
Power of the Elements

Renee666 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Mike went back to work and Mary showed me the way to my dorm and wished me luck. Once I stepped inside I saw three people sitting in the living room. The girl stood and greeted me "Hi, I'm Melanie you must be Samantha." "Yeah, could you show me where my room is?" I asked sadly. Melanie saw the look on my face, "Had a rough day?" "Yeah" "Well if you want to talk about it  we're all great listeners." "Maybe a little later." "Oh ok, well your room is this way." I followed Melanie into a plain room with a bed and a desk. "You can decorate your room any way you want, it doesn't have to be blank. Well, I'll let you get settled in now. You should come hangout with us all later." "Sure, why not." After Melanie left, I shut the door and sat on my plain bed. I cried for two hours before I finally fell asleep. 

       When I woke up, I decided to go officially meet my dorm mates. When I walked out they were playing what looked like poker. "You mind dealing me in?" They all looked up at me, a boy with dark hair responded, "Sure, do you know how to play Texas hold'em?" "Yeah, my dad taught me when I was 14." As I said it I could feel a wave of pain wash over me and I grimaced. 

"Well sit down and we'll start. My name's Max by the way." "And I'm David." said the blonde boy with glasses. "It's nice to meet both of you." As we played I noticed how nice and strong the boy with dark hair was. I think I may like him but I'm not sure yet.

       "So Melanie, what are your powers?" I asked after a while. "Well I have the ability to control time and the weather." "Wow really, does that mean you can make it snow for me?" I asked excitedly. "Not yet, my powers aren't strong enough yet. But I can make it warmer or colder and sometimes if I focus really well, I can make it rain for a few minutes." "Oh, well what about you Max?" Max smiled and said "I have super strength and I can understand animals." I knew he was strong. "Cool, and you David?" He fixed his glasses and then said, "I can control any metal known to man, meaning I can wield it together or break it apart by just thinking about it." "Wait seriously, David that's amazing. Can you create weapons?" He cleared his throat "Well I'm sure I could, but I've never tried." "What are your powers, Samantha?" Melanie asked. "I can control the sun and other light sources." "Can you show us?" Max asked with a smile. "Um, I can try." I made a bowl with my hands and closed my eyes. I imagined a sphere of light in my hands until they grew warm. Then I opened my eyes and there it was, the ball of light. "Great job." Max said encouragingly. "Thanks." I said as I felt a blush spread across my cheeks. I spotted a digital clock on the wall. "Oh! It's getting late. I think I'm gonna crash for the night." "Ok, see you in the morning." Melanie said with a smile.

       I went to bed, but I couldn't sleep very well, I was tossing and turning all night.  When I did finally fall asleep I had terrible nightmares, I saw my Mom and Dad dead in their car and woke up crying. After that I couldn't go back to sleep, I was too scared of whatever nightmares I would have. 

Eventually I got out of bed around 6:30 am and made a pot of coffee. I found some milk and sugar, I'll buy coffee creamer later.

       A few hours later everyone else woke up. "How long have you been up?" David asked while cleaning his glasses. "Four in the morning." "Really, why?" Max asked. "I had trouble sleeping. I've got a lot on my mind." "Penny for your thoughts?"  Max said with a worried look on his face. 

       That's when I decided to tell them how it started. I told them about when I was walking home, waking up in the gray room, and never knowing magic existed. "I found out my parents died in a car crash about three days ago. I had a nightmare about it which is why I was up so early." "Samantha, I'm so sorry." Melanie said. "Is that why you seemed a little upset when you told us your dad taught you how to play Texas Hold'em?" Max asked. "Yeah, I just can't believe they're truly gone. It seems real but doesn't at the same time." Melanie walked forward and gave me a hug, "You'll get through this, I promise." She let go of me and backed a few steps away. 

       "You know, I think it's about time we got some breakfast. What do you guys think?" Max asked. All three of them shared a grin. David smiled then said "Let's take her to 'Miranda's Bakery'."  Melanie smiled "You read my mind."

       When we got to the bakery there was a little old woman behind the counter. We approached the counter and the little old woman said "Is this your new dorm mate?" "Ms. Miranda this is Samantha, Samantha this is Ms.Miranda. She owns the bakery." Max explained. "Nice to meet you I'm Samantha and yes I'm their new dorm mate." "Samantha has never been here. We were hoping to show her where the best place to get breakfast is." Melanie said. Ms. Miranda turned to me and smiled, "Well my dear, you've come to the right place. Here try this." She handed me a fancy looking pastry that I definitely didn't have money for. "But I don't have any money." I said in protest. "Don't you worry honey it's on the house." she replied with a warm smile. I took a bite of the pastry, it tasted like strawberry and coconut. "Oh my God, this tastes wonderful!" "Thank You, it took me a decade to get that recipe right." Me and my dorm mates had breakfast then we went back to our dorm.

       "Would you like to borrow some of my clothes until you have your own again?" Melanie asked. "Are you sure, I don't want to be an inconvenience." "I'm positive, come on lets go see what I have." I followed Melanie to her room where she let me pick out something to wear. "Thanks Melanie you're a lifesaver. Now we're definitely best friends." "No problem."  she said with a laugh.

      Later on Mary came and got me. "We can go get some of your stuff now, if your ready." "Great, I really miss my stuff." "Then lets go." We got in her car and drove for three hours before I realized we were in my home town. We got to my house and she unlocked the door with a key of her own. "How did you get a key?". "I made a copy off of yours, while you were unconscious. Just in case you wanted to visit your home." she said apologetically. "I could've just used my copy." "About that, anything you had with you when you passed out we put back into your home." "Oh." 

        We walked inside and everything looked the exact same as it was before. I ran to my room and leaped on my bed just happy to be home for a few minutes. I started packing stuff into a suitcase. I packed most of my clothing, all of my books, most of my stuffed animals, and all of my school and craft stuff. I put all my electronics in a backpack. I folded all of my bedding and stacked it together. We loaded all of my stuff into her car.

       We were about to go when I realized I had nothing that belonged to my parents. "Wait I forgot something." I went back inside and packed a few articles of clothing that belonged to both of my parents. I packed our family photo album and on my way out I grabbed the new bottle of coffee creamer from the fridge. "Ok I'm ready to go back to… what is the place called?" I asked. "We call it the Supernatural Power Community or SNPC for short." Mary responded as she stared at my coffee creamer. "Oh. Well then I'm ready to go back to SNPC."