
What Does The The Camp, The Kingdom And Your Mom Have In Common?

I looked around the camp and thought to myself 'How tf am I going to explain this?'


~The Hero Party Stand Before The King~

"And you say that Sir Aeon was the one who destroyed the kobold camp, 70% of our continent, made volcanoes erupt, cause massive earthquakes, release devastating tsunamis, unleash terrifying tornadoes, make catastrophic events, disasters, deaths and change the lives of many with just one blow?" (King)

"Yes, Your highness" (3)

"Ridiculous! There has never happened before in our entire history of man many though the apocalyps was upon us and you say one hero did it!? I'll believe when I see it before my eyes!!!" (King)

"But your highness we are telling the truth!" (4)

"Forget it he will never believe us... So I'll give a little demonstration" (MC)

The MC Teleports all of them outside and then points at one of the 3 moons.

"Alchaecas one of the 3 great moons but also considered to be ranking at the bottom of the 3 moons" (MC)

"Well what about it?" (King)

MC waves his hand when a purple light encapsulates the moon then flashing bright as a large explosion is heard the moon shatters into a thousand Pieces.

"I-i Impossible!" (King)

"I'm not done" (MC)

Aeon holds up his hand as all the Pieces stop in place, he waves his hand once more then all of the broken pieces bash and merge into eachother creating a large meteor he then points north west.

"Tell me, what's northwest?" (MC)

"T- t the enemy k- kingdom of Sorenos s-s sir" (Advisor)

Aeon takes a deep breath as he waves his hand down at the Sorenos Kingdom.

"[Planet Destroter: Geo Cluster]" (Aeon)

The Giant Meteorite crashed into the ground and into Sorenos even we could feel the heat despite being thousands of miles away.

[Ding! 786,297,836 Killed!]

[Ding! Kingdom Of Sorenos Destroyed!]

[Would You Like To Assimilate?]

Yes but can you just leave the remains and the Destroyed kingdom there actually just set it as my domain and keep an eye on it.

[99,213,702,164 Humans Left]


Anyway I need to break this down.

There are 9 Continents with all separate Kingdoms and beliefs they all summon heroes to save the world and defeat the demon king! However I became the demon king and the god of this world said "No me likey" and regressed me back to when I first got summoned but changed a few things.

Now someone has been assigned to monitor my progress.

So here's what I wanna do for Round 2.

Round 1: Became Demon King and Fucked up everything

Round 2: Become A Emperor And Rule a Kingdom (And then I will fuck up everything)

Now I'm only gonna use my Villain And Fear System but for real though.

~My Quarters~

I sit down at the table on the balcony taking a sip of the wine while admiring the moonlight.

To become an emperor I need a Kingdom and to get a Kingdom I need people and bases and weapons and rules and jobs and all that shit.

But people are needy and want stuff like food, shelter and rights or whatever and that is very annoying.

But I know a perfect solution! It's actually one of the schools of Magic and you know what it's called? NECROMANCY!

They don't need all this 'Basic Human Essential Needs' you just reanimate a corpse/body tell them what to do and that do it easy as that.

They just need mana to operate I can even store them and they are technically Immortal since they are undead and don't need food,sleep and they can't really die of old age.

Necromancy is op even In a normal fantasy setting I mean think about it you have an unlimited supply of obedient and loyal soldiers who will fight till they die and only listen to you, you can raise these soldiers using corpses or bodies of any kind as long as it's dead so you could enter a battle with 50 Soldiers Vs 500 Enemy Soldiers.

10 Of your men die but they took out 10 of the enemy soldiers then you can reanimate your enemy's dead soldiers and use them as your own soldiers You Gain More Soldiers as they lose more.

It also doesn't matter if the Other teams soldiers are more experienced or skilled or equipped with Op Gear all you have to do is kill them and boom! You got your own Op Soldier.

Now back on track this is why I left the bodies now I could have just assimilated them and input my own enhanced soldiers but I decided to make an appearance using the dead of Sorenos but I'll do that after i don't know a couple dungeon raids? We'll see.

~A couple weeks later~

Its night time, I move across the rooftops swiftly and stealthily I reach my destination and wait atop a rooftop above an alleyway.

Two men step out of a building leading to the alleyway one of them uses magic to make a wall to block of the alleyway and the illusion magic to disguise it as part of a building.

"Now what do require? Olivers services covers all things you just need to ask" (Olie)

"Info.... Specifically about dungeons" (???)

"Hmm.... Please elaborate" (Olie)

"I need info about..... The Monster Kings Dominion" (???)

"OHohoho! A 7 Star Apocalypse Dungeon? Well I'm not supposed to ask questions I just provide they services and take the payment, speaking of payment...." (Olie)

"Here" (???)

The man hands a card with a Blue Crystal on the front with 10 Red Stars.

"Good, good now about the dungeon" (Olie)

Basically what Olie Explained but simplified.

Dungeons,Monsters,Items,Gear,Mana it could be anything but most follow a Ranking system using stars.

1 Star being the weakest and 11 Stars being the strongest.

They are also ranked by how much destruction they could cause for example a Apocalypse Dungeon could start and apocalypse a Raid Dungeon could Cause a Raid against a small town or village.

They also use colours ranging from all sorts of colours Yellow,Blue,Red Are Easy Green,Orange,Purple Are Medium White,Black And Rainbow are Mythical Cyan,Pink And Silver Are Legendary and reg rest are Hard Difficulty.

Easy,Medium,Hard, Legendary and Mythical.

These are the basis for rankings.

The Monster Kings Dominion A 7 Star Apocalypse Dungeon started In around 2500 BP and BP is Before Prophet.

Prophet Appeared in Year 0 before year zero Is BP aka before prophet.

In 2500 the God Of Wine Rosin made a bet with The God Of Money Oken This all started when they argued about who was the better god so they make this bet.

The best was Rosin and Oken would both make a dungeon each and which ever was cleared and beaten first would lose and the loser had to admit that the winner was the better god.

Rosin went to Heaven and traveled to the Tower Of God where he went to the Middle Floors.

There lived countless powerfull Monsters who all used to be in a war against eachother until one person stopped the war and United all the monsters becoming the King Of Monsters he was called Arial.

Although they were all United they were still regarded as barbarians to other races mere insects to the gods and hideous terrifying creatures to the humans.

They also had to defend the middle floors to climbers who wanted to reach heaven, they had Limited space, they lost more and more Monsters everyday, tensions were rising and it looked liked another war would happen, they were running out of resources and even more.

Rosin Appeared and proposed a deal with them to solve all their problems.

He offered them a place where they could flourish and only be with other monsters so to not be Discriminated against, Where they had a easier job, had all the resources they need and could live an easier life.

The Monster King accepted the deal but he thought it seemed to good to be true although he really had no choice.

He was given a dungeon connecting to a Pocket Dimension where they would now call home it was like everything Rosin had said it would be but they now had to defend Against Anyone who tried to clear the dungeon.

As Rosin warned them if the Dungeon was cleared he would bring down fury among them he also said that if they managed to defend the dungeon long enough until Okens Dungeon was cleared then he would give them their own personal Dimension where they would be left alone to do whatever they want.

Arial accepted this and now to this day it is said that The Monster Kings Dominion has remained uncleared and the bet not won by either side.

Countless Adventurers had tried to clear the dungeon but none have succeeded.

Well..... This is interesting clone can you confirm this?

{Yup the sources are right}

What about the others what info have they collected?

{The others who were sent to gather Intel in the most rewarding and dangerous Dungeons have come up with top 1000 Dungeons and according to the INT D.P this bet was actually not just between Rosin and Oken it was against all the gods trying to decide who was the better god in 3 Separate trials 1. A God Tournament 2. A Culture And Belief Competition 3. Dungeon/Trial Making Abilities so all of these were made by the top 1000 Gods and being made by gods the loot and danger Levels are a solid 15 Purple Stars Extinction Event Dungeons and this is the lowest they can be even though Rosin was ranked as 11 Stars they haven't really explored gods and Dungeons in terms of rankings and detail it's usually just clear the dungeon and get on with your lives}

Tell me about the Top 5

{5. God Of Space Qarion 4. God Of Time Prix 3. God Of Life Seri 2. God Of Death Horcron 1. God Of Creation Zakim}

Send out clones to clear the rest of the dungeons then I want you copy past the dungeons and trials/challenges for our soldiers to clear and also modify them a bit and put the Top most powerful dungeons in some of the world's I Destroyed.

{Got it Anything else?}

Send anonymous tips to the heroes about the top 5 dungeons I want to see them send adventurer after adventurer to their deaths when suddenly the hero party clears the Dungeons and become renowned and famous across all the lands.

{Yes Boss}


Title: What Does The The Camp, The Kingdom And Your Mom Have In Common?

Answer: They all got destroyed by Aeon


Dark Humor Joke for the day:

What did the German officer say to the failed artist?