
The Newborn

(This will be Edeline's Pov)

Edeline awoke in an alleyway she struggled to stood up but managed to walk, Edeline felt very hungry but she did not want to eat she walked out of the alleyway and saw a man but what she saw was the Red veins and beating heart inside of him as everything in her vision was all black and white,She felt and increasing urge to go near him as she walked close the man saw her "Oh dear! miss are you okay? it is not safe for someone like you to-" he was cut off as Edeline showed her fangs reaching into his neck and sucking on his blood, She felt the more she drank the less her hunger grew as she finished Edeline quickly realised what she was doing and broke the man from her grasp,the man fell to the floor he looked Dead,he had skin pale like a ghost and a bite mark on his neck. Edeline saw the man and was horrified she still felt dizzy and hazy,she walked into the hotel she booked and was stumbling all over the place as make her way to the hotel. She walked in and quickly went into her room and passed out on her bed.

(Ok back to Azrael Plus time skips)

A couple months has passed since Edeline became a vampire the church now went into a full blown cult as John the leader or Grandmaster and Azrael as their god it has been disguised as an religion recently more vampires have appeared in the town and it has grown significantly more over the months Edeline has slowly gotten kind of used to being a vampire with other vampire allies and friends,Azrael had been watching and protecting Edeline in the shadows making sure she's safe but he has not revealed himself as her maker. Azrael didn't know when was the right time since he knows that after gaining all his new abilities and powers when he got pushed off a roof and died he noticed that he didn't have that much humanity left as he was able to kill so many people and students without remorse or guilt so when he became a vampire he had already accepted it and began becoming stronger but for a human like Edeline who suddenly was attacked and them saved and then made into a Vampire that is a lot for people to handle and Azrael didn't want to stress her out further cause as her maker Edeline was now Azrael's responsibility. Azrael was sitting in his office as he heard news of a rich and noble family who lived in a Manor in the town and the family had recently been denouncing the church and religion making people stray away at first Azrael ignored it since not a lot of people believed the family but they have been growing in more popularity and Azrael had to do something about it and he thought of a plan. Azrael first wanted to talk to the family but he received a letter from the family and they wanted to see Azrael 'Well they beat me to it' Azrael thought when he read the letter. Soon he has headed over to the Manor and was greeted by the father who led Azrael into his office, they sat down and the father spoke first "Hello my name is Alcott Raven I am the owner of this manor and the one who wanted to speak to you" 'Wait... Raven? like Edeline Raven?' Azrael thought cursing in his mind "Cut to the chase Alcott why have you summoned me here?" Azrael said as he wanted to know why he was invited by the ones trying to get rid of the church "I'll not waste your time" Alcott said taking a deep breath "I know your a vampire..." 'Ok I didn't use my telepathy and I did not expect that' Azrael thought shocked at Alcott's reply but not showing it on his face "You see... my daughter is a Vampire and we have garnered many enemies just because of that... we are trying to make allies with all the vampires we can as we want to be safe from the other families and our enemies" Alcott explained with a sad look on his face "*sigh* Tell your daughter and the others to come out of hiding first" Azrael said to the shock of Alcott as a 3 people appeared appeared on the couch one was a woman dressed elegantly and formally, another one was man who wore knuckles and a cane with blood on it and the last one was Edeline "Impressive at how you can see us so easily" the woman said "My name is Addison Grace and the man on my left is Jack Crow and on my right is-" "Edeline Raven... Alcott's Daughter right?" Azrael said cutting Addison off "Y-yes but how do you know my daughter's name" Alcott said nervously "Well you see... Edeline remember that night when you were attacked and a man saved you by making you drink his blood?" Azrael said looking at Edeline "Yes... I remember the night when I turned into a Vampire" Edeline replied remembering back to that night "Well I was the one who turned you into a Vampire" Azrael said getting a look of confusion and shock of everyone in the room except for Edeline "Prove it" Jack said snapping out everyone out of their daze "I don't need to" Azrael said before looking at Edeline again "I do believe you as I feel a connection between us and you match the voice of the man back then" Edeline said (So they had a long chats and it ended with Edeline now will be with Azrael who will teach Edeline in a kind of Master and Apprentice relationship and the family had now stopped bothering the church)

After almost a year later...

Azrael and Edeline had just arrived in London as Azrael had located London as the main place where the Vamp (Vampire) Society had more power and control in London than any other place plus it was connected to every other Vamp infested City and is the main source of resources,men,food, people, vampires and more so if London collapsed it would greatly impact every other city so Azrael thought going their would help Edeline and Contribute to his mission. Azrael and Edeline were in a base full of Vampire Guards Azrael told Edeline to get the documents and destroy the supplies and so Edeline went invisible and sneaked into a office Azrael used Electrokinesis to create a lot of noise attracting the guards and away from Edeline Azrael then used Pyrokinesis to set the guards on fire and used Telekinesis to rip then apart Edeline uses Telepathy to tell Azrael she had collected the documents and had set fire to the supplies. As Azrael heard that he teleports him and Edeline into a nearby rooftop as they watch the building crash and burn "How come the whole building exploded even though there wasn't many explosives in their?" Edeline asked Azrael "I used my powers and combined a bunch of them to create an explosion at that size plus I teleported nitro-glycerin barrels plus some gunpowder and now we have this" Azrael answered Edeline "What powers did you use?" "Atmokinesis,Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis,Cell Manipulation Electrokinesis and some other things" "What's Atmokiteses?" Edeline asked prounoucing it wrong "Atmoki-nes-is is the power to control weather I'll teach you it later" "OhHhHh Cool" Edeline replied sounding like a little girl, they were in a base which contained weapons, supplies and intel they needed after this last spot they had everything they needed for their plan to commence.

(This had 1304 words they usually have 1000 words but sometimes I get carried away)