

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Heavenly Delusion!

Malgorth takes a step back in surprise as he witnesses the Guardian's awe-inspiring heavenly transformation. Fuming with frustration and fear. 

The Guardian speaks, in a commanding voice, resonating throughout the realm of the nominee, "Your fate has been established, Malgorth." Malgorth narrows his eyes, clearly frustrated.

Without hesitation, the Guardian swiftly seizes Malgorth by the face and propels him into the air. In a remarkable display of agility, Guardian executes an impressive upside-down kick directly to Malgorth's stomach. Swiftly appearing behind him in mid-air, the guardian executes a powerful Crescent kick to Malgorth's back. 

Malgorth spills blood out in agony and descends rapidly towards the ground with incredible force. "GAH!" Malgorth lets out a cry of pain as he crashes to the ground, the sound of his bones crushing reverberating through the realm.

Immediately, the Guardian comes face-to- Malgorth with enormous might. With tremendous power, the Guardian seizes Malgorth by the head, forcefully slams him onto the ground, and proceeds to drag him across the realm by his face.

The Guardian drags Malgorth for a few moments before dragging him in the air, crushing his skull, and tossing him across the whole realm like a ball. 

Malgorth is thrown across the realm, bouncing off the ground like a playful ball 23 times before finally sliding to a stop, face up.

The Guardian begins his ascent towards Malgorth, his arms folded as he hovers in the air. 

Malgorth grits his teeth as he confronts an overwhelming challenge, barely able to remain on his feet. 

The Guardian channels his energy to support Malgorth, enabling him to regain his strength and rise to his feet. The Guardian speaks with a commanding authority that resonates across the realms. "Stand up, as I still have more to discuss with you. You will experience every ounce of pain in your body before I return your stubborn and arrogant soul to the bottomless pit, you inadequate entity.

Malgorth's face contorts with anger and animosity as he retorts, "Your supposed power from above means absolutely nothing. In the end, you will meet your demise. There are no limitations to my triumph. And as for you, you just happened to cross paths with me, foolishly thinking you are preeminent and hold power above me."

Guardian Remains silent in response to Malgorth's reply. Malgorth becomes increasingly frustrated as the Guardian continues to disregard him. 

Malgorth leaps into the air, extending his arms wide, and releases a scream filled with intense fury that reverberates throughout the realm. As he releases a powerful scream, the entire realm begins to tremble. After a few intense moments, a tremendous surge of energy erupted from the ground, appearing at a random location in the realm. 

Guardian remains unfazed by energies. The Guardian and Malgorth are locked in a tense standoff, their bodies suspended in mid-air. An unexpected surge of energy emerges from the ground beneath the Guardian. However, the Guardian's mere presence effortlessly annihilates energy without him even acknowledging its existence.

Malgorth grits his teeth in frustration as he witnesses the Guardian's overwhelming presence draining his energy. The Guardian confidently challenges, "Feel free to try and harm me; I won't even bother dodging."

Malgorth swiftly moves forward, launching a punch that, unfortunately, doesn't have any impact. Malgorth proceeds with a series of strikes, incorporating three punches, two kicks, and an attempt to grapple the guardian, all in an effort to overcome their formidable hand-to-hand combat abilities.

Guardian's powerful presence sends Malgorth flying backwards after he attempted to grab him. The Guardian states, "I offered you free hits, but it hardly seemed worth the effort, given how little damage your punches do now."

Malgorth lands on the ground with a thud. Malgorth slowly stands up, glaring at the Guardian with intense hatred. Malgorth smirks, remarking, "You seem to be quite impotent." To which Guardian instantly responds, "Impotent? Me? What has frightened you, Demon?"

Malgorth chants 'Beam of Death' and deftly launches the beam at the Guardian. The Guardian doesn't move, allowing the beam to strike it. Malgorth confidently smirks as he quickly chants, "Preva!" A beam strikes the Guardian.

A haze of smoke dissipates, leaving Malgorth with a look of astonishment and a wide grin on his face. He has just witnessed a hole being pierced through the Guardian's transcendent form. However, the Guardian effortlessly heals the hole.

Guardian remarks, "Very creative! I must say, I'm quite impressed by your intelligence." Malgorth confidently approaches the Guardian, a smirk playing on his lips. He remarks, "It's quite fascinating to see that even in your transcendent form, you are still subject to the manipulation of the future." "It's quite informative, don't you think?"

Guardian expresses dissatisfaction, Admitting, "Well, it is indeed. Thanks to your abilities, I have gained a better understanding of my limitations. But you're still too naive to judge the outcome."

Malgorth opens his eyes with a wide grin, responding, "Oh, really?" Following that, Malgorth quickly throws a punch to the face and then another punch to the waist. The Guardian responds by taking action to prevent further interaction.

Malgorth proceeds with a forceful hook punch to the face. The Guardian effortlessly defends against the hook punch as well. 

Malgorth unleashes a rapid barrage of punches with incredible speed. Guardian efficiently deflects every punch, swiftly retaliating with a powerful strike that sends Malgorth soaring through the air, propelling him across a series of towering mountains with incredible speed. 

Upon colliding with multiple mountains, a cloud of smoke emerges from each peak, accompanied by the gradual disintegration of their summits. 

Malgroth extended his hands beyond the rim of the crater to hoist himself up. He tightly clenches his fist on Crater's edge. 

Malgorth slowly stands up, his eyes filled with intense anger. He gracefully leaps from the mountain and lands on the ground, his eyes fixated on the Guardian.

Malgorth chants, "Preva!" The individual makes an effort to weaken the Guardian's authority, but the Guardian is present in such a way that it is ineffective.

Nullification has Malgorth completely baffled. The Guardian chuckles and replies, "What happened? Oh wait, you discovered that your 'Preva' is no match for my transcendent form. Well, that's unfortunate."

The Guardian unexpectedly appeared and struck Malgorth in the stomach, causing him to bleed and be propelled backwards with great force, leaving him sprawled across several mountains.

The Guardian begins to levitate in the air once more, steadily approaching him. 

Malgroth remains in the crater on the ground. Guardian looks at him, responding, "Is that the best you can do? Oh, goodness, I am quite disappointed in you. I thought, After decades, someone finally made me feel on the brink of unleashing a fraction of heaven. I am new to this form, even though I am a primordial being. but I am eager to learn and grow. It seems that I have surpassed the boundaries of mortality, rendering this form unnecessary. It's quite astonishing how you, of all beings, have managed to push me to the brink like no other mortal, immortal, human, demon, or even what some may refer to as 'gods' have been able to do. So, I must say, I am quite impressed by your achievements, Demon. Perhaps Malgroth, the S-Tier demon."

Guardian gazes at Motionless Malgorth with a sense of joy and contentment. 

"Mortals, Demons, and After All fall under the category of mortals just like human beings, yet there souls are trapped in there own lands. If only you were cleansed of your wrongdoing, then the heavens would bestow upon you a higher state of existence, transcending the depths of hell. Regrettably, the majority of demons' souls are unable to reach heaven due to the ignorance they perpetuate throughout various incarnations. And that deeply saddens the heart of the heavens. Observing the anguish in your soul evokes sympathy from heaven. There were some instances where Heaven felt a sense of compassion for your race, to the point where divine intervention was considered to free you from torment. However, such actions would have violated divine law. Still, in the end, you did quite admirably for a mortal. I must commend you for your efforts, Malgorth." The guardian states this as he turns his head away and begins to walk off.

As Guardian starts to walk off, he hears a mocking laughter... "Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Guardian. But you have yet to emerge victorious." Malgroth says this as he stands up.

Guardian expresses surprise, exclaiming, "That's impossible! How can you possibly withstand my power, Malgroth?" To which Malgroth replies with a dismissive tone, "It doesn't matter."

Guardian responds, "You could have pretended to be unconscious until I left. Then, you would have had the chance to survive and escape from this realm. Yet you insist on opposing me, fully aware that you have no chance of success. How unyielding and misguided of you, Mortal. Even if you managed to escape this realm, I wouldn't pursue you. In fact, I might even have more respect for your intelligence in that scenario. But you chose to present yourself as unintelligent. How uninformed of you." 

Malgorth responds with, "Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah... Yea, Yea, whatever you say. Stay away from lecturing me simply because you believe you have obtained power from the heavens."

The Guardian becomes irritated with Malgorth and responds, "So, that's what you want then, huh?" 

Malgroth replies with a smirk, "Yeah." But before he could finish, Guardian swiftly delivered a powerful kick to his waist, causing him to be propelled backwards and crash into two towering mountains. 

"UGH!" Malgroth lets out a pained groan as blood spills from his wounds, causing a massive impact on the mountain and sending debris scattering in all directions.

The Guardian swiftly summons an energy sword and launches two powerful energy beam slashes towards Malgroth.

An energy beam swiftly strikes Malgorth before he has a chance to respond. 

Smoke billows around the mountain as powerful energy beams clash with Malgorth.

As the smoke dissipates, Malgorth is seen panting heavily, his arm severed from his body. Blood trickles from his body as he breathes heavily.

Malgorth's face shows signs of a fierce battle, with blood staining one side and energy beams scorching the other.

Malgorth attempts to rise to his feet but is unsuccessful. He gazes at the guardian with intense animosity.

Guardian says, "Don't give me that look of disdain. It's clear that you bear the blame for this situation. I offered you an opportunity to escape, but your lack of comprehension is what leads to your pain."

Malgorth smirks and confidently states, "I am not ignorant." 

Guardian responds, "Is that so? You certainly have quite the audacity to make such a statement, considering the unfortunate circumstances you've experienced, including facial burns and the loss of your arm. Quite impressive, I must say. Let's put this to the test—the validity of your bold claims, shall we?" 

Malgorth's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the response.

A Guardian suddenly confronts Malgorth, delivering a powerful strike to his stomach. The force of the impact reverberates throughout the realm, causing shockwaves to ripple across the surroundings. Malgorth is left reeling, blood pouring from his mouth as he stumbles backward from the force of the blow.

The Guardian relentlessly delivers a series of powerful punches to Malgorth's face, followed by a forceful kick to his stomach, sending him flying backwards.

The Guardian swiftly appears in front of Malgorth, delivering a forceful kick to his face. The impact sends Malgorth tumbling to the ground.

The Guardian proceeds to assert his dominance by forcefully placing his foot on Malgorth's face and utilizing it as a means of transportation, dragging him across the entire realm.

After a few moments of surfing, the Guardian throws Malgorth into the air and proceeds to unleash another barrage of 1000 punches in just a few seconds, propelling Malgorth straight into the clouds.

The Guardian promptly reappears behind him, launching a relentless onslaught of punches and kicks. With a powerful kick, he sends him crashing to the ground, causing a tremendous shockwave that leaves the surrounding mountains in ruins.

As Malgorth gracefully descends onto the crater ground, the Guardian channels his celestial energy, summoning cosmic forces to converge upon Malgorth.

As a burst of cosmic energy hits Malgorth, massive smoke engulfs the entire crater.

The Guardian gracefully descends into the crater, casting a glance towards Malgorth.

Malgorth slowly attempts to rise, his face bearing the marks of brutal injuries and scars adorning his body.

Malgorth maintains a smile as his body sinks to his knees. He quickly drops to his knees, but his smile remains intact.

Malgorth surprises Guardian: "You still haven't given up, mortal?"

Malgorth casually replies, "Nah, I don't care. I am confident that I will come out on top. Do you want to know why?

Guardian simply responds, "Why?" 

Malgorth laughs menacingly as he replies, "Well, it's because I possess a unique ability that amplifies my desires when I embrace my delusions. Simply put, the more I embrace my imagination, the more I can accomplish what others may consider impossible. If I become delusional, I can even conquer the heavens themselves, just like this." 

Malgorth gestures towards the Guardian with his finger. The Guardian's transcendent form begins to dissipate from him. 

The Guardian begins to recover his facial structures. 

The Guardian becomes perplexed as it happens.

Guardia falls to his knees, examining his hand with a bewildered expression. He exclaims, "This doesn't make sense! You must be mistaken. Are you serious?!"

Malgorth laughs even harder: "The reason you couldn't use that supposed 'Transcendent' form is because Heaven was reserving it for me during our battle. I always come out on top, leaving my opponents in the dust. The rules do not apply to my victories. Even if you become transcendental beings like divine beings, you are still bound by rules that do not apply to me."