
Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18

*Note Warning The story in fan fiction is being stopped written in that zone. This story is written original with just RWBY characters in it. So we gonna remove those characters an write our very own. Please an thank for reading this.* Kevin, a frail and powerless boy, yearned for strength and sought revenge. One fateful day, his dormant ability, known as his semblance, awakened, unveiling its true potential. Empowered with a unique ability to steal powers, Kevin embarks on an unwavering quest to become the mightiest of them all, venturing through uncharted and perilous territories. Fueled by an indomitable spirit, he unhesitatingly pursues his desires, unwittingly instigating a war within an organization. Amidst the ensuing chaos, a mysterious subordinate emerges, unlike any other, captivating Kevin's attention. Plagued by forgotten memories, Kevin is astonished by the individual's presence, as they harbor a profound connection to his past. Unbeknownst to Kevin, this encounter propels him towards an inevitable downfall, leaving him gasping for his final breaths unless he can somehow find a way to escape the impending doom.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

We Lost Him

As Karlin dashed through the pulsating party, the bass thumped against his chest, reverberating through his body. The dance floor came alive with a mesmerizing display of talent. Exotic dancers swayed and twirled, their bodies moving with grace and sensuality, enticing the crowd's senses. The scent of their perfumes and sweat mingled in the air, adding an intoxicating layer to the atmosphere. The colorful lights bathed the dancers in a vibrant glow, illuminating their costumes that shimmered and sparkled with every movement.

In the midst of the excitement, the party atmosphere took a sharp turn as the bouncers caught sight of Karlin causing trouble. Their expressions hardened, their eyes locked onto him like predators ready to pounce. The room grew tense as they swiftly closed in, their imposing figures blocking his path. With a flick of his wrist, Karlin unsheathed his katana, and the blade caught the neon lights, casting an iridescent glow. The clash of metal against metal filled the air as Karlin hammered and smashed his way through the bouncers, their bodies crashing onto the dance floor. The impact sent shockwaves through the room, causing glasses to shatter and drinks to spill, adding to the chaos as partygoers screamed and scrambled to safety.

Undeterred, Karlin pressed on, his heart pounding in his chest. He maneuvered through the crowd, the heat of bodies pressing against him, the thump of the music vibrating through his bones. The VIP room beckoned him, an oasis of refuge amidst the chaos. Police officers, determined to apprehend him, fired their weapons, the cracks of gunshots piercing the air. Windows shattered, spraying shards of glass and causing framed pictures to crash to the ground. Karlin's senses heightened, his reflexes honed. He evaded the bullets with swift, fluid movements, his body weaving and twisting like a dancer avoiding an invisible partner. The floor shook as he swept the officers aside, their bodies crashing into walls and furniture. Computers and DJ equipment toppled, their wires tangling and adding to the commotion.

"Good God, how long is this criminal going to keep running?" one of the officers shouted in frustration, his voice drowned out by the chaos. Aroan, taking charge, tried to cut off Karlin's escape route, his determination etched on his face. They dashed forward, ascending staircases with urgency, their heavy breaths mixing with the cacophony of the party. But Karlin was one step ahead, his instincts guiding him. Aroan fired shots, the cracks echoing through the stairwell, some missing their mark, and a few finding their target. Pain seared through Karlin's ankles as blood trickled down, but adrenaline surged through his veins, pushing him forward. He regained his footing, his will unyielding, and sprang forward, his body seemingly defying gravity as he leaped and dodged, narrowly escaping Aroan's fatal blow. Karlin's hands grasped onto hooks embedded in the sides of buildings, his fingers slipping on the metal's cold surface, as he navigated the edges with agility, determined not to be caught.

"His freaking ninja!" Aroan yelled, his voice laced with frustration and determination. "Come on, bring more! We can't let him get away! He's heading for the rooftops!"

The police officers, their lungs burning, pushed themselves to the limit, their pounding footsteps echoing through the staircases. Each breath mingled with the adrenaline that surged through their bodies. They knew capturing Karlin wouldn't be easy, but their unwavering determination fueled their pursuit as they raced after him, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of the chase.

Karlin dashed through the narrow alleyways, his footsteps echoing against the brick walls. He leaped from one building to another, the wind rushing past his ears as helicopters attempted to keep up with his lightning-fast pace. Aroan, determined to capture Karlin, sprinted relentlessly, his boots pounding against the pavement, the sound reverberating through the streets.

As Karlin evaded Aroan's pursuit, he ducked and weaved, his body contorting like a worm, slipping through tight spaces and dodging obstacles with precision. With each jump, he felt the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, his muscles straining with effort. The sensation of the rough surfaces beneath his palms and the cool wind against his face heightened his senses.

Aroan, refusing to let Karlin escape, kept firing his gun with rapid succession. The sharp cracks of gunfire filled the air, the sound echoing off the buildings. Karlin, agile as ever, sliced through the air, attempting to sever Aroan's fingers from his grip. Aroan, feeling the sting of pain, released his right hand, balancing himself with his left. He grunted in anger, launching a powerful left kick that sent Karlin staggering backward.

Karlin retaliated, flipping in mid-air and launching a barrage of strikes and jabs. Their fists collided in bone-jarring combos, each blow met with equal force. Karlin, sensing the backup approaching, pushed Aroan back, creating some distance between them. He felt the rush of wind as Aroan's black-gloved hand narrowly missed his face, the force of the punch leaving a gust in its wake.

Cornered at a dead end, Aroan aimed his gun at Karlin's head, his voice filled with determination. "I'll kill you, Karlin! Stop running, there's no way out!" Aroan's finger tightened on the trigger, but before he could fire, Karlin's wrist flicked with lightning speed. The bullet ricocheted off Karlin's blade, reflecting back towards Aroan. Aroan gasped and tried to dodge, but the bullet grazed his cheek, drawing blood.

When Aroan looked up, expecting to see Karlin's lifeless body, to his surprise, Karlin was nowhere to be found. Aroan rushed to the edge of the building, his heart pounding in his chest. He saw no sign of a fall or a dead body, just a pool of blood spreading on the rooftop. Aroan's anger boiled within him as he realized Karlin had escaped.

Meanwhile, Karlin walked aimlessly through the long alleyways, the dim light casting eerie shadows around him. He clutched the orb tightly in his hands, feeling its power pulsating through his fingers. He turned around, a mischievous grin forming on his face as he raised his middle finger in mockery towards Aroan.

Aroan, seething with anger, struggled to his feet, his gaze fixed on the disappearing figure of Karlin. He glanced back at the weary officers, gasping for breath, knowing they had lost the chase. Aroan muttered under his breath, "Well, f*** you too," his hand waving dismissively as he prepared to report the disappointing outcome to Captain Ozpin.