
Powers I never asked for

jhoe_hikay · Fantasy
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4 Chs



"Get to him now"

"why would you still take him there when you knew about this condition"

"what if he gets hurt or something"

"I apologize sir but It was too much and I wasn't thinking straight ".



A loud sound coming from Kevin's class.

"Just look at what your stupidity caused"Leonard

"sorry sir"Enola


They ran very fast and got to the scene.Witnessing a scene with the a side of the wall broken like it was an explosion that caused it.

Leonard and Enola turns around looking for what happened and then notices Daniel on the ground looking scared like he saw a monster or something and they looked at the direction in which he was looking at and that's when they saw Kevin looking at the broken wall with no expression at all ,his face just looking blank.

Leonard "what happened here?"


Leonard" I SAID WHAT HAPPENED HERE!!!?he said that as he badged into the training room.

"oh Sir this what happened"

*illustrating*(visualize it)

"So I said there was a showdown where Kevin has to choose one of his new classmates to battle to determine his strength and other physique and stuff and Kevin chose Daniel which I would have said a bad choice since he is part of our best five students in this class and as they started Kevin was been beaten by David brutally and the moment Kevin decided to retaliate and hit against Daniel back with his smooth reflexes Daniel was able to dodge the attack coming his way,The attack was a kick and Kevin's leg was going to hit the very edge of the wall and as a newbie we all assumed he was going to break his leg and not the wall breaking,So to protect him I wanted to throw a stone at the wall with the type of enhanced strength I have it would have broken but before we knew it a force pushed all of us to the ground ,therefore shattering the wall in front,we don't know what that force was but"

Leonard"enough ,you talk too much for your age"

Leonard"so it wasn't caused by Kevin

Tutor"I don't believe so,it was a mysterious force

Leonard"why is that boy looking at Kevin like that"

Tutor"From what I can see sir,I think he is in a state of shock and looking at him looking at Kevin we could say he thinks Kevin caused it"

Leonard"ridiculous,utterly ridiculous".

Leonard walks up to Kevin to talk to him but it was like a empty she'll still breathing but can't do anything.


Leonard started shaking his body from the shoulder and continuously until he had an idea.

He used his telepathy abilities to get into his head.


As he entered psychically,he fell through a vast Light that looks like it went on forever,he continued falling ,he got a hold of himself and then stopped himself for dropping to where he didn't know.

Leonard "It looks like he has lost his consciousness"

"Kevin!!,kevIN!!,KEVINNN!!!" Leonard shouted in search for Kevin.

As he continued going deeper and deeper into the light ,he noticed the light didn't reach some areas and when he got closer and looked very well it was like light divided from darkness ,where the light filled where he was coming from and the darkness continued from the other part.

Leonard"I have never seen something Ike this,is this what it means,this is really bad"

He ran into the vast darkness in search for Kevin ,with all hopes almost lost of where Kevin could be and that's when Kevin sitting a corner in the darkness.

Something amused him ,There were two Kevin's and the other one was whispering something into the other Kevin's ear,on a normal basis it would be strange to find two but one but in this case it wasn't.

Leonard"I taught as much,why did she do this?"

Leonard"Kevin,is anything wrong?

Other Kevin"No dad,I just want Kevin here to let me out and teach that boy that punched us a lesson"

Leonard"you know very well you are not the Kevin I am talking to"

Kevin"not matter what you say,I am also his consciousness and can speak for this Kevin when he is absent"

Leonard"Kevin don't give in to what he has told you ,in this world there is supposed to be ying and Yang meaning white and black or good and bad,pure and dark so follow me and let's get back to the light"

Kevin"Leonard ,where am i"

Other Kevin"you are confused because this is your first time in my domain,you usually stay in your domain,the light,but you were been beaten up and you lost control and unsealed me and I was in control for a slight second or you would have broken your leg".

Kevin"I don't understand "

Other Kevin"Poor little Kevin,let me explain,you see you are weak and I can help us with that you just have to give me full control"

Kevin"If I am weak doesn't that make you weak too?"

Other Kevin"well that's where you are wrong(Leonard"stop this")we are not just consciousnesses for this body (Leonard "stop this"),We are personalities (Leonard"Kevin this now,RIGHT NOW!!),

Kevin"what do you mean personalities"

Leonard"Don't listen to him Kevin he doesn't know what he is saying,son?

Kevin"I don't want to hear you call me son but one thing I want to hear is what he is saying"

Leonard"you don't have to do this,please"


Other Kevin"you said well Kevin ,maybe I was wrong you,we can get stronger together,well in normal people's case you will be called consciousness but we are two not one making us different,we are personalities the first of our second of our kind"

Kevin"Our kind?,why are we two and why am I just knowing of you now"

Other"yes our kind,you should find out why cos I just know the facts but don't know why but one thing I am sure about is that you are weak and I should be in control because you are a namekeen and I am a...."


As Leonard said that he send a telepathic attack on Kevin leaving his consciousness unconscious and then he took him up and stated taking him towards the light.

Other Kevin"He will find out one day or the other "

Leonard"yeah but not today and not ever"


Meanwhile in the physical word

Tutor"Daniel,stand up from there"

*no response*

Tutor/Trainer"Daniel I said up this instant"

Tutor "every other person out.

All other students went out

Trainer"Mr Leonard sir,Kevin this place isn't safe any more,we should leave".

*no response*

The trainer was confused and not sure of what was happening and he hurried to Daniel and as he placed his hands on his shoulders Daniel snapped out of it,but it was like he was in a state of shock "AHHHHH!!!!"he screamed.

Trainer"what's wrong,He ,he he he"

Daniel fainted and the Trainer became more scared because this time he couldn't think of what was happening,with Kevin and Leonard standing frozen like a statue and Daniel frightened and then fainting.

Tutor"What should I do? ,what should I do?

Enola"no need to do anything Polo,Me Sir Leonard will fix everything,nothing at all is wrong"

Tutor"Can he do that if he is frozen like a statue?"

Enola"He isn't ,he is just using his ability"

Tutor"this is the first time I am seeing him using his ability but,what is he doing exactly?

Leonard"you should mind your business polo"

Kevin fell to Leonard's arms.

Tutor"oh Sir ,you are unfrozen I taught you were..."

Leonard"Take Kevin to a bed for him to rest ,he has had a long day"

Enola"okay sir"

She left with Kevin.

Leonard"what happened to that boy over there"

Tutor"he was frozen like you and Kevin then when I touched him,he just became scared about something all of a sudden and fainted.

Leonard"it must be stress bring him here I will take him to his room"

Polo"No sir I will do that ,you don't have to bother yourself"

Leonard"will you obey me or give me instructions "

Polo"sorry sir"

Polo carried Daniel and handed him over to Leonard.

*17 minutes later*

while in Leonard's office

Enola"So sir ,when will you tell him"

Leonard"he can't know ,not by any means at all"

Enola"But didn't you say his dark side already awaken"

Leonard"That's why I took away his memories of that moment and I did the same for that boy Daniel ,I think he knows something too"

Enola"would they..?"

Leonard"don't bother I didn't go far,there was no reason to so I only too memories of what happened before Kevin hit the wall"

Enola"oh that's good sir but what about her"

Leonard"what about her ,he mustn't know anything concerning her by any means".

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