
Practicing english oral 1

Good morning, everyone.My proposal is to hold a sandcastle-building competition over the holiday weekend. There are so many reasons why this is a good idea. Here are just three of the most important: First, we have a wonderful beach, so this would give everyone an incentive to get down there, enjoy themselves for the day and get digging. Second, everyone can take part, from small children to grandparents. It's fun for the whole family. And third, it won't cost a thing. Sand is free and there's plenty of it, so let's use it. We would need to rope off an area of the beach but, as you know, our beach is the longest in the country, so that certainly won't be a problem. I suggest we use the north end as the beach is wider there, and the sand is rather more coarse - better for castle-building, I think. We will need a list of rules - things like the time allowed, the size limits, and how many people can participate in the building of each castle. I suggest we keep the rules as simple as possible. maybe under-10s, 10 to 16-year-olds, and We will need to divide the competition into age groups adults would be about right. We'll need some prizes, of course, but I'm sure we can persuade some local businesses to provide a prize in exchange for a bit of free advertising. We'll definitely need a judge, and I think I've found just the right person. Our own local TV star, Adam Lee, has agreed to do the judging and present the prizes. So that should pull in the crowds. Sandcastle-building it's fun, it's free and it's family-friendly, so I hope you'll support the idea. Thank you for listening.

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