
Practice Perfect

Christopher, an almost eighteen year old, piano prodigy, finds himself interested in learning a new skill, and decides to recruit someone he trusts and knows is a expert at it, his lifelong best friend, Tyler. Christopher: Be my instrument... and instructor? To practice this skill until I am perfect enough... Tyler: ... to kiss someone else?! I don't own the cover photo... If I could draw at all I would make this a comic and not this choppy script. This just sort of popped into my head while I was taking a nap and listening to piano music... Enjoy!

CoPey1419 · Realistic
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19 Chs


*Young Tyler, dressed in a black hoodie, he has a backpack on and is carrying a suitcase.

Holding his father's hand as they leave a small apartment.

Drive into a nice neighborhood.

Pull up to Christopher's family home.

Walk to the front door and ring the doorbell.

Door opens: Young Christopher standing next to his mother with a big smile.

Young Christopher:

*Grabs young Tyler's hand*

Ty Ty! Come in! Mom just took out the lasagna! You're going to love the way the cheese bubbles!

*drags Tyler into the house, leaving behind the backpack at the door.

Tyler's dad:

*holds on to Tyler.*

Are you sure this isn't a bother? I can send him to my sister... in Florida...

Christopher's mother:

*Smiles warmly.*

It's no bother at all. You know it would break Christopher's heart if he went away so far for so long. Really you're saving me a lot of money in tissue paper.

*They both laugh

Grown Tyler's thoughts:

That wasn't the first time he had dropped me off with them...

it was just the first time it went longer than a couple nights...

It was three months...

he was gone for three months...

and... I...

didn't want to go back home with him when he came back...

I hated him for dragging me back to that small apartment.

It was stale and cold.

It never smelled like a home cooked meal.

It never smelled like home.

By the time I turned fourteen he was gone pretty regularly.

Despite having a key to that apartment... it's just a place to sleep and keep my things...

There are no photos up. I only keep snacks in the pantry.

*Inside of a nice and clean bedroom.*

*Chris and Tyler sit on the edge of the bed.*


I think I understand how the kiss could have been better.

*Stands up from the bed.

*turns to Tyler

*Focused eyes

Let me try again.

Tyler's thoughts:


I talked him through where to put his hands, how to close his eyes, breathing properly.

I wasn't expecting him to want to try again so soon.



Tyler's thoughts:

Dear god... he looks nervous... and cute! Ugh!


*Averts eyes

*Bites lip

*Slight blush

Maybe you... could you show me?

Tyler's thoughts:



I'm not the one in need of practice, you are, so ju--


*irritated. Grabs Tyler's neck. Pulls Tyler close. Leans in for the kiss.


*Eyes close

*Lips meet

*Lips press together

Tyler's thoughts:



*Separate from the kiss


*Looks concerned


Tyler:*Looking dazed

Tyler's thoughts:

I told him to count to 5...

for my benefit more than for the quality of the kiss.

I wanted to know how fast it would feel...

... was that really five seconds? It felt like nothing...

I want more...

I want to pull him by the collar and kiss him more...


No, this isn't about me...

he doesn't actually want to be kissing me, he's just trying to be good for that girl he likes.


*Fake smile.

Great. I think you've nailed the first kiss.

Congratulations. You've graduated!

*pats Chris's shoulder


*Dark aura

*intense eyes

What if they want to kiss more?

Tyler's thoughts:

... more... ?!

I know what he's talking about but...


What if they want tongue?

Tyler's thoughts:



*places both hands on Chris's shoulders

*keeps elbows locked out

Well, I think this is enough for today's lesson. Let's go see if Mom needs any help in the kitchen.

It's all so cute in my head. Tyler panicking all the time and Chris just going for it.

CoPey1419creators' thoughts