

Explicitly, this is a collection of plays, essays, descriptions, poems, letters, biographies, blogs (stuff) I've written for school assessments over the recent years. Some of these may eventually become a standalone novel, but that is yet to be decided. And hence, the title "Precedence" is given to this novel.

Valensce · Teen
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9 Chs

Wolves and Shadows

- Abstract -

Annaliesce, a seventeen year old has just graduated from high school to move on to her next chapter - college. She was all set for success in her degree until the first of May, when she unknowingly met her fated partner. Did her love of life recognise her beforehand?

ACT 1: Scene 1

A blue-grey wolf leapt into the air, and time seemed to freeze for a couple of seconds before the mythical creature landed swiftly on the other side of the cliff. What had been a beaming silver face had somehow become vermined with crimson rivers in a matter of seconds. A deep, mournful howl echoed through the night, unanswered. Blood...no it wasn't the wolf bleeding, it was the moon.

With the blink of an eye, the wolf disappeared into the woods. I looked back up at the moon, which was still shining with pride in the midnight sky despite its bleeding heart. A bittersweet surge of memories washed over me as I took in a deep breath.

More howls echoed from around me, potentially trying to warn me to back away from their pack's territory, and so I instinctively pulled myself up and started heading home, darting through the woods again. I already got my once-in-a-lifetime moment near the wolves, so staying there any longer would be asking for trouble.

My breaths became shallow and fast as I sprinted through the forest, dodging every tree and jumping over the fallen branches that came in my way. I thought the wolves were a safe distance away until something furry brushed against my skin. My heart skipped a beat...

I pretended it was just a leaf and that it was not the end of the world, but a growing sense of insecurity developed within me. Then, to my sheer shock and horror, I saw a row of hungry eyes glowing in front of me. I turned the other way, but then I realised I was enveloped by wolves. Chances of me escaping fell down to zero. Slowly, the circle closed in on me as I shut my eyes, waiting for my demise...

ACT 1: Scene 2

The snap of my neck never came. What happened to me? I don't even know...but I do know that the next time my eyes opened, I was no longer in the forest. Instead, I was peacefully laying in my backyard hammock. I could not recall falling asleep there, so I wasn't sure how I got there in the first place. However, I did remember, quite astutely, the vivid images from last night - especially the howls.

It was way too realistic, there could be no way that it was only a dream. Perhaps I had read too many fantasy novels lately. I shift my weight to the edge of the hammock and tip my legs out, gently rocking myself while doing so. Warm beams of sunlight pour through the interwoven branches above, spilling some splotches here and there. I take in a deep breath and concentrate on exhaling after.

Just as I was about to hop onto the ground, something big and dark moved in my peripheral vision. I immediately turned to find what it was, but it had disappeared already. Seriously, my obsession on fantastical realms was probably unhealthy to my mental wellbeing.

- END OF ACT 1 -

Update: I've started a new novel called Xaviicia and I hope it's gonna be as exciting for you guys as it is for me! It's available on my profile, and I'll be updating it wayyy more frequently than this one.

2022 | Potential Novel - I wrote this mini play for fun in my spare time

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