
chapter 1: Running

I ran faster and faster as the hunter's ran after me. All because I am one of the few wolf's to have magical powers, but I still don't know what they are, it says that you will find out when you are truly safe. All my life I've been running, I was born as a lone wolf with my mother, we were thousands of miles away from a pack, but I had that mark, and I needed to be safe. Me and my mother had traveled for 13 years before she fell sick and died. I had to carry-on the path without her, I had no choice, she teached me to hunt and find shelter at the age of 7 just in case she left me to carry-on without her. Now I'm 16, and being hunted by hunter's, I'm only a few weeks away from the closest pack. I keep running and I eventually lost them. I walked from there and began sniffing for food, I hadn't ate in days, which was normal for me. I smelt a deer in the path ahead, I hid in the bushes as I got closer, once I was close enough, I attacked and killed the deer. I tor the skin off the deer and began to eat. Because water was scares I had to drink the blood as well as eat the fat and muscle. Once most of the deer was gone, I got up and continued my journey, I would find shelter once I could see the moon in the sky. Once I could see the moon, I quickly found shelter, and slept but not deeply, I stayed aware. I slept till the sky was brighter with the sun finally coming back up. I got up and walked towards the pack again. This was a peaceful walk, the birds were chirping, and the squirrels were chatting. I keep walk the entire day and through the night until I saw the moon and rested. This repeated for three days until day 4. Day 4 started normal, woke up, and began to walk in the peacefulness, once the sun was about halfway in the sky, I heard running water. I ran towards it, and luckily, it was right along the trail. There was a lake, perfect opportunity to wash off, and fill the canteen I had when I did find water. I looked at myself in the waters reflection, my tangled brown hair with blonde streaks, and deep brown eyes with a hint of red. The blood covering my mouth showed my wilderness. I undressed myself and got in the water, I had filled the canteen before getting in, I washed my body, ears, and tail, both a deep shade of brown. I looked at my mark telling me that I had a power, as always, it still had it's dragon shape with a heart on top, and a fire symbol on top of that. I didn't know what it could mean, it could mean something stupid, I wouldn't know. I finished washing myself and got out, I shaked the water off of me, and put my clothes back on. I grabbed the canteen and began to follow the trail again. After a peaceful week, my water from my canteen ran out, I got some food (deer) and sucked the blood out of it for hydration, at this point i was only a week out, so I would be fine. I wiped the blood off my mouth and continued my journey.