
Powerlifter Isekai'd in ancient greece

Bob gets a second chance by the gods to prove that he is the most powerfull being to ever lived

evilram · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Construction Worker part 1

Bob finds himself on a grassy hillside overlooking a village below. Confused, he mutters to himself:

"Shit, where am I?"

Taking a good look around, Bob decides to head to the village, unaware that he is butt naked. Before entering, Bob encounters a man with a carriage who is dressed oddly.

"Did you lose your clothes?" the man asks.

"What?" Bob responds.

"Why are you nak..."

"Ah yes, I lost them."

"What, how?"

"Well, you see, I forgot where I placed them. If you can spare me a small scarf, it would help a lot."

"What scarf? Here, take this robe."

"Sir, can I ask you what time it is?"

"What do you mean? It's sunny."

"No, I mean the day and year."

"Boy, you're crazy. I don't know what you mean with 'day and year.' If you need help, go to the village center and knock on the door that is painted red."

"Sorry, sir. Okay, sir. Thank you, sir. I will, sir. Have a good day, sir."

"Pfff," said the man, cringing.

Bob heads for the village center. He notices that the villagers have very old and strange style houses. There he is, before the red door. The building resembles an inn. Bob starts knocking.

"Knock, knock, knock."

"Come in, please," a female voice says.

Bob opens the door and sees a red-haired girl standing there.

"How can I help you?" she says.

"Hello, can I ask you something?"


"What is this place called?"

"An inn?"

"No, this village."


"And where is this Korca?"

"Here? North of Athens, west of Mount Olympus?"

"No, I mean, to whom do you pay your taxes?"

"To the gods?"

"Oh, no."

"Sir, I don't understand. Didn't you know those things?"

"Oh, no, no. Well, you see, I come from a far place."

"Oh, wow. Now I understand. Please wait for me here, sir. I will bring clothes for you to wear."

"Well, I don't have any money."

"Don't worry."

Bob waits.

"Here, take this dress for men."

"Thank you. I didn't catch your name."

"Oh, my name's Ada, sir. Also, you can sleep here if you want."


"Yes, we won't ask you to pay right now."

Bob says

"Do you know where I can find some work?"

"What work are you looking for?"

"Like construction."

"Well, I believe men are working north of this village. You should go and ask."

"Thank you again."

Bob leaves and heads there.