
Chapter 1: Turning it Around

I lie on my bed, thinking to myself: "Should I try to get some sleep tonight? I have work tomorrow, so maybe I could allocate some time to watch a movie, or so."

Turns out, getting a job is much harder than I originally thought it would be, and the local fast food restaurant isn't an option for me. I don't want to be seen as "the average person working as a cashier", or something along the line of that.

"I might as well make something out of the cabinet, maybe a cup of ramen noodles would do for now."

As I walk downstairs, I decide to open the fridge door out of curiosity to see if I have anything in there, despite me not having bought groceries yet this week. Opening the fridge, I think: "Why am I opening the fridge again? It's not like any food choice of mine will just manifest into the fridge, or anything."

The contents of the fridge was a bag of bell peppers, some mild cheddar cheese, and 3 cartons of eggs, along with some packs of water and a small carton of milk.

If I am gonna manage to provide for myself, I need to get a better job than this simple office 9-5 that I am currently on schedule with.

I need an escape from this hellhole.

"But how can I possibly escape this?", I thought to myself.

Well, I can think more about that tomorrow. For now, I should fix this cup of instant ramen noodles and watch a movie.

I will eventually escape.