
Episode 2

Years ago a bad monster name gruntor wanted to destroy earth. But a alien name Demato cast him away. Then he made six morphers but 1 of the the morphers was lost is new Zealand then 5 kids found then to became power rangers spin beast. At school the rangers was at their lockers.

Chris said" Joe come here."

Joe said" yes Chris what Are is it?"

Chris  said" look at this." Then the morpher rang.

Demato said" monster at the park go now." At the park the rangers saw the monster.

Chris said" who are you."

The monster said " my name is sonic boom and you will be boom."

Chris said" it's morphing time!"

The rangers said let's spin out. "( same thing as episode 1)

The red ranger said"  tiger warrior, spin beast red."

The blue ranger said" fox warrior, spin beast blue. "

The green ranger said " bear warrior, spin beast Green. "

The yellow ranger said" cheetah warrior, spin beast yellow."

The pink ranger said " Phoenix warrior, spin beast pink."

The red ranger said" we are guardian of the world. "

They all said" power rangers, spin beast. "

Sonic boom said" avenbots attack!"so they fight again and the avenbots exploded.

The red ranger said " it's you turn. "

Sonic boom said " not is time, tornado strike." It hit the rangers.

The rangers said" Ahh."

The blue ranger said we need a plan."

The red ranger said " we fight." He go after the monster

The green ranger said " it's not a plan."

Sonic boom said" good bye." Then disappeared on the red ranger.

The red ranger said" aw man." At HQ Demato said " Chris you let the monster escape."

Chris said " the monster will be back."

Demato said " gave me your morpher please. "

Chris said " OK here." Gave the morpher to Demato. Then the alarm rang.

Demato said " sonic boom is back. He is in the park. Go now." Joe,George, Lucy, and Mallory said " yes sir."

Demato said " and Chris stay here."

Chris said " OK"

Joe said " ready "

The rest said " ready

They said " let's spin out."

The blue ranger said " sonic boom."

Sonic boom said " where is is the red ranger."

Yellow ranger said " that's none of your business. "

Pink ranger said " let get him. "

Sonic boom said" tornado strike."

The rangers said Ahh ."

Chris said" please let me help them. They need a leader. please."

Demato said" OK here's your morpher. Now go help them. "

Sonic boom said your finish rangers. " then a blast shot at sonic boom.

The red ranger said" well looks like you need some help."

The rangers said " CHRIS!" Sonic boom look at Chris.

Sonic boom said"well the red ranger so your here. "

The blue ranger said " we're help."

The red ranger said" no, I got this. Fire saber " so red ranger and sonic boom start fighting.

The red ranger said" take this."

Sonic boom said" ow"

The red ranger said" it's time to finish you. Fire strike ." then exploded.

Gruntor said" fire the giant laser. " fired at sonic boom.

Sonic boom said" ha ha ha."

Red ranger said summon zords." Then the zords came. The rangers got in the zords.

The blue ranger said  let's do this."

The red ranger said"zords combined." Then the zords combined into the spin beast megazord.

" spin beast megazord, ready." Said the rangers.

Sonic boom said tornado strike. " and

The rangers said Ahh. "

Sonic boom said your finish. "

The red ranger said " kick attack. " kick at sonic boom.

Sonic boom said"ow."

The red ranger said let's finish this. "

The rangers said" spin saber, final strike."

Sonic boom said"no"

Red ranger said " you are exterminated."

Gruntor said aw man." At the rangers HQ.

Demato said" Chris you are back as the red ranger."

Chris said "thanks."

Joe said " it's good to have you back. "

Chris said " it's good to be back. "

The end