
Power of Women

Alaisa_Jayne · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter:1 Why do things always change

He's moving. I finally find a decent guy that doesn't want me for the power and position that comes with having me and he wants to leave, I don't get it. He is in charge of a brotherhood. Since the death of my father ment it was passed along to him for Frances is as close to male successor he can get. I thought when my father died that Frances and I would be at least engaged and I would just go were he went like my mother and grandmother before me. But he wants to stop letting trivial things get in the way of his career and apparently I am one of those things. Honestly if I wanted to I could probably take command of our whole village. The females of my villages bloodline are well respected as advisors and leaders. If I wanted to be that type of women I could take his career right out from under him. But to do such a thing to a man in this age would cause him to be thought of as equal to a lepor. I love him but sometimes I really wanna kick him. I haven't quite thought of were specifically but you get the idea. I want it to hurt. Ok whatever who needs men they are smelly and dirty. I better start heading home before Mimi get angry with me.