
Power That Rivals Gods

A world is filled with high level monsters, and human are only few in number to compare. hence, they are seeking help from other powerful magical creature, such a fairies, demon, and vampires.

Sahil_Lather_8123 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Serious battle

In a beautiful environment with the sun giving pleasant warmness only the voice of the wind could be heard in the present situation, Challengers and opponents both were looking forward to their fight.

Arcus was looking at the Reivant in the hope of scanning his opponents, One thing that he noticed is that he is a swordsman like him, his only weapon is a sword with a golden handle, he would choose a sword fight, If he got a chance.

The same thing was going in the minds of Arcus and Sasha, After analysing the opponents both looked towards Luke, with a doubt on their faces.

Luke, do you think we will win? They are tough, especially your opponent he is known as a demonic swordster because of his fighting style, some people call him, a demon in disguise of a human body, he shouldn't be here why does he join training grounds full of newcomers; Arcus spoke with a worried look.

:dont worry Arcus, I will think of something to counter his attack, I just need to see what kind of attacks he uses, before he finishes me;

Good but let me tell you better not let him use his sword, Choose a different weapon, his sword is a legendary class item, and no one knows from where he got that, but there is a rumour that it is a sword of the past god that lost the battle against the demon and he was about to die, so he asked help from supreme god above him to protect himself; arcus told story with high curiosity like a kid.

: Oh are you talking about the story behind my sword, It is super interesting, let me continue;

: Really sir you will, it will be an honour for us; Arcus offers Reivant to continue the story left by him.

Well, your story is almost true, but do you know what did supreme being asked that god to do?;

No sir, no one knows that right, The story ends with him dying; Arcus tells what he had heard from his parents, There are a lot of stories of such gods, and every country has a slightly different version of the story of them.

: He said, ''Die for me, use your life force to destroy that place, your life is worthless if you die at the hands of them, don't worry you will be replaced easily, the world will never stop without you'' That was the line he spoke to him.;

and god did not die that easily like in the story, his death was pretty unique if you ask me;

Luke was so immersed in the story because he never had that story in his homeland so he could not control himself to ask: How did he die, sir? What do mean by unique?

Well, it was painful for sure, dying is painful anyway but think what kind of pain a guy must have felt when his whole body turned into sherds; Looking at the confused faces of the audience he continued, he used his body as a sacrifice by piercing sword inside him, he let his sword to absorb all of his magic and let it boom and so that is what a dying god can do, destroying miles of the area even at their end.

He must have felt betrayed when his last hope told him to die for him, I mean it is a kind of harsh word for a deity that even gods have to listen to; Luke felt sorry for god after listening to his lonely death.

Yeah of course he did, but that is how the world is even gods have to die we are just humans, so does anyone have any idea from which one God this sword belongs to? If any of your challengers answer, then we might go easy on you guys, What do you think, Good offer right?

He is doing it again, please don't drag us into your mess; Elsa spoke with an uninterested look.

Taking that opportunity that has been given to them, Arcus finally thanks himself for going to the bars with the ladies occasionally because over there he heard about his sword from one of the drunken friends.

: Oh, I know even though according to stories, it was the fire god Agni, but from what I have heard from some sources it is the type of sword that can use strong wind type of attack, so maybe a wind god Pasera?;

: Bingo, you are great, We might consider going easy on you; reivant gave a big smile, ignoring the protest Elsa had a moment ago, like a self-centred person does, with a big ego.

Arcus getting more and more curious asked a question that had been on his mind for some time: But how do you know about all of this, Who told you? sir, it is my first time hearing it;

Hu, it is secret guys, If you dont wanna believe me then dont, I dont care but that is the truth and no one can change it; Reivant says aggressively.

As all of them were talking with each other, a familiar sound started to vibrate in the surroundings, making all of them break their attention.

: Dam I know this annoying voice, he is the charge of looking out for them until the end, What a stroke of great luck these guys have; reivant says with an unhappy look.

: hu Hello this is your instructor here, glad to know you guys made it to the second round; Then with a yawn, he kept talking: So instead of wasting time let us get started Give me a good fight, even though it is your opponents who is going to decide if you pass or fail but I also have some power in my hand, so if you feel like you have been cheated then feel free to complain, I will give the final decision; unknown guy announced with the sleepy voice.

Edwar, you lazy bastard I had enough of your interference in my previous matches, Don't put your nose in my other matter again, today my decision will be final;

Oh relevant Don't act like a kid, If you have problems with my judgement then just let higher-ups know about it, I am here to make sure no one gives the wrong judgement because of emotions, or their ego; the new guy War sounded pleased with his belittling to his junior.

so both of them have known each other for a long time Even though Edwar is younger than him in age he is much stronger than Reivant in strength, so he is a little jealous of his junior who surpassed him in no time.

After some arguments and saying a few lines of insults to each other both of them cooled down, and Edwar continues his explaining of the arrangements for fighting: so for round 1 Arcus and Carolina will be fighting with each other then it will be Luke and Reivant and in the final round it will be Sasha and Elsa;

After telling the match sequence Edwar gives them a chance to choose battlefields suitable for each other they want to fight in, There are three options for them a hilly mountain, open fields with nothing and a place surroended with water with little land to stand.

arcus started to feel excited hearing that he had a chance to be the first one to fight: Good sooner the better, I dont have to wait now, I hope you are ready Carolina.;

Of course, I am Let us continue, so what kind of weapon are you gonna use?

Well, I am good with swords just as with other weapons, which one do you prefer?

Listening to the challenger ask for her choice, she felt like laughing: Dude, you are something, Are you giving me a chance to choose, well I am like you any weapon is fine, but let me tell you I am pretty good with body strengthening magic, wanna go without any toy?

arcus felt a chill down his spine as he saw Carolina smile, but he felt that he had met the perfect opponent: hand-to-hand combat, not a bad idea let us go, I am sure it is our first time meeting, so let me warn you I am pretty good with body strengthening magic, you sure you dont wanna change after knowing that.;

Then it is much better, Let us make this battle memorable; She smiled again at Arcus, her sharp teeth and claws were ready to get into action, and her body started to heat up in anticipation of battle.

Seeing her happy Arcus let out a deep breath and thought'' dam ladies nowadays are getting pretty wild, this is going to be fun.''

What about the battlefield, tell me so that I can put it in records, we have to start your battle too; Edwar orders them to decide as quickly as possible.

Both Carolina and Arcus spoke at the same time: Yes sir;

OK, what do you think then? arcus asked Carolina.

: hu I dont mind any, I can battle in any situation;

: Miss Carolina, You are a great fighter means, I hope you dont mind if I choose it;

: Yeah sure I dont mind; listening to a young man who can become her possible junior, she spoke in an agitated voice.

OK, sir I choose the mountains for our battle; Arcus signals Edwar to start their fight.

After walking a little further both reached the deep forest that had been prepared beforehand, to make the battle finish as quickly as possible, there were walls, to narrow their place to run.

Other folks did not follow them instead they stayed there watching them on magic screens that showed live action with the help of a trained eagle, his vision became their eyes.

OK start, when you are ready; edwar orders them to start their fight.

In a second before he finishes his sentence, carolina attacks his opponent by getting behind with her unimaginable speed, Arcus does not even notice at first, however, somehow he dodges her punch in the neck of a second, it is more like his instinct dodged it.

Haha wow, I missed, You are sharp, let us see how many times you can dodge my attacks;

Arcus was in surprise, he looked at her as he breathed heavily and said: sorry for not being ready, I did not think you of such an impatience person.

In counterattack Arcus increases his magic power in his muscles, making his body ready to speed up and create a destructive force in his punches.

He kicked back with full force towards her, but she disappeared in thin air, What the?; Surprised by the sudden disappearance he looked for her in the surroundings.

but she did not seem to be nearby, even her magic trace was nowhere to be found, but suddenly she attacked him with a high kick from behind before he could react he got a huge hit on his back and flew a few meters until he collides with one of the big trees.

: ow that hurts, what was that it there some kind of trick to it; Arcus speaks as he feels pain all over his back;

: No, my little junior it is not like that, I am just using most old teaching in the book, of course, I am not gonna tell you, figure it out yourself. carolina replied to his question, as if she wanted him to figure it out.

soldiers on duty did not just have a duty to test their skills but also had to see that if the participants were not making silly mistakes that could make them loose and correct it, if possible.

After a second or so Arcus stands up again ready to go, he raises his hands in a fighting stance backs his right leg and says: I am ready to go again; he concentrates deep inside and in the microsecond, he thinks What is he forgetting about that gives her advantage.

but it was still not around his mind, then in a flash another attack came right at him, this time he tried to approach her with a magic sensing method, but it was futile, a sudden punch on his chin came out of nowhere.

Not again: he says while he bleeds from his nose, but she did not stoop there, She kept on with a sharp kick to his chin, making his body unable to move, and he fell on the ground.

You still dont get it, focusing too much on magic, If you continue that, you are going to lose to me; Carolina speaks to Arcus while she playfully stands on her hands.

laying on the ground he saw her opponent enjoying and playing, he understood that she was not even serious.

but her words just now were playing in his ears again and again, he thought to himself,:'' he depended too much on magic, What is she trying to indicate, Wait''; Suddenly he was reminded of his father, who told him that before improving his magic senses, one should focus on their natural senses, such as hearing, eyes, taste, and their feelings for better awareness of the environment,

: That must be what I am forgetting, My opponent is a cat girl her reflexes should be ten times faster than mine so that means she is depending more on her senses than magic; train of thoughts finishes in his mind.

Then he stands up again while in pain, and he looks at his enemy who is wagging her tail with excitement, This time he activates all of his senses, breathing slowly and steadily as he looks at her.

Understanding that he is ready carolina vanishes again in thin air, Realizing the attack is coming Arcus gets ready to counter this time.

''Boom'' A straight punch from behind came at him, but this time something was different with him, instead of focusing on magic, he cleared his mind and noticed her smell, heard her steps, and felt her bloodlust all from one direction, making him aware of where she was attacking.

Dodging her attack he tried to counter it, but it was still impossible for him to hit her, She dodged his punch easily while looking at his eyes.

good you are getting used to it, That is why it is fun to fight with you young people you always surprise me; Carolina gets behind him as she comments.

arcus understood one thing out of their fight she was much more experienced than him, and he had to use different methods of fighting...>.>