
Predestined Names

The Naming Ceremony of Alfa Alari is very intricate. Ten days after each birth, Hylia awards each child a name. But what if the parents don't like that name? What if the Chosen Champion never knew of his destiny? This all takes place after the end of the published timeline and before Breath of the Wild (basically in that 10,000 year period that's not elaborated on).

Novakun · Video Games
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16 Chs

F-ing Magic

The wolf led them deeper into the forest. As they walked, it got darker, foggier, and the general aura of the place became more oppressive. The Voice that had been harassing them had even stopped, but every once in a while, Arson could see shadows congealing nearby. It was almost like the ghost wanted to join them.

Zelda was humming a soft, lilting tune, one that sounded vaguely familiar, but Arson couldn't place it. It was somewhat comforting, as if there was this…presence within it.

And then Odie began to sing.

En dašebu nobe šundu

tje̞ šutwu kewenu swa lei

Zelda stopped in her tracks and turned to face Odie, brows knitted. "How do you know that song?" she demanded.

Odie laughed. "Oh, you have no idea how many times I listened to it - words and all - to learn my dance for the Green Ceremony!"

"The Green Ceremony…?" Zelda was somewhat suspicious. Why would commoners know this song?

"Yeah, the whole coming-of-age, congrats-you're-thirteen-now-pick-a-job thing that we do. It's the Goddess's song, right?" Odie flashed a charming smile at Zelda. "We sing it and there's this carefully choreographed dance that goes with it, and it's to get her attention in hopes that she will bless the ones who had turned thirteen."

"Or something like that," Arson said with a shrug. "Who knows if she's even listening."

Zelda stared between them, befuddled. "Its proper name is the Ballad of the Goddess," she said, trying to buy time as this new information (and heresy! Excuse you, Arson!) processed. "It's known among the court, but it's not something that many commoners know."

"And why do we care?" the Voice chimed in. "You three have somewhere you're trying to get to, so can't you talk and walk?"

Zelda sighed. Honestly, why was that ghost so rude?

The wolf huffed from where it had stopped ahead of them, waiting oh so patiently for the conversation to end. These children! Ugh!

"Right, you do have a point," the princess said much more politely than she wanted to. But just because this voice ghost thing was salty didn't mean she got to be. She had a reputation to uphold. She smoothed her skirt and rolled her shoulders back before stepping around Odie and Arson to join the wolf… and then just keep walking. "Are you coming or not?"

"Right!" the other two said in unison, taking off to catch up to her.


"Okay, I'll admit it. This place is creepy," Odie grumbled as the forest finally fell into pitch black. They were sure they hadn't been here long enough for it to be night, so this had to be magic.

"Creepy is not the word I would use for it," Zelda said quietly, as if she was trying to hide the shaking in her voice. "This darkness is unnatural. It reeks of magic."

"Of course it's fucking magic," their new ghost friend intoned. "It's always fucking magic, isn't it?"

"Well, you do live here," Zelda shot back, her hand slipping to the sword on her belt as she heard rustling in the distance. "I don't think you get to complain about magic."

"Shh!" Arson hissed, closing his eyes as he found his back against Odie's. Nudging their elbow, he said "There's something moving in the bushes to your right - my left. Guard the princess and let me handle it."

"You're an idiot," Odie whispered back, but they reached out to find Zelda's arm to pull her close. "What's your plan?"

"I don't have one, yet."

"I can see through this darkness. Follow my voice and swing when I tell you only in the direction I tell you," the ghost ordered as the wolf began to butt up against Zelda and Odie, guiding them somewhere safe. It was best that these two did not get too close to the fight.

"I don't want to sit this out! I'm a perfectly capable fighter!" Zelda protested in a hiss.

"That might be true, but you absolutely cannot get hurt out here," Odie said, tucking the girl behind them and against what felt like a wall.

Arson drew his sword and opened his eyes — not that it would help much — ready for his next set of orders. He would have to trust this mysterious Forest Voice, it seemed, but despite his awful attitude, the Voice didn't seem to have any sort of intention to hurt the trio.

"Six steps forward, three to your right, turn left and slash," the ghost said, and Arson followed through. He was mildly surprised when his sword connected with flesh. The squeal the creature let out sounded like the bokoblins he had seen on the road. There was another squawk not too far from him. It didn't come alone.

"Left, forward two, swing in front of you."

"Spin with your sword." 

"Eight forward, turn right, swing." 

"Behind you, NOW!"

"Wait. Just wait. Spin now!"

The orders came and came, and Arson followed the directions to the letter. The ghost didn't let him down, either. Squeals and hisses sounded as he took on bokoblins he couldn't see.

"Moblin ahead, duck!"

He ducked.


He stabbed.

Again and again he followed the orders, and he was beginning to anticipate them, almost able to hear or sense the enemies closing in around him.

And it was just him. They didn't seem to notice Odie or the princess. They didn't seem to care. He swung again, not waiting for the order, and took out something that had been flapping its way toward him. Probably keese.

And then…there was something glowing green ahead. Arson paused to look at it, wondering what it was, and a hand landed on his shoulder. He immediately elbowed backward, spinning to slap his sword against the side of its owner.

"Holy shit! If I wasn't a fucking ghost, you would have gutted me!" the Voice cried, sounding more impressed than it did peeved.

"No I wouldn't have. Bokos don't have hands. You would have gotten hit with the flat of the blade," Arson stated, still tense. "And why did you just sneak up on me?"

The Voice had no answer for that one.

"Look, I can't even hear the others, okay? So we're pretty far out," Arson stated, sheathing his sword.

"I wouldn't put that up."

"Anything else around?"

"No, but…just to be safe."

"I'm going to check out the glowing green thing. You're going to tell me if anything nasty has popped back up. Can you sense the others?"

"Yes. I'll tell you if they're in need of help as well."


The glowing green thing glowed more insistently as they approached, which made it even more curious. It seemed to be floating as well. And it seemed to be calling to him. Once Arson was closer, though, he saw that it wasn't, in fact, floating, but a green gem resting on a pedestal, glowing merrily away.

Warmth and comfort flowed through him as he stood in front of it. He sheathed his sword and leaned forward. The stone pulsed happily.

"What…is this?" he asked, reaching forward. He wanted to see what it was up close.

When he picked it up, however, the oppressive darkness of the forest turned into a glowing blue room. In this room was a woman with long green hair and a flowing green dress.

"Hello," she said. "It seems you found the Forest Stone."

"The… Uh… ???" Arson stammered, blinking at the woman. Her form was hazy, shifting, vague. Was she the ghost voice? Couldn't be! Or was she…?

"And it seems to like you," she continued. "You are one of Hylia's Chosen. There is something you must do."

The name of the goddess snapped him out of his thoughts.

"I am definitely not one of Hylia's chosen," he protested. "Why would she choose me, anyway?"

"I wouldn't know," the woman said vaguely. "But, if anything, that stone has also chosen you. And my guardian of the forest seems to agree."

"The rude guy or the wolf?"

"The wolf, though he was once one of Hylia's Chosen as well."

So, no explanation for the foul mouthed ghost? Oh well. Arson looked at the stone in his hand. It was no longer glowing or pulsing as if it was trying to capture his attention. It was, however, one of the prettiest gems he had ever seen, shimmering and shifting under the surface as he gazed upon it.

"There is something important that you must do," the woman said, coming closer and bending to look at the stone as well. "There are two others like this. One is in the Lanayru Province. The other is on Death Mountain. Gather them. The other two will give you more information from there."

Arson's jaw dropped. If one was in Lanayru, and the other was on Death Mountain — therefore Eldin — then he was speaking to…

He dropped to one knee in a bow, hand over his heart.

"Lady Farore! I apologize. I did not recognize you."

Farore laughed and held out a hand to help Arson off the ground. "You do not need to bow. Though, I am impressed that you know who I am. Our names aren't well-remembered among Hylia's children."

"My parents aren't the biggest fans of Hylia," he supplied, carefully taking the Goddess's hand as he stood. "The three Golden Goddesses, however, haven't offended them."

"Well, I'm afraid they won't be terribly thrilled with us, either, after this," Farore said with a shrug. "But there's not much we can do about that. There's not much time." She placed her hands on Arson's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "You must gather the other two stones and bring them to the Temple, to Hylia. A great evil stirs, and we must do whatever we can to ensure it doesn't wake."

"Lanayru. Death Mountain. Got it," Arson said, straightening up with a nod. If one of the Golden Goddesses was asking this of him, then it must be important.

"The Temple is hidden for the time being. We will tell you how to get there when it's time," Farore said, leaning forward to kiss Arson on the forehead. "Now go. Your friends will worry."

"Wait!" Arson protested. "Wait, I, uh… I have a question."


"Why do you call me Arson?"

"Is that not your name?" the goddess asked.

"Well… Kind of. It's a nickname. My parents named me Carson, but I know that's not supposed to be my name, either."

"So your name is Arson. You like it best, after all."


"Then why would I not call you by the name you like best? Goddesses know these things." The green-haired woman laughed and kissed Arson once more on the forehead. "Now go."