

My name is Lucas Hoffman and currently 20 years old. I got transmigrated to this world where heroes exist. Though it is very rare.

My family name Hoffman originated from Spain, 1600s my ancestor settled in here the Philippine islands and they were the ones who rebel against the Spanish empire and America.

Though they were not good at ruling. Even though my father is not good at ruling, he died last year due to a heart attack.

The Philippine Republic is a very weak country compared to its neighboring countries economically or militarily.

I've spent a month studying the history and current events that happened in this world.

There are a total of 100 superheroes that are currently living. One of them is the President of the United States.

Monarchy is the Philippine Republic system and I am the King the one who rules. There's no Prime Minister or President just me, the King.

While studying I learned that I have a system, but not the ordinary system. I am a nerd guy so I studied its functions.

It's a trading system you buy and sell stuff, the basic market thing. Though mine was a special trading system seems like it as I can sell and buy things in other universes.

So I spent the whole night exploiting the whole bug.

1 gold= 1 million US dollar

The system was kind enough to give me 100 gold to use as a beginner, but I was wise enough not to exchange it for IRL money and invest it in the exploit.

Spending the whole night was worth it as in the end I got 600,000 gold and exchanged the 500,000 gold for IRL money gaining me 500 billion dollars.

With that money, I spent weeks after weeks on trustworthy companions.

After weeks of looking, I found 5 smart, intelligent, and loyal servants. I put each one of them into Economic, Military, Internal Conflict, External Conflict, and Infrastructure.

I gave each one of the 100 billion dollars to spend and I expect good results for the next months.

While looking for them I use that time to again exploit the Trading System and got another 500,000 gold.

Total=900,000 gold

After a month different economic projects, infrastructures, and military modernization projects were approved and ongoing. Thousands of Thousands of projects, while the citizens were happy.

Current Philippine Republic Status.

GDP-3 trillion

Debt-100 million dollars

Top 11 in the military power in Asia.