

A girl is tied with a rope in a chair in a dark room . She is shivering in a fear . She didn't know what is happening to her , why she is kept in a dark room , who kidnapped her . What they will do to her . These are the questions in her mind but she is a brave girl . So she bravely waiting for the person who is kidnapping her . A sound of door opening is heard . She compose herself to speak to the person . Her face is covered with black cloth and her eyes are blindfolded . She feels the person is coming near her . That person is removing her blindfold . She is shocked to see the person . That person is the world's most dangerous mafia gang SHARK 's don Ryan Milton. She is panicking to see him . He is not known by everyone . He is far away from media but he is a celebrity . His CEO personality is known by everyone but his underworld ruled by him . No one dare to mess with him . She didn't know , why he is kidnapping her . She knows him very well as a mafia don because she is a journalist and secret agent for helping Intelligence bureau but she believes that he didn't know about her . She asked innocently ," Wh....Who are you ? Why are you bringing me here ?" He smiles at her intelligence . He closely observe her . Her hazel eyes are glittering . Her soft plump lips urges him to kiss her . Her sweats are like pearl fall on the floor . He told her ," Smart move Miss Myra Rana , an aspiring journalist and fiance of a famous reporter Aryan " Her world shattered . She knows he would definitely kill her but she wanted to save Aryan . Her thoughts interupted by a rough slap on her cheeks which was given by Ryan. " How dare you Miss.Myra ? . How can you think that you can escape once enter into my mansion . How dare you to mess with me ?" He then repeatedly slaps her . Atlast she loses her consicious and when she about to fall he wraps his arm around her hip to make steady and then he asked his guards to bring cold water . He splashes the water on her face to get her waking up " Ms Myra get up you fuck . How dare you ?" She opened her eyes . Her cheeks are turned to red and her lips are swollen and bleeding . She saw the man who is tied in a chain who is bleeding heavily . She clearly observe the person who is none other than her fiance Aryan . Her heart shattered . She is crying continuously She begged Ryan to leave Aryan . He devilishly smiled at her and take a gun out and point out Aryan's head .Her heart stops . Then he press the trigger , the shooting sound thunder her ear . She shouts and closed the eyes . Ryan told her ," Open your eyes miss myra " She opened but Aryan was not dead . Then she look at Ryan . Who stare at her " Ms Myra , how can you think I simply kill him . My punishment for both of you is begging for your death but the death is not arrive till my revenge is over " I can give you two option .Choose one First kill him , I leave you Second marry me , I leave him The option is yours . Time starts now . Within 10 mins you should answer me .

Arthi_S_6992 · Urban
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30 Chs


Ryan pov ,

It is being one week Myra works as my assistant . She is fucking beautiful than before . She looks like a woman . Her face shows innocence once I was addicted and mesmerized now I am disgusted . She is a fox in sheep cloth . I am torturing her by giving more works and giving extra works like bringing coffee for me and yell at her that coffee is not good .

I fucked a whore in front of her in a office building . I know she still has some feeling for that .

I am sitting in my office doing my work . Myra came inside my cabin with a cup of coffee . She wears a maroon salwar in which she looks adorable .

One second , I saw her with love without hate and revenge . I want to kiss her plump lips . I am in my own dream but when I came to reality . She is my betrayer . She betrayed my love and care for her . Before her , I don't feel anything about love, care , emotions but after she gone . I am trembled to live a life . My whole world broken . I take more than one year to recover from that shock . Yet I am not recovered .

Then after finishing my work , I went outside to my mansion. I stepped into the car . I saw Myra talking to a man with her a small child . They are looking like a family . I can't imagine . She has a family . She has a child .

She makes my whole life hell and have child and husband . Which is not fair . She is mine . I will kill her husband and sold the child then I will make her my whore . My fucking whore . She is living a beautiful life with a family while I am living a corpse life with her memories .

What the fuck . Myra makes me insane . I called my detective friend to enquire about Myra . I am going inside the office to see Myra's address . I saw and give to my man to follow her . I thought to give her one month freedom but her actions makes me insane . She will regret for the betrayal she given .

I went to the club . I want diversion otherwise I will do worse on her . I thought about how much I love her how much I cherish her . How I thought about my whole life with her . I thought that I can spend my whole life by seeing her but she gives me the worst betrayal . I will do her worst . I will make her regret

I got the call from detective that there is no one in Myra's life . She is a single mom . I cut the call . I puzzled . She is a single mom which means whose child is that .

Is that mine . If the child is mine . I will give that child best future and cherish her . If she is not mine , I will throw her in brothel .

I asked my men who followed Myra told that a man who is in her apartment for long time and went . I cut the call , this is so much confusing . The answer will give by Myra .

I decided to kidnap Myra and that little one . I don't have any revenge on that little girl but if she is not mine , she is the sign of her betrayal .

I ordered my men to kidnap Myra and little one and bring to the basement . I went to my mansion and get freshen up and ate dinner .

After sometimes , I got a call from my men that he kidnapped her and tied her in a basement .

Soon my wife ............ I am coming .

What do you think Ryan will do ?

Is he ever forgive her ?