
Predators' Boogeyman

Did you hear about the Duke hiding a child? If not, let me tell you the Duke's dark secret. Other than his family's flower, he had adopted a child from the slums- a rat! Others say this is what made the King kick out the Duke several years ago. Although true, I've heard of something more interesting. The King is scared of the child. And now, those rumors have been proven true. The child is back.

Anthonyte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Prayer for Vermillion's Justice Scripture

"It's... nothing..." Eid said. He never had the chance to talk about Arin because of the uncertainty that might bring. It had reached the point of no return. He had to keep Arin a secret until he fully learns and understands about this strange and mysterious voice- that's not a fairy- in his head.

Although Grandpa Frodo cannot be easily fooled, he didn't think much of it.

'Must be because it's his first time that it hurts.' Grandpa Frodo thought to himself without realizing what that sounds like.

Meanwhile, EId let out an excited smile once he processed what happened.

'Arin, is this one of the perks you offer?'

[It is.]

'Does it work on scriptures as well?'

[As long as it is imbued with the so-called spiritual energy.]

'Imbued... as in that kind of imbued?'


Wait, did Eid just stumble upon an interesting revelation? Filled with curiosity, he asked.

'Are scriptures made the same as the items we usually refer to as Imbueds?'

[Yes, scriptures can be considered as Imbued. However, immense spiritual energy is needed to create one. But the factor that separates scriptures from the other Imbueds is that their complicated content is Gospels written by Saints, or higher.]

'How much energy are we talking about?'

[A 1,500 square meter polished Alexandrite Stone, or simply, a size of a castle.]

Eid sipped cold air. An Alexandrite Stone is the top-most ranking among the spirit crystals that can power an entire country to another level. Thumb-sized is enough for kingdoms to wage war and Arin is saying that to make a scripture needs such a spirit crystal with the size of a castle!

That doesn't sound right. If that's true, how can Bishops write scriptures? They are rich and powerful, but they are far from having such a treasure ready to be used as materials.

Asking it to himself alone won't do it so he asked Arin which she answered:

[That's impossible. My theory is that Bishops, Cardinals, the Pope, and even the Ten Apostles don't create scriptures, they replicate what the Saints passed down.]

'I see... that makes sense. Does that mean the original scripture of the Vermillion's Justice exists out there somewhere?'

[Yes, and they are much more powerful than the replicas.]

'How... powerful?'

[Enough to make you a Saint.]

Eid held his head and felt a little dizzy. They are talking about something so absurd and over the top.

[There is one in the Iron Kingdom.]


[But, not of the Vermillion's Justice but of lower grade, still an original nonetheless.]

Eid gulped, 'Should I take it?'

[That's already within my plan. You'll get it. It is in the High Priest's hands.]

Cold water suddenly poured onto Eid's excitement, 'A High Priest? That's like telling me to kill myself!'

[You have to change perspective.]

'That's easily said than done. I'm aware that the duchy is just one small pond, making it seem like I'm a big fish.'

[Would it change your perspective if I tell you that you'll have to contend with the Ten Apostles in the future?]

'... well, if you tell me that, a High Priest seems like an ant in comparison.'

[It's because they are.]

Eid sighed. Who is this Arin, really? To say that a High Priest is an ant, he is starting to think that she's from a higher dimension.

'Okay, it's not like I hate the idea of being able to contend with a High Priest. However, realistically speaking, my strength right now couldn't even defeat a Priest. Maybe, I can contend with a Hollowcore better now but that's it.'

[That's why I said I want you to get stronger. That's what the Path of Advancement Manual is for. You still have time.]

Eid's mood got better. That's true, he still got time. Before returning to the Vermillion's Justice, he asked something about it.

'Do you have any tips on how to understand this scripture better?'

[Look into your Path of Advancement Manual.]

Eid's brows were raised, deeply interested. Following Arin's advice, he looked into the manual. Before, there was only the Upgrade System, now, there's the Exchange System. In it, there's only one option.

[- Exchange System -

Prayer for Vermillion's Justice Scripture]

With a will, Eid chose to look into that option, already expecting what it offers. And when he saw its content, his expectation was proven right.

[- Prayer for Vermillion's Justice Scripture -

Description: When gold turns to blood, mankind's faith strengthens. When blood turns to shadow, the vermillion's justice reveals itself.]

After the fascinating description was a list of options where Eid can exchange his points for a percentage of understanding of the said scripture.

[Acceptable Grade - 99 Justice Points

Good Grade - 199 Justice Points

Great Grade - 299 Justice Points

Excellent Grade - 399 Justice Points

Extraordinary Grade - 599 Justice Points

Fated Grade - 999 Justice Points

??? Grade - 9,999 Justice Points]

Reading the last line made Eid frown. What the hell does '???' mean? At this point, it had become a habit to ask Arin about things he cannot answer on his own.

[If the manual doesn't know, I don't know either. But I advise you that the manual is fair. If it's worth 9,999 Justice Points, the power it offers is worth that much as well. At the same time, you should consider the circumstance when you choose. It's not always realistic to obtain that many Justice Points.]

'What are Justice Points, anyway?'

[The Path of Advancement Manual has considered your affinity to justice; thus, this is applied to all the systems it offers. In other words, Justice Points are equivalent to the progress you have in your Upgrade System. With the Exchange System opening, the manual implemented the Points System as well. Now, you have more options.]

'Ohh...' Eid was just curious and willed to see how many Justice Points he has, and a number entered his head.

[52 Justice Points.]

'Huh! How did I get so many!?'

[That's how many ghouls you banished last night. Every three faces give you one point.]

Eid's eyes widened and suddenly went computing with his hands. Knowing what he was thinking about, Arin answered:

[At this rate, it would take you 192.29 nights to be able to exchange for the '???' Grade.]

Eid almost jumped out of fright. To put that into perspective, his grandfather took three months to memorize the first layer of the scripture. It only took him a second! His grandfather took five months before giving a formal prayer that is graded as Extraordinary. If he wants to exchange for the same grade, he will get it in...

Eid began computing with his hands again, but Arin answered it for him:

[11.52 nights]

'That's fast!!'

But to be fair, his grandfather didn't use all his time studying the scripture. Just like what Grandpa Frodo said, there are other scriptures he absorbed during this time. Still, though, that speed is frightening.

'Surely, the second and the third layer would be more expensive and harder to obtain.' that's when he thought of something.

'I should save up my Justice Points for that original scripture the High Priest has.'

That would be the best-case scenario. However, Eid is ready to use the Justice Points if the circumstances call for it. What Duchess Judith told him about the Topaz-Rank Ring of Protection could be applied to this logic as well. He shouldn't expect to make the best use of it, reality is unpredictable...

Eventually, Eid went into trying to understand Vermillion's Justice. If he could understand it on his own, would there be a need to use the Justice Points? Furthermore, he wants to gain experience which is also a good way to spend time.

After all, this travel would take them a whole day. It's a very long time, and boring way, to spend staring at the repetitive scenery out on the road. The scenery out the window was just a green expanse of uneven ground with a few herds of animals and trees here and there. On the horizon were mountains shrouded in mist and clouds. They were currently in nowhere, in the middle of the duchy and their destination...

A few hours later, Eid opened his eyes. The thought he had after understanding scripture for the very first time which is the first step of the path as a Tier 1 Fighter is:

'What did I just read?'

He scratched his head as he didn't understand anything from the scripture. However, he immediately noticed the difference in his consciousness. He felt refreshed and new, light as a newborn child.

"So, how did it go?" Grandpa Frodo asked after noticing Eid finished his first session of absorbing the contents of a scripture.


Grandpa Frodo nodded, satisfied before standing up, stepping into the window, and kicking Eid out.

"Now, you drive, how dare you make your dear Grandpa drive you without giving him a rest!?"

"Ah, you could've told me that without kicking me, geezer!"

"Hmph!" Grandpa Frodo smirked before instantly falling asleep the moment his back lay on the couch inside the carriage, "Zzzzz..." while snoring loudly.

"Wow, what an old man." Eid laughed as he sat on the chair in front of the carriage and took the handle for the horse.

While he was rethinking his plan in the White Steel City, Eid heard something loud approaching them. He turned to his left and from tens of meters away, he saw a group of horses trotting ridden by some boisterous men in the same direction as he is. Less than a kilometer away, the road he and his grandfather are currently on will converge with the road that these boisterous men are on.

These men numbered around 20 and, in the middle, there is a string of iron cages. Eid couldn't see if there are people in the iron cages but with one look, he already knew what kind of people they are.

Now, he had two choices: he can slow down or speed up so that he wouldn't have to intersect with these men, or he can keep pace and meet them head-on.

Although Eid likes killing these kinds of people, he is not a hero. A hero is someone who would sacrifice even himself to help others. He might save some people but that poses a risk of exposing himself before he even reaches the White Steel City.

This group of men might have a Tier 2 Fighter among them. Although Eid, with his newfound power, is confident he can stand on his feet against them, it's not a hundred percent he will not let all of them escape. He doesn't like going in unprepared.

That's why he went to the White Steel City first before the Capital. One of his missions there is to meet up with some Guill Members to help him using his foster father's name and personally written letters. The second mission is to learn more about who and how powerful the people are surrounding the King.

If he acts as a hero now, that plan might be compromised. Thus, he slowed down. He didn't want to go faster, making the group of men notice him more.

Unfortunately, the group of men saw him first and went faster. When they reached the part where the roads converge, they stopped and waited for Eid and his carriage.

Eid sighed upon seeing this.

'Trouble really comes after you.'