
Powerful With The Fragment System

In a time long forgotten, the world was governed by three powerful factions: the celestial Gods, the malevolent Demons, and the enigmatic Mystical Beasts. Each group held dominion over distinct realms and wielded unimaginable power. For eons, they coexisted in a fragile balance with no factions capable of making the others summit, but an ancient treasure, said to hold the key to ultimate power, threatened to disrupt that harmony and making whoever wield it to become most powerful of all!

Bakkymee · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Gathering Of Higher Existence (Gods, Demons, Mystical Creatures And Sole Adventures Guild)

In a world where the evolution stage is considered lower to the point that no factions or any powerful sole adventures tried to fight or take control of the resources the world have to offer. Suprisely, the Hesiod world have been showing strange signs of movement recently in a mountain know to be the most ancient, fearful and dangerous of all mountains in Hesoid.

The mountain which is widely know to all living beings inside Hesiod and given the name 'Moutain of İllusion And Vengeful souls'. No one, no matter how powerful have enter the mountain and able to come back alive.

The citizens have been warned to stay in their various homes until the mystery about the strange movement is solved. The king of Hesiod had send many powerful and brave warriors to stay at front of the mountain, far away enough to not to fall for the illusion of the mountain and send words back if they discovered any strange movement. But to the dismay of the king, not even the bones of the Warriors or any of their battle equipments was found after a mage with the ability to use any mirror to view a certain location or range inside Hesiod, scan the area where the Warriors set their tent.



A big spatial crack appear out of nowhere on the sky of Hesiod right in front of the the Mountain of illusion and vengeful souls, after a few seconds of silence, a human leg emerge from inside the big crack follow by th full body of the human wearing a set of armour made of gold, carrying a big war hammer twice his size on his shoulder. Like a swarm of bees, thousands of gods started coming out of the spatial crack, after what seems like eternity, the big spatial crack finally started to shrink and finally closed up.

Hmmmm, look like we are the first to arrive after all, a god said aloud while looking around.

There is something wrong with this mountain, the aura surrounding it make me feel somehow uncomfortable, God of wisdom, Akwmas muttered while staring intently at the mountain ahead.


A booming voice brought everyone back from the shock they are feeling. Please, let restrain our aura and battle intent a bit, we can't destroy the beings living in this world without the battle starting after all. Yashin said withouthout his expression changing.

Suddenly, before any gods respond to Yashin words, a white glow with ruins suddenly appear in the space a few metres away where the celestial army of gods and goddess stood.

Looking at the ruins glowing in front of them, the gods prepared to defend themselves against any sudden attack without anyone telling them anything.

With the glow dimming down, what appears in the eyes of every gods present was millions of creatures of different size standing tall and strong.

Long time no see Lyrak, how is everything going on at your side. İ see you also come for the ultimate treasure. By the way, are you sure you want to take part in this battle, your factions don't seems to participate in any recent wars over the years either for the ownership of some worlds or for an artifact. The god of the underworld, Hades said with narrowed eyes.

After creating enough space to stand far away from where the gods and goddess stood, Lyrak, glance at Hades and scoffed. Why can't i come here and fight for the fragment? Anybody who manage to obtain and form a Soul contact with the treasure will break the balance of the universe which have been stagnant for millions of year, the person will become powerful enough to crush any existence standing in his or her way. So naturally, i want to become this powerful existence.

And let me warn you, if you underestimate my factions thinking we are not powerful enough just because of any stupid rumour of my power plummeted or because we are not participating in any war that occurred in the recent years. Your arrogance will be your downfall in this battle, Lyrak said aloud in a voice filled with confident and disdain.

Anybody who understimate his opponent in this coming batt----


Goddess of snow, Khione words was cut off when a gate filled with darkness suddenly emerge in between where the celestial gods and mystical creatures stood. The place was silent for a few seconds before the darkness inside the gate swirled and a silhouette shot out while laughing aloud arrogantly



Azazel, the Demon of Hell wave his hand repeatedly and a thick wall of barrier made of flame surround him and those who just came out of the dark gate.

All the gods and creatures on the scene watch dumbfounded at the demons posture of defence and the wariless that appear on their face. Just because the demons found themselves surrounded by two factions when they appear, they suddenly asummed that they are being ambushed without seeing any attack thrown toward them, what kind of logic is this.

Heh, looks like you prepared well enough for this battle, i see you have gathered almost all the demons army in your possession. Do you think you can use numbers to obtain Victory? God of the underworld, Hades chuckle with his eyes glowing as he look at the Demon Overlord

İt didn't matter anyways, all i know is that victory will be mine, I will become the most powerful and unites all the realm and worlds in the universe. You better admit defeat and bow down to me as your new lord before it's too late, who knows, maybe i will spare your dog life and make you my slave.


A voice exploded with fury as Pontus, the god of the sea took a step forward and with a flash covered the distance standing between him and Vaelroth while striking his golden trident forward with water swirling around it.

Looking at the trident covered with a sharp aura slowly coming closer to his head, Vaelroth look on indifferent as his expression didn't change nor did he move from his position.


Suddenly, a fist covered with a guantlet appear in the void, out of nowhere and meet the powerful trident head on. Time seems to freeze for a second before the aftershock of the clash sounded like a nuclear bomb.


A thunderous explosion reverberated everywhere and the shockwave spread in the small world of Hesiod. Two silhouette of one god and one Demon shot out and slide on the space.

Flapping his wings and stabilising himself, Abaddon, the Demon of destruction, face was slightly pale. He would feel his body trembling and his internal organs shaken, taking a couple of deep breaths and calming his trembling body, he couldn't help but look at Pontus with a serious expression.

Taking a few seconds while struggling to steady his balance in the sky, Pontus, wouldn't help but wipe the blood oozing out in the corner of his lips with his hand. Although it was clear that the winner of the clash was undoubtedly Abaddon, many people who witnessed the clash know that is not the case.

Pontus, the god of the sea specialise in the battle style and fighting in the sea. Only a handful of gods, demons and mystical creatures dared to boast that he or she can battle Pontus in the sea to a draw. Even Yashin, Vaelroth and Lyrak will be force to use their trump cards if they want to end a battle in a draw against Pontus. That is how powerful Pontus is when fighting in the sea.

Although the leader of each factions is suppose to be powerful than the subordinate, this is an exception only for the factions belonging to the celestial gods and goddess.

While Yashin was selected to rule the gods and goddess, this is not because of the difference of power among them. While there is weak gods and powerful gods, the powerful gods that follow in the path of battle and becoming stronger not only can match his battle prowness but can fight to a draw against Yashin.

Yashin was selected as the ruler of all gods and goddess because he is the most ancient of all the gods present today and was well respected. He is a all rounder in form of combat, not to mention his experience in ruling and analysing things is only second to the god of wisdom, Awkmas.

He can fight with both Lyrak and Vaelroth at the same time without winning and losing out, he can even escape if he is in a tight situation with the two using his battle experience accumulated over the years.

While some gods, demons and mystical creatures can fight two powerful being of their level in a battle for days, they can't maintain the momentum after their stamina drop down significantly after battling for so long, causing a slight mistake in the fight which causes their death. This is how terrifying Yashin is, nobody except those with enough power want to start a battle with him when he decided to fight to the death with his aura unrestrain.

Watching with an interesting and amused eyes on their faces, the mystical creatures can't wait for the two immortal enemy to start fighting at the moment while they wait to reap the benefits.

Good good good, looks like this battle will be fun after all, Abaddon said aloud with a wide grin on his face while looking at Pontus.

How dare you obstruct me Abaddon, dare to come to the sea and thrust that fist at me again? Pontus said while gritting his teeth hard as he look at the Demon of destruction.

Only a fool will battle with you on the sea, fish. Abaddon said with a sneered. What a joke! Even his lord have to be careful when fighting against Pontus in the sea not to mention him!

Calm down Pontus, even Ferkih who crave for battle every day can't help but considered the big picture. We can't start fighting without the treasure fully born. Aion, the god of eternity tried explaining to ease the tense atmosphere.

Hey hey hey, why am I suddenly involved in all this, i didn't even talk or do anything since we arrived here, can't i act low-key for a few minutes. God of war, Ferkih stared with wide eyes as he look at Aion with fury in his eyes.

Everybody didn't know whether to laugh or cry as they realise they somehow seems to have neglected this powerful god! No, he is the one who hides among the crowd to conceal his presence. İn recent wars, even without the battle starting, the god of war will be the first one to jump forward to attack without saying any words, now that he decided to act low-key this time, everybody seems to forget his existence which have to do with the high tension surrounding the atmosphere.

With everybody attention on him now and realising that being low-key won't work. Ferkih smile bitterly while preparing to take a step forward but stop abruptly as he look up at the sky.

Suddenly, fifty large spacecraft of several kilometres long appear in the sky looking magnificent. A man wearing a mask with muscle all over his body stood at the door of one spacecraft. Looking at all the powerful beings of the universe gathered in one place, he couldn't help but feel great fear in his heart.

He didn't dare to come down nor did he initiate a conversation. He, who is also a god but can be considered the weaker type, didn't dare to act arrogantly when feeling all eyes on him.

He is the leader of the Sole Adventure Guild whose members consist of many powerful beings mainly humans, who rejected the offer to join any factions when they ascend the ranks of demi-god and god.

He rose to the rank of the gods ten millions years ago and use 2 million years to build up his factions while walking over thousands corpse of his enemy and those who oppose him.

Many powerful beings tried to kill him many times over the years but thanks to a fragment he obtained by luck, he managed to become stronger and hides himself well enough for many years to build up his factions.

Sorry for the late update

Bakkymeecreators' thoughts