
Predator of Love

In this world where Traits are determined when you have awakened, what would happen if someone possesses the power to increase the might of others, but it'll only apply to women? What would happen if that power falls into a young 16 years old naive boy who has been constantly shielded by his mother and sisters? (Contain tags such as Yandere, Milf and so much more to be rediscovered) (https://discord.gg/pDSA4GqT)

ADboy245 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Selaine Zaneia

"Whatcha doing Lil bro?" A feminine gentle and melodic voice resounded near my left ear.

I could feel the soft air traveling and tickling my ear. Without a doubt, it's my sister who came from my back.

Seconds later, she surrounded her warm arms in the middle of my stomach and chest area. Due to how tall she is, she pressured her chest against my back and placed her chin above my head.

"Nothing much, I'm almost done with getting ready. If I'm not wrong, all of you will be accompanying me right?" I asked.

My voice trembled a little bit when I felt her soft big chest touching my back.

I don't know whether she's doing this on purpose, but I could feel my crotch getting harder, but soon, I tried calming myself down.

3rd Pov

Selaine Zaneia, the eldest of the trio, possesses a profound and almost obsessive affection for her younger brother, Daniel.

The depth of her love is astonishing, often bordering on the irrational.

His innocent gaze and the unspoiled naivety he carries within him seem to captivate her in a way that defies explanation.

With a six-year age gap between them, Selaine stands at the age of twenty-two, an era where suitors are likely queuing up, hoping to win her affection.

However, her heart's true devotion lies with her little brother, casting a shadow over any would-be admirers.

Dignity and pride are woven into Selaine's very being, elements that elevate her presence and command respect from those around her.

Her high standards are apparent, allowing only those with comparable power and status to engage with her on her terms.

The male gaze fixated on her form, abilities, and social standing, stirs a visceral reaction within her—a potent mix of disgust and frustration.

Their unwarranted confidence and obliviousness to her indifference fuel her irritation.

Despite her icy exterior, Selaine's role earned her the moniker "cold empress."

Her demeanour is akin to a frosty wind, leaving others feeling the chill of her presence.

But beneath that icy facade, she carries a deep bond with her brother, a connection that defies her reputation and serves as a testament to the strength of family ties.

The legend of Selaine Zaneia spread far and wide, shrouded in an aura of fear and awe.

It wasn't merely her supernatural command over ice, able to conjure and manipulate it at a whim, that invoked dread, but also the shadow of her ferocity and terror, lurking beneath her frosty exterior, awaiting any who dared to rile her.

In the tapestry of her story, a singular incident stood out, a canvas painted with vivid details.

The stage was an event where a cacophony of backgrounds converged, a celebration marked by dancing, laughter, and clinking glasses.

Amidst the revelry, Selaine's participation was a respectful nod to her patron, a gesture in honour of tradition rather than personal inclination.

Yet, hidden within this elaborate façade was a reality known only to a few, the unwavering and almost obsessive love she held for her brother.

It was a devotion that stirred beneath her icy veneer, a love that had the power to thaw even the coldest of hearts.

The festivities turned tumultuous when a man, driven by foolish audacity, dared to challenge her.

Ignoring the unspoken boundaries she projected, he invoked her wrath with his reckless defiance.

A cascade of events followed, like a meticulously choreographed ballet of doom and misfortune that engulfed not only him but his entire lineage.

Their once-thriving family company crumbled into obscurity, and their once-honoured name was relegated to the realm of shame.

While her actions sent shockwaves through the country, Selaine herself remained untouched by the tide of guilt or remorse.

Her conscience, seemingly frozen in its own detached realm, allowed her to carry out her will without faltering, even as others recoiled at the consequences.

In the end, Selaine's enigmatic presence became synonymous with terror, her power intertwined with an almost mythic dread.

Growing up within a family lineage that held a significant sway on Earth, Selaine's roots were intertwined with pride, yet her demeanour was a delicate balance between her self-assuredness and innate humility.

Despite her pride, her humility acted as a buffer, allowing her respect to flourish among the masses.

Among these, young women held a special regard for her, often finding solace and empowerment in her firm stance against allowing men to exercise dominance over them.

Yet, amidst the cold veneer, she often projected, a softer truth existed, a truth that revolved around her cherished little brother.

Within the confines of her heart, the walls of icy reserve crumbled in the face of overwhelming love, care, and an unbreakable protective instinct.

At the mere thought of him, her countenance softened, and a torrent of emotions surged uncontrollably.

For Selaine, her brother was more than a sibling, he was the sun that thawed her icy exterior.

Anything involving him stirred a profound shift in her disposition, an almost manic obsession that defied her usual self-possession.

The memory of their first meeting remained etched in her heart.

She was a mere six years old when her mother introduced her to an abandoned baby, his innocence radiating from his cherubic face.

That moment marked the inception of an unfamiliar sentiment that grew steadily with each passing day.

It wasn't long before Selaine realized her affection for Daniel was unique, even by sibling standards.

Her friends coined a term for it, ' Bro con', as she regaled them with stories of her little brother's achievements, brimming with pride that she openly embraced.

In the end, Selaine's narrative was one of juxtaposition, the cold, formidable empress who could be softened by the mere mention of her brother's name.

Selena made a conscious decision not to let her love for him go unnoticed.

Instead of staying passive, she embraced her emotions while carefully navigating the balance between expressing them and not overwhelming Daniel.

Her secret source of emotional rejuvenation? Hugs.

Those nighttime embraces were like a recharge for her heart, a way to fill up with the love she felt for him.

Despite her deep feelings, Selena's biggest fear was the prospect of Daniel turning away from her.

That fear drove her to be cautious, ensuring that her expressions of affection wouldn't lead to any form of discomfort or rejection.

Even so, she carried an unwavering belief that someday,

Daniel's feelings would mirror her own.

This belief seemed to stem from an inexplicable source, maybe her intuition or a gut feeling she couldn't shake.

And guess what? Her hunch hit the mark.

That moment came when she stumbled upon Daniel in a private, intimate moment, one that involved her name.

It was like a plot twist that shattered the passive facade of her affection, propelling her into a realm of emotions she hadn't anticipated.

That was the moment when her love story went from "warm and fuzzy" to "Wait, what?!"

Emotions hit the fast-forward button, and her journey of affection took a wild, unexpected twist.

From that point on, her love took on new dimensions, altering the course of their relationship in unexpected ways.

After discovering Daniel's feelings for her, Selena knew that his emotions would only grow over time. Realizing that her perception of love wasn't unique, she shared this revelation with her sister and mother.

With this new understanding, they patiently waited for the right moment for these feelings to develop further.

It was like planting seeds and watching them gradually bloom into something special, a journey they were all eagerly anticipating.

Selaine's embrace enveloped Daniel in a world of warmth and affection, her crimson eyes emitting a dangerous yet loving glow.

As she held him close, her words were a soft melody, "How could Mum, your other sister, and I not accompany you on such an important day? There's no way we would miss it."

Her breath mingled with his hair, and a gentle ruffle of his locks was a testament to her playful tenderness.

A smile tugged at Daniel's lips as he continued, "I see...then thank you. I may not awaken an ability as impressive as yours, but I won't let any disappointment bring me down."

His voice carried a mix of determination and gratitude, a reflection of her unwavering support for him.

Responding to her embrace, Daniel turned his body, hugging her back.

Their height difference meant that he could only bury his face in her bosom.

It was a familiar gesture he turned to when he felt discouraged or lacked confidence in achieving something.

Unbeknownst to Selaine, there was another desire lingering beneath this innocent act.

In his heart of hearts, Daniel held a lifelong aspiration, one he dared not reveal openly.

His true thoughts, and hidden desires, were well-known to Selaine. Yet, he kept them concealed, locked away.

As Selaine witnessed this act of vulnerability, her own feelings intensified.

A soft, warm smile graced her lips, radiating fondness and an understanding of his struggles.

Within the walls of their household, Daniel's determination to make his family proud was evident to all.

His efforts, though seen as adorable, also raised concerns about his well-being.

While striving to achieve goals was commendable, they worried that he might neglect his health in the process.

And so, how could their affection not burgeon further?

Watching him press forward with the goal of making them proud, even as his own desires remained hidden, only deepened their love and concern.