

It all fits into one big puzzle in time and destiny; space and purpose. Everyone with a little microchip encrypted with the roadmap to fulfilling their destiny. To be decoded sometime before their eightieth birthday. Be they yellow, dark or light and every shade in between. Man, woman, young or old; rich, poor or middle-class with different shades of collar-jobs; and bourgeoisies alike. How they all contend with the contrary forces trying to dominate humanity by stealing scripts, decoding them and subverting each one to redesign destinies and subvert purpose? Just at the turn of the century, in different regions across the globe, technological advancements have taken mankind to vistas beyond the wildest imaginations of their most ingenious predecessors and 2090 was the crowning year. With Fallopian tubes printed in the Middle East; Ovaries frozen in Europe; Fertilization executed in Asia; and Surrogates supported in the Americas, child rearing options were numerous, and there was more to be expected? While Africans struggle to let go of the final vestibules of superstitious beliefs, the strongholds and ancestral undertones; Children are born with hidden chips containing encrypted messages. They all live their lives stumbling through the complex maze of their existence, in search of meaning and purpose; while darkness and evil toughens their grips on the minds and souls of men. At this point every deviation would be realigned and everyone made to hurriedly fulfil their purpose within the shortest time left for them to spend on earth. Before age 80 some discovered, decoded and declared their identities, and realigned their lives early enough, while others were beaten by Time- that waits for no one! It appears our destiny is already written out and can only be discovered under a Greater Light.

Elizabeth_Akpevwe · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Different strokes for different folks there’s nothing new under the sun.

Chapter 2

Durban, South Africa

Marriage had thoroughly dealt with her, and childlessness drove her to take solace in her work, were she successfully created a facade of a very busy work schedule.

It's now 3 years since Cynthia's second divorce, the straw that broke the camel's back. It left her torn between the option of declaring some sort of celibacy, professional prostitution or being a single parent; the latter being more appealing to her.


Alexandria, Egypt

Aladja, Nigeria

Dafe had struggled to complete his first degree in Biochemistry, he had a flair for the sciences, but after a Masters degree in Genetic Engineering, he saw the need to study more about metals and how they could be used to make life easier for man.

Structural engineering was the way to go, but his fascination for the working of the human body turned him on.

With the successful sequencing of the 3.2 billion base pairs of DNA that make up the human genome, it was now cheaper and easier to digitize the information in a few minutes.

He was glad for once that he could isolate and select the exact set of combination of genes he needed from himself and his wife to get his next wiz kid! The prospects were intriguing.

He had only discussed it with his Scottish friend, Doctor Stanfrost.

Accra Ghana

It was the last Sunday service of the month of May, a beautiful sunny day for a Thanksgiving.

The Family of Pastor Ken and Janet were thanking God for the safe delivery of triplets.

There was so much excitement in the air, the cameras were flashing, the technical team were set with their equipment to capture every moment; a testimony in the making for their Senior Pastor.

The founder was present from his trip to the headquarters in United Kingdom. This was to be the crowning testimony of the year. To be published on ever media outlet of the ministry.

The anticipation was that more souls would be added to the fold when they hear of the wonders done in the lives of the members.

"Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the earth hear his voice. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice. Oh! Come to the Father through Jesus the Son, and give him the glory Great things he had done."

Her sonorous voice blared through the sound system as Janet sang her heart out before the narration from her husband would begin.

"Brethren, fifteen years of barrenness has been shattered".

Shouts of Halleluyah and a thunderous applause drowned out Pastor Ken's voice.

"God has blessed us with triplets; two boys and a beautiful girl. It in fact took us by surprise".

"We noticed about a year ago that my wife was not feeling well. He continued. "We went to see the doctor and to our greatest surprise, she was confirmed 6 weeks pregnant. We were not too sure and we had to confirm from two other close family doctors".

The celebration went one for days as people sent in gifts and came to see the bundles of joy from all over the city.

It was joy unspeakable!


Dar es Salaam, Tanzania