays silent and takes fighting stance, While Sorceress walks towards him from behind and Beast from front.

Beast growls before lunges at Zargo, leaving energy trails behind. 

Zargo observes beast's movements and start to dodge attacks launched by Beast.

Beast growls as he swings his claw at Zargo, Aiming for chest. But, Zargo easily evades claw swing and counter it with delivering punch in beast's stomach.

As Zargo and Beast engage in tense battle, Sorceress sprints towards Zargo and grabbing him by his shoulder, pulling him towards herself.

Zargo gets distracted from battle as Sorceress grabs him by shoulder. Beast quickly takes advantage of distraction and deliever 2 powerful punch on Zargo's flank. 

Zargo gets momentary staggered, While Sorceress charges energy on her right hand even more and delivering a devastating blow on his chest before he can recover from stagger.

Zargo gets send flying backwards once again, Thrashed over ground multiple times. 

Zargo slowly stands up, Wiping blood from his cheeks, Yet his face remained Unfazed.

Sorceress and Beast stares at Zargo as he approaches them slowly. 

Zargo states as he apporaches them, "Good for both of you. Because, After all, You both would need each other to stand against me." With that Zargo teleports Sword in his hands.

Sorceress eyes slightly widen by seeing sword in Zargo's hand, saying, "Sword? I never knew you used them."

Zargo responds, "That's clearly you then. I use sword, But on a very rare occasions. Pulling sword out from my pocket dimension is very rare for me to do, Although i do not need sword to defeat you both. But, Since it's been a long time since i used sword, So why not use it now."

Zargo immediately charges at them. Both of them quickly assumes block stance.

Sorceress quickly creates front barrier to sheild them as soon as Zargo's sword gets closer to them.

Zargo notices sorceress have successfully created barrier to protect them. Zargo with his immense speed, Appears behind them (There's no barrier behind them) and before both of them could react, Zargo slashes sorceresses' back; Causing Horizontal wound to appear and blood start to spill from wound.

Sorceress exclaims in agony, "AAAH...!" And fall on her knees.

Beast quickly turns around and goes for a face grab, But Zargo with his immense speed, Slashes vertically on Beast's middle part of hand, causing blood to leak out.

Beast roars in pain and he grabs his hand by other. 

Zargo stares at both of them, Saying, "Even if you are experienced in Sorcery for 10,000 years and command ethereal beasts to aid you in battle. Yet, In the end, You had no chance. You have lived 10,000 years while i am older than millions of years. Although, It is true that Humans in general are also millions of years old. But it means nothing to me."

Sorceress slolwy stands up on her feet from knees and turn around towards Zargo, Saying in response, "You sure are confident in your abilties of defeating us humans, Huh? But are you sure you can do that? Maybe you can defeat me and this base, But can you truly defeat Humans?"

Zargo stares at Sorceress, asking, "Is that so? So, Since you are so confident in your race defeating ours, I ask you something. Who is the strongest Huamn in existence? Only for that human to get killed by us with ease."

Sorceress chuckles as she hears Zargo's question and responding, "Hahaha... That is the biggest joke i haver ever heard. But just for the sake of curiosity, Let me tell you truth, You cannot kill God in flesh."

Zargo widens his eye after hearing respond and saying in reply, "What do you mean by 'God in Flesh'? Are you that Optimistic in this human?"

Sorceress replies with mocking tone, "You clearly cannot grasp over the power he possess. All i know is, He exist to take out a certain God level threat out, Which you clearly are not."

Zargo immediately charges at Sorceress after hearing the answer, Aiming to slash her left arm off, However, Beast garbs sword mid swing leaving Zargo speechless.

Beast immediately hurls Zargo to opposite side. Zargo stabs his sword on ground to make him balance mid-air and land on his feet gracefully. Zargo titls his head towards Beast and Sorceress and starts to stare at them.

Sorceress grins at him and taunts him by saying, "Let me tell you something, If you want to fight him. You will encounter one promblem." Zargo asks immediately, Narrowing his eyes, "That is..?"

"He won't even fight you in the first place, Because to him, You are nothing but worthless creature who is there to waste his time." Sorceress answers.

Zargo with a serious yet annoyed expression states, "What? You think I am worthless? You have lost your mind, Human. Do not get too ahead of yourself." With that, He charges yet once again.

Sorceress manages to dodge sword swing right at last time, grabbing Zargo by neck while beast charges up punch with ethereal energy, Sorceress the proceeds to hurl Zargo at Beast.

Beast delievers a devastating punch right in the stomach causing Zargo to bounce back while leaving crater on ground. 

Sorceress points her right hand at Zargo, Shooting 6 energy lazer at him causing Zargo to stay staggered once again for few moments.

Beast countinues attacking by kicking 2 times on Zargo's face; Barrage of 6 punches in the guts, stomach, chest at the same time, Beast knees Zargo on the jaw causing him to stumble backwards, Beast proceeds to Kick Zargo right on front face, Sending Zargo flying backwards at Sorceress.

Sorceress readies her fist and blows it right in the back of Zargo, Bouncing back at Beast while spilling out blood.

Beast hits karate chop on Zargo's shoulder, Causing him to fall on his knees. 

Both Beast and Sorceress readies themselves before simultaneously launching barrage of punches at Zargo from front and back brutally for few moments. There arms are starting to be filled with blood as they deliver barrage of punches.

After few moments of Barrages, Both of them start to charge there punch with energy. Beast with Left hand and, Sorceress with Right hand.

AFter charging there fists, Both of them deliever there devastating blows with immense strength, Clenching Zargo between punches and creating a huge shockwave with crater in middle. 

All the members present there are thrown off guard by shockwave and the strength of Sorceress and beast. 

As soon as Zargo's body was going to touch ground, Beast Kicks him right in side cheeks, causing him to get hurled backward while spilling blood.

Sorceress stares at fallen Zargo, and stating, "H-He should be down by now." 

Zargo's face is filled with blood and so is his stomach and shoulders. Zargo Struggles to breathe as he tries.

Zargo tries to stand up but fails for few times before he starts healing his wound. 

After standing up, Zargo wipes off blood from his face but, His face is still filled with wound scratches.

Sorceress is baffled after seeing Zargo, Saying, "H-H-How? H-How is this possible? You shouldn't be able to move around."

Zargo with a stern face, says, "Do you truly think this would take me down? If that's the case, Then you truly are idiot."

Sorceress stays silent as she hears Zargo. Zargo looks at sky, stating, "Huh. Seems like here they come." Sorceress looks at sky while saying, "Huh?"

Annoying screeching can be heard from the sky that causes Beast to be decimated by mere voice and other members present there immediately die by screehing.

Sorceress is barley able to stand infront off screeching causing her to fall on her knees while Zargo just stands there unfazed looking at Sorceress with stern face.

Turns out it's Malefic who is screeching and unleashing it's warth on Outline preserver while Morgrathun and Nixi is sitting on top of it, And group of demon teleports through portal behind Zargo.

Sorceress realizes the screeching is dangerous so she immediately put a sound barrier to surpress screeching of Malefic, Causing everyone inside to be safe.

Malefic gracefully lands behind Zargo. Morgrathun and Nixi also descend down from Malefic.

Zargo says with a stern face, "Took you all some time to reach here." 

Morgrathun Smirks saying, "Heh, You kind of seem wounded. But yea, Now you can start to go all out without holding back, Unlike now."

Sorceress eyes get widen in shock and fear after she comes to know, Zargo had been holding back this whole time. While Zargo just staring down at her.

Hmmm... What should i do now? And yes, Zargo was holding back because why not. (I am cooked because i am absolutly dogshit author)

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