
The Beginning (Part 1)

Deep under water, just above where light stops penetrating through the water, a young man ran through the hallways of the massive base. His footsteps echoed through the empty but dustless corridors. He ran into the still active control room and stopped in the center. He stared up at the big computer monitor that dominated the front wall. On screen was a map of Earth, which was constantly updated by satellites. This screen was available to all Power Ranger teams, but only this command center had the global map up at all times.

Saba spoke up. "What's wrong, Michael?" Michael looked at the Mighty Morphin White Ranger Sword, which was infused into the Command Center's systems. Michael looked back at the monitor. "Nothing happened all night?" "Correct." Michael looked at Saba again. "Did you mute the alarm?" "No. Why would I do that?" Michael relaxed. After a few moments, he smiled. "First full night's sleep I've gotten in a while." Michael walked over to a desk that was up against the side wall, which had coffee and a coffee maker. Saba spoke over the sound of the coffee maker working. "Breakfast will be ready in one hour. What tasks would you like to complete today?" Michael leaned against the table and thought to himself. Then he looked over his shoulder at Saba. "Let's fire up the ZRF." "The Zord Repair Facility? Are you certain?" Michael smiled as he poured the freshly brewed coffee into a disposable cup. "It's been quiet for nearly 28 hours. Besides, I need to repair the Silver Labu Zord sometime. Can't keep using the Red-"

The lights flashed red and the alarm blared. Michael lost his smile. "...great… just great…" He turned towards the big screen. "Report." Saba took a fraction of a second to analyze the data coming in. "Angel Grove. No contacts." Michael sipped his coffee before speaking again. "If there isn't anything there, what tripped the alarm?" "Checking now. Sanzu Water pool located." Michael lowered the coffee cup from his lips as the big screen showed a small amount of red water pooling in a small pit inside Angel Grove Park. Then again, calling it a "pool" was a stretch. This amount of water was barely a large puddle. "That's why. Where there's Sanzu Water…" Saba doesn't say anything. Michael looks at the Sword. "Saba?" "I was waiting for you to finish your thought." Michael looked a little surprised. "Oh. I thought you were going to finish my thought." "I can't read your mind, Michael." "Where there's Sanzu Water, Nighlok aren't far behind. Ever since the Sanzu River was cut off from our reality, the surviving Nighlok who can't get home have to replenish themselves with whatever Sanzu Water is left on Earth. This could be the last Sanzu on the planet, so now I can finish what the Samurai team started." "I know this already, Michael." Michael rolled his eyes.

The Ranger looked back at the screen. "Angel Grove… is the Turbo team still available?" "No. The Blue Turbo Ranger had called a few days ago stating he would be out of town for at least two weeks." This information annoyed Michael. "Of course Justin isn't available the one time I actually want his help. Alright, I'm going." Michael quickly gulped down the rest of his coffee before throwing the trash onto the table. "I'm taking Red Meg again." "Red Megalodon is ready to deploy."

Jack loved his job. Nothing much happened in Angel Grove, so it was easy to be a police officer. There were occasional minor crimes, but most of the cop's day consisted of patrolling the town. Then again, not every day was quiet. As Jack stopped the police cruiser at an intersection, a sports car ran the red light. Jack turned on the police sirens and began to pursue the car. Before he could even radio in to dispatch, the car turned on its emergency lights and pulled onto a dirt road, slowing itself to a stop. Jack sighed in relief, thankful that the driver was stopping. The car screeched to a halt, stopping just short of hitting a young woman. The blonde haired woman started angrily yelling at the driver. As Jack parked behind the sports car, he saw the driver, a jet-black haired woman, get out of her car and start yelling back. Jack got out of his cruiser and approached the altercation.

"You almost ran me over!" "You should've looked both ways before crossing the road!" "It's a park! Why were you going so fast?!" Jack stepped in between them, looking at the blonde woman. "Ma'am, please step back." He then turned towards the driver. "You. How fast do you think you were going?" The driver rolled her eyes. "I know I was going over the speed limit. Just do what you have to do." The blonde shouted again. "That's a load of bull! I want to press charges!" "I didn't even hit you!" Jack sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Some days are more annoying than others… license and registration, please." The driver handed the items over. Jack read the name. "...Susana?" "Yep." Jack nodded and looked at the other woman. "I don't think the charges will go anywhere, but if you want to try, I can take your name." "Cassidy." Jack turned towards his cruiser, but stopped. "...what the…?" The women looked over at at the police officer, and then at what he was looking at. Then they screamed.

Bogomo, as far as he knew, was the last remaining Nighlok. The dark green and black Nighlok was spared the fate of his master and compatriots because he had been on a long range scouting mission when the Samurai Rangers defeated the others. Despite surviving, he knew his time was running out. No Nighlok could survive without Sanzu Water. Most of his body was turning to dust, as is the fate of any Nighlok who dries out completely. The puddle should be around here somewhere…

A pair of screams interrupted Bogomo's thoughts. He turned towards the sound to see three humans watching him in fear. If he had the strength, he would've destroyed them. However, he didn't have the strength. He had maybe minutes before he dried out completely. He rushed off, looking for the last puddle. It was nearby. He could feel it.

Jack shouted at the women. "Get out of here!" He ran after the monster. Susana and Cassidy stopped screaming, but otherwise didn't move. Jack pulled out his police baton as he ran. "Stop!" He slammed himself into the Nighlok, toppling him to the ground. Bogomo roared in anger. "Out of my way, human!" He kicked Jack, sending the officer flying through the air. Susana ran to Jack. "Are you ok?!" Jack winced as he sat back up. "...yea… I'm good…" Cassidy ran at the monster. Bogomo managed to get back up to his feet as Cassidy ran up. He brought up the giant club that he had been using as a cane. "Pests!" Cassidy ducked underneath the club, and punched the monster in the side. Then she brought her foot up in a powerful kick, hitting the monster in the chest. He stumbled backwards. This human knew how to fight, and Bogomo didn't have the strength to fight off a skilled fighter.

Then he spotted it: Sanzu Water. He started limping towards it. He was less than a yard away. Then he stopped. A Ranger had landed in between him and the water. Bogomo snarled. "You again!" Cassidy, Jack, and Susana all looked in awe. They had all heard of the Power Rangers, but this was the first time any of them had seen one up close. The Ranger slowly stood upright. Completely covered in a Silver covered suit, the torso was dominated by a black "A". The black visor was in the shape of a "V". Michael, the Silver Atlantis Ranger, raised his large spear towards Bogomo. "The Nighlok threat ends today."

1k readers in one month?! I don't think my first story ever did this well! Figured I at least owe you guys another chapter.

I won't be able to update this story very often, though, so I'm sorry for that. How about this? Each time this story gains another 1k views, I'll write another chapter.

Thank you for your support!

Grant_Bardaycreators' thoughts