

Anamiel has the status of ⦓[𖤐]⦔. Anamiel is a wonderful user and the owner of the status of ⦓[𖤐]⦔. With the help of the status ⦓[𖤐]⦔, she is able to create any cosmological structure that will help her in battle and battle with anyone. Using the status ⦓[𖤐]⦔ Anamiel is able to create the universe. The universe is a reality that carries an infinite hierarchy of infinite sets of Jungian Archetypes that surpass any paraconceptual and transcendental hierarchies with multi-layered layers within which infinite transcendental, super-high hierarchies. Using the status ⦓[𖤐]⦔ Anamiel is able to create a multiverse. The multiverse is an infinite number of multiple universes arranged in an infinite hierarchy, each higher — transcendental. Transcendence is to rise above something, something. Using the status ⦓[𖤐]⦔ Anamiel is able to create a metaverse. A metaverse is a structure that accommodates an infinite number of cells. Within a single cell there is an infinite hierarchy of multiverses arranged in four intersections.

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Each of which is transcendental and carries a separate description.

Using the status ⦓[𖤐]⦔ Anamiel is able to create an Omniverse, within which there are an infinite number of metaverses that completely expand her and her scale.