
Power of creation

A boy by the name Chris get a System one day the system destroys the universe And Chris has to rebuild it or make whatever he wants

Red_Mind_god · Fantasy
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33 Chs

new dawn and civilization

Under the starlit night sky, Chris gazed up at the serene moon, a sense of accomplishment radiating from his being. He marveled at the sight of his lunar creation, a testament to his ingenuity and determination. "I hope everything is going well up there," he murmured, a hint of concern in his voice.

A moment later, a notification appeared, providing him with a report on the planet he had crafted. "Planet report: oxygen at 56%, other gases at 44%, and a population of 300 million," the message read. Chris sighed with relief, his contentment restored. "Thank goodness, it seems to be thriving," he whispered, a smile gracing his face.

With a determined spirit and an insatiable curiosity, he embarked on a journey through the vast expanse of space, soaring effortlessly until he gracefully touched down in a mysterious forest.

The rustling of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures greeted Chris as he ventured deeper into the forest. "What secrets does this place hold?" he mused aloud, his voice mingling with the whispering breeze. As he walked, he noticed a peculiar path made of dirt and stone, winding its way through the trees. "Should I follow this path? Where could it possibly lead?" Chris pondered, his eyes scanning both directions.

Without a second thought, Chris decided to venture to the left, After a couple of hours of traversing the path, Chris's attention was captured by an unexpected sight—a broken-down carriage, seemingly abandoned and in disrepair. He approached cautiously, inspecting the worn-out vehicle. "Such a shame to see something once grand left in such a state," he muttered sympathetically.

Chris saw that it will take time to walk so he need a ride so he saw to restore it , Chris unleashed his powers upon the carriage, mending its broken parts and breathing new life into its weathered frame. As he stepped back to admire his handiwork, a thought struck him—how would the carriage move without a horse?

His eyes sparkled with inspiration as he extended his powers once more, conjuring a majestic horse into existence. "There you are, my loyal companion," Chris said affectionately, gently patting the horse's mane. But as he attempted to board the carriage, a realization dawned on him—the horse needed guidance.

Undeterred by this setback, Chris focused his powers once again, bestowing upon the horse not just intelligence, but the wisdom of a skilled driver. "Now, my friend, we can truly embark on our journey together," he exclaimed with a mixture of excitement and relief.

With Chris seated comfortably in the restored carriage and the horse ready to obey his every command, they set off on their adventure. The rhythmic clip-clop of hooves and the creaking of wheels accompanied their progress as they delved deeper into the winding road. Hours turned into moments as Chris marveled at the ever-changing landscapes that unfolded before his eyes—the vibrant colors of blooming wildflowers, the grandeur of ancient trees reaching for the heavens, and the songs of birds filling the air.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow upon the world, the road led Chris to a lively and bustling town.