
chapter 5

Abbie's POV

I don't even know where the shopping center is.


" What." She says harshly but in a whisper.

"I could use some company tomorrow." I bring my lips into a line even when I know she cannot see me.


"So that's a yes?"

"I offered first, what do you expect, now don't make me change my mind." I can feel her roll her eyes at me.


The shopping center was what I had expected. So many marquees, fast food stores, groceries, i almost wished I had bought gas like mom had suggested but they didn't allow cooking in school grounds.

I checked my phone and it was eleven in the morning. I felt something wrong and tried hard to think what it was but pushed it back when it didn't click. Prudy signalled me to enter the boutique that was creepily branded. I ignore the name which I later learned was Espanol and made my way through.

Everyone eyed me for a second and their eyes peeled off probably deciding I was not worth their time or maybe it was Prudy they were looking at. It's not like I was dressed pathetically or my body was something to be embarrassed about, honestly I just hated to blush every time anyone looked my way because I was sure they were either checking out my breasts or my ass. I found that uncomfortable and wished longer to be a Petite instead of this full figured girl.

"Way to earth Abbie." Prudy called me back to my senses and pulled my hand to a dresses shelf. She picked out the most intimidating above the knee _way above the knee_ red dress which I rejected immediately and earned an eye roll from her. I went ahead to pick a short sleeved knee-length black dress and proceeded to the dressing room.

I quickly pull out the plain black v-neck t-shirt that I had on and moved to get rid of my blue jeans when I accidentally pulled at the curtain of the dressing room. It tore and exposed my bras and panties which did not even match.

Cameras turned to me as I stood trying to cover up my body with my hands and my eyes wandered for Prudy, she wasn't there.


I felt energy escape and turned to pick my t-shirt. Just before I could turn back, I felt a cloth on me. Berlin. Berlin!

'Oh my God, this can't get any worse.' I smack my inner self. He holds up the ripped curtain until I am dressed and I walk out.

"Thankyou." I whisper and he smiles, not trying to criticize.

Prudy walks with quick steps towards me and slaps Berlin.

What the hell?

"You pervert." We all look confused and Berlin burns into her eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You took advantage of my friend's situation. I heard people talk about it."

At least I was glad she had my back but she got the whole situation wrong.

"He... He helped me. His name is Berlin."

"I know what his name is." She smirks still not peeling her eyes from him, "He is in Kiara's group of psycho friends."

What? She knew Kiara? I open my eyes slightly but this is definitely not the time or place to argue about that.

"Whatever, just don't come close to her again."

Wow, this girl has an ego. She didn't even apologize. My phone reads 13:25 and_ Brandon!

"Prudy, I really have to hurry." But wait, how am I supposed to find him? Shit, I didn't even get his number. I relax. "Never mind."

I left the dresses and went for trousers instead. My family had gathered some funds for my pocket money and I acquired a smart card at the airport depositing my money at a bank. I flinched after holding up ripped jeans and could almost hear my mom scolding but, she's not here now is she?

I pay for the clothes that surprised even me. I did not expect to spend so much money on clothes. Now I really need to find something to do for income. Prudy snaps her fingers at me as we walk out.

"You still coming right?"

I had actually forgotten about where I was supposed to be going with her.

"To where?" I ask innocently and she doesn't seem bothered that I forgot.

"The band?" She asks walking me over to an ice cream shop. I hide my frustration at my weak remembering skills and nod.

"Chocolate two scoops. She will tell you hers." She says taking a seat on a rounded white table with an umbrella center I bet to shield from the sun.

"Mint and vanilla." I say fast to give the guy enough time to serve the rest.

"How do you know that soft scumbag?"

She said lifting her phone to her face as if the conversation didn't matter much.


She lowers her phone and gazes at me.


"I just happened to go to a party with Kiara yesterday after our yelling match and met him there and I'd appreciate if you don't call the only guy I know in campus names." I say pushing Allan _it's not even like I knew him anyway. I just heard Kiara calling his name. Berlin is the only one that bothered a descent introduction_ and Brandon. God! Does he even remember we were supposed to have lunch? He probably got busy too.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a helping of two scoops both different flavors. I looked up at the service guy smiling slightly to thank him.

"God! What do they put in this." I exclaim taking the first bite and deciding this to be my best ice cream shop even if I've not been into any other anyway. Kiara rolls her eyes and digs deep into her chocolate flavor. What's with girls and chocolate all over the world?

Prudy hands over her student's smart card and rolls her eyes as I dig to retrieve mine in my hideous sling bag.

"My treat today. Mostly because you are coming with me to band practice." She smiles slightly and we walk away as I thank the guy again with my eyes.



The song was being done in a different kind of version that I wasn't used to.

"It's rock." She said smiling as we walked down the hallway getting closer and closer. Damn, was I that easy to read? I nod slightly swallowing mainly because I felt out of place here but what did I have to loose, it's my roommate after all.

"You are late!"

"Don't give me that crap Henry, it's not like you've done anything important." I can feel her roll her eyes at the guy with perfect black hair falling to his face, who held a guitar with huge weird strings and had a mic on the stand, in line with his tall physique and muscles threatening to rip off his folded shirt, even if she had her back facing me.

She moves aside to reveal me and the reaction, well...

"Everyone, the girl that thinks I'm cute, it's not like she's the only one but..." Yea I totally expected this.

"Yea, don't flatter yourself." I move back to see them get organized and didn't even look back at him.


The song started and the part that said...

Now my heart felt like an ember, and it's lighting up the dark...

Prudy sang solo, wow, she really deserves to be in a band singing memories next to all those cute boys and , girl.

Who knew she had such a sharp voice and when she did the solo pink guitar, damn my roommate was soo good at this.

I wasn't focusing on my cute boy, if you were wondering, actually I almost did not notice him until he said,

"Come up and sing with us." I didn't realize he was telling me, I actually thought it was a line of the song they just fixed to get it more "rocky" or...

"Shut up!" Prudy said in the middle of the drums and bass and a weirdly prolonged lead guitar sharp sound.

I thanked her internally and drifted back to thinking of what I'm going to tell mom. I've been ignoring her calls all day and I can only imagine what she has planned for me when I hit receive. A part of me wants to call her and explain things but a part of me knows she won't let me so I decide to play cool with her.

The next day is a Saturday and I have much appreciation for weekends as I love to sleep my way through mid morning. You need a job though, I remind myself.


My heart skips.
