
Power of stand in MHA

An ordinary girl that you can find anywhere die in a plane crash. She got reborn in MHA with the power of 3 different stand granted by a mysterious female voice. Will she use it for her own goals or help others with her new found power. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don’t own anything. 1 week for 1-2 chapter.

redblue · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

kocchi Wo Miro!

Upon hearing All Might, all the students began to look at the screen on which was showing team A and B strategies for the fight. But it seemed that one of then didn't like to teaming up, and that person is the blond haired Bakugo.

"Yeah, so if we do this then we should be able to..." but before Izuku could finish, he interrupted by Bakugo "SCREW THIS!! I'm not like the rest you extras. I'll beat her all on my own, so don't come near me."

"Wait Kacchan, we need your..."

"SHIT UP Deku!! I don't need your stupid help." giving him a nasty look before he turned around and went to the direction of the building.


'This is really bad.' Seeing Bakugo leave, Ilda went up and said "Bakugo listen, we can't defeat her, did you see how she apprehended you yesterday? We have to work together, in order to beat her."

Hearing his classmates, Bakugo gave them an angry glance before, he calmed down "Fine, I only doing this once since I want to beat her."

Hearing his response, they were glad that Bakugo listened and Izuku went on to explain his plan "You know what her quirk is?" said Ochako, to which Izuku replied "A little, she once showed me that she as super strength quirk..."

"And yesterday, she seem to use a zipper on Kacchan and knock him down already. Probably a teleportation quirk?"

"So she has three quirk? That the first time in history that a person has three quirk." said Ilda with a surprising face."

"Don't worry about I got a plan, and Kacchan will be our ace." pointing at his best friend, which made him mad as he didn't like to be ordered around by a person like Izuku.

After they went over the plan once again and was about to move, suddenly they heard something coming, it was the sound of railing and it began to approach more. Hearing it, they began engaging when they saw Mio coming. But what they found was... a little toy tank that has a cat skull at the front.

Seeing this, Bakugo thought it was a joke and began to approach the tank "Kacchna, wait I don't thinks that a good idea to approach..." before he could finish his phrase, he was cut by his best friend "Shut up, Deku. Is this a joke? We have take that first to fight her? You really thought that this little toys of your is going to be a..." but before he could grab the little toy tank, the tank jump at his face and using his rail to saw the cheek of him.

"Haaaaa, what the hell." as he took the tank and threw it out of his face to the ground with his explosive quirk "I don't think that's a normal toy."

The tank was now in the ground before it began to float with it eyes now shining.

Before they could do anything, tank analyzed with its eyes to see the warmest thing it can find. And it seemed that it found the warmest thing around him, the hand of Bakugo. Without further, he began to charge while saying "Kocchi Wo Miro!" and charge at them.

"Everyone dodge!" as everyone dodge except for Bakugo who just stand there while putting his hand forward, preparing to explode the little tank.

"Die you little shit!" as he detonated his explosion quirk to the little tank, but the little tank exploded too, the explosion was stronger than Bakugo quirk which send him flying.

"KACCHAN!!" Seeing his friend send flying, Izuku ran to him to see if his friend is okay.

"Did the tank just denote itself?" said Ochako

"I think it did. But at least we don't have to worry since it already exploded itself up." said Ilda, he hoped that the little tank wouldn't do anymore more harm to his teammates, but he was wrong as the tank was fine and still active.

"Kocchi Wo Miro!"

As the tank charged once again, not at Bakugo, but at Ilda who was the warmest thing around them, since the pulse of Bakugo was low.

"Ilda this thing is after you, you have to run." Izuku said to Ilda, as the tank charged at him. Seeing the tank following him, he use this chance get this dangerous type of quirk out of his teammates so that they get to fight Mio.

"Izuku, Ochako go found her and capture her, while I distract this tank." he said before running off with the tank chasing him.