
Praise the Sun!

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be reborn in another world as a baby? It is a fantasy world of sword and magic. You have been given a new chance at life, be careful what you do with it. You have been given a system with which you will reach the world's top. You will have everything at your fingertips: money, women, power, all you could imagine. Come and become the God of the New World! Praise the Sun!

Shamash72 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A new beginning

I wake up in a sea of darkness. My senses are numb, and I feel nothing. My thoughts hardly move. "Where am I, and why are the surroundings hot and humid?"

This thing reminds me of beautiful things…

The darkness takes me.

An indefinite time later.

In this vast darkness, at last, a light oppresses me. My body moves towards that light.

After I got out, I started coughing up fluids. Then, I feel a slap on my bottom and start screaming and crying.

I'm in the arms of an old woman talking to a woman in a foreign language, most likely congratulations on my birth.

The old woman had gray hair and brown eyes; the years had left their mark on her face.

A woman was sitting on the bed, my dead tired mother covered in sweat.

She had brown hair with brown eyes, a thin body with olive skin color, and an age of around twenty.

The old woman puts me in my mother's arms, who starts to breastfeed me, giving me a strange sensation. I suck passionately because milk is the best nutrient for me now.

After a few minutes, a man in his twenties with blond hair, curls, blue eyes, and milky skin appears in the room.

Talk to the old lady, and give her a bag, most likely with money. The old woman then leaves.

Only my mother, father, and I remained in the room.

Dad walks up to us, says something to Mom, and kisses her gently on the forehead, then mildly, and carefully puts his hand on my head and starts to caress me meekly.

In this calm atmosphere, my eyelids numb, and sleep overtakes me.

When I woke up, I was in a baby carriage.

"I can't believe I'm reborn!" In a medieval world, my parents are dressed in old clothes from the medieval era because there is no electricity. I hope there is magic or some extraordinary power.

I'm not sorry I died. My last memory was a hammer falling on my head and considerable pain assaulting my head.

I was a construction worker. My mother and father had died, and my siblings and I didn't get along. I was the oldest of my siblings, and early in my life, I had all the attention and love of my parents.

As my brothers appeared, the love and attention of my parents waned on me. Finally, my brothers took my toys away, and I could only watch helplessly.

Over time, I started to distance myself spiritually. Finally, in my teens, I left home to take my life in my chest. I got a job and rented a studio apartment. Over time, I haven't heard any more from anyone.

I was working only to maintain my hobbies: anime, manga, and web novels.

That was my whole world. I was socially inept. I had no one to feel close to. So death came more like a release.

And now that I have a second chance, I will do everything I couldn't, be a different person, and get everything I want: money, women, and power. Then, I'll be on top of the world.


Six months

I'm starting to understand the language, so my parents' conversations are beginning to make sense.

My name appears to be Robert, my mother is Molly, and my father is George.

My mother is a seamstress, and my father is a hunter.

When my mother was bathing me, I also discovered what I look like in this life; I look like my father, with blond hair, curls, blue eyes, and milky skin. I had a Greek beauty.

Breastfeeding on my mother's boobs has lost its novelty. I don't feel as weird as I did initially, but now it comes naturally as something normal.


A year

It's been a year since I've been in this world.

During this time, I began to know what kind of people my parents were. The mother has a beautiful, calm, and intelligent personality, and the father has a golden retriever personality; he is more of a doer than a thinker.

I started crawling at six months, walking at nine months, and recently started making sounds like words.

My mom and dad think I have a high intelligence inherited from my mom.

I address my parents by name because I don't feel comfortable calling them 'mom' and 'dad' out loud. At first, it seemed strange to them, but they got used to it with time.

They don't show their emotions verbally, but with actions, I can feel their love, but it's too soon to leave behind 27 years of life so quickly.

Our house has two rooms on the first floor, one of my own and the other of my parents. On the ground floor, we have a shared living room with a kitchen and a lobby that leads to the courtyard. The courtyard has several hectares full of trees and thick grass.

Our family lives in a village near a forest.

The village is called Spring Village, which has agriculture and hunting as its primary means of income.

"Robert, come to the table," Molly called from downstairs.

"I'm coming, Molly," answered Robert from his room.

Father was already arranged at the table.

"Hello, George," says Robert calmly as he sits at the table.

"Hello, Robert," says George smiling, looking at my face.

My mother puts a plate of stew before him and another for me.

"Today, your father caught a beast of the first tier; this will help you grow big and strong," Molly says softly, praising Father.

"First-tier?" Robert asked curiously.

"Mankind, as well as monsters, are thus differentiated as normal and then from the first tier to the ninth tier. With each tier, everyone exceeds their limits. This is because monsters absorb elemental energy naturally and people through breathing," Molly explains slowly, like every time I do not know something.

The rest of the dinner passed quietly, but I was overwhelmed with crazy happiness. Extraordinary power, exactly what I wanted; I felt like my dream was just one step away.

All I'm missing is the golden finger; like every reincarnator, transmigrator, I should have something: a ring with an old man, an epic technical breath, a system, but I've been in this world for a year, and nothing has happened yet.

"I hope the golden finger comes soon…."


Three years

Three years have passed since I have been in this world.

Now I am addressing my parents with 'mother' and 'father.'

I accepted them in the end.

I spend most of my time at home or in the yard. My favorite activity is looking at the sun or the candle at night.

My mother doesn't let me leave the yard.

I only went out with her when she went shopping because she had no one to leave me with.

I tried to activate my golden finger during this time, but it didn't work. So I killed insects; I looked at my father when he was training with the breathing technique, and it was in vain.

But that changed on a lucky day as I was looking at the sun. I had entered a trance.

Starting system initialization…

10% 30% 60% 90% 100&

Sun god system!

I hold my head with my hands because an intense headache hit me.

Details about the system were passed on to me.

I have a status page and a single mission, that of bringing this world into the arms of the sun. The reward for completing the task is a question mark.

I take a big breath of air and start to calm my mind.

'System!' I say in my mind with passion.

Robert (Camus)

Grade: 0

Strength: 1 (5 has an average human)

Speed: 1 (5 has an average human)

Vitality: 1 (5 has an average human)

Sun points: 0

To get the sun points, I have to eat the heart of a creature that I killed, and the stronger it is, the more sun points I get.

100 sun points = 1 attribute

Depending on how close it is to the first tier, a monster or human heart has between 3-9 sun points.

I don't know how to kill anything now, but that will change when I can hunt; that will most likely be in adolescence.

I'm not in a hurry; I'm taking my time to adjust to this world and prepare for my first hunt.

"Robert, what's with you watching absently in the void?" the mother asks from the window of her room.

"Mom, doesn't it seem that today the sun is brighter and warmer than ever?" I answer her with a big smile on my face.

"If you say so, it must be my little sun-worshipper!" Mom said with a big smile on her face. Her face showed her gentleness and love for me. I was called a 'sun worshiper' because I spent most of my time looking at the sun in the yard on the green grass.

"Yes!" I say with invigorated hope that the trajectory of my life will be different this time. In this life, I will not regret anything.

With one last look at the sun, I say, 'Praise the sun!'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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