

Divya had woken up late this morning. Ever since then, she had been having a severe head ache as if her head had been split in half. She couldn't remember what happened after she dropped the fake roof on Visha yesterday. Her headache intensified every time she tried to remember, so she decided to let it go. She even thought of asking Priya about it but nothing. She couldn't reach her no matter how hard she tried. Where could she have gone? Divya wondered. She took a pill for her headache and left for college.

Divya rushed straight to her class as she was running late. She went in and quietly sat down. However, she failed to notice the intense gaze of people that wouldn't leave her. But soon enough she slcoukd hear people whispering around her.

"She acted so high and mighty, but it's finally revealed what a s**t she is."

"I'm so glad someone pulled her mask off. Now these idiot boys can see the true colours of their so called 'goddess'."

"Can't believe she had an abortion and still had the audacity to be referred as 'goddess'. I even heard she was going after the Cold King."

"No way! Our Majesty would never settle for 'damaged' goods. Thankfully, he has very high standards."

"Yeah. That Visha from the other class also went after him. Honestly, she is still a better choice compared to this thick - make up sl*t."

"True. She is more natural and way more beautiful than this Divya. I'm so fed up of this one acting like she owns the world, just because she is related to Dhira."

"You have old news, girl. I heard she was just faking it and that Dhira's real sister is actually Visha."

"Really? Just how fake and pathetic can one be!"

Since the incident where Visha 'threw' herself at Yash was known by everyone and Divya's pursuit wasn't a secret either. They couldn't help compare the two. And even if the event from last night hadn't happened, Visha still had better physical attributes than she ever could. No wonder they deemed her the winner among the two. But what Divya didn't understand the 'mask' and 'truth' everyone was talking about. She could feel their animosity towards herself, so she got up and left. People either sneered at her or were disgusted by her, their disdainful looks wherever she went confused her even further. All of it seemed like a huge misunderstanding till she saw the picture on the notice board. She rushed to take the picture off as her world came crumbling down. Her mind went blank as things slowly started to make sense. She understood why people were saying what they did. But how could this have gotten here? Divya thought.


Visha had grabbed Dhira and pulled her along towards the library. Dhira had no idea why this one had such a big smile covering her face and what it was that she was so eager to show her. Everyone stared at this scene. Someone was pulling Dhira like a little kid and she had a gentle loving look for her! The whole college went in an uproar. No one had ever thought anyone even had the guts to even look at her, let alone pull her along! Maybe the rumor really was true, maybe Visha really was Dhira's sister!

Just when they were around the corner of the corridor, Visha saw Yash enter the library followed by Vir.

"Right on time!" exclaimed Visha. She was able to catch up to them after dragging Dhira along all the way inside the library too. But it was worth it. Dhira looked at Visha, her eyes seemed to be sparkling as she anxiously waited for something to happen. She then looked up to see Yash heading towards the librarian's desk which was pretty crowded as it was early morning. A lot of students had come to return the books. As soon as they saw that Yash was here too they gave way and he stepped up to take the opportunity to go first. Vir thanked the people on behalf of his 'brother'. He was already admired by all the girls in the college and feared by the boys. No one would have dared to stand in his way. The librarian blushed seeing this handsome student. She was a middle aged woman with thick librarian glasses who usually had a crude attitude but suddenly changed into a flower after seeing him. Watching this made Visha's blood boil. He was still considered a minor so this old 'Grandma' better stop drooling over him before someone reports it.

Librarian took the book from his hands with flushed red cheeks and started to turn the pages to check for any torn or disheveled pages. It was just a routine. She kept sneaking glances at him in between with a creepy smile. Even Vir was feeling uneasy seeing it. After a few pages, a pamphlet fell out and grabbed everyone's attention. One of the girls went and picked it up to suck upto Yash. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw the contents of the pamphlet and she awkwardly handed it back to Yash. She turned away still feeling awkward and left. Everyone was stunned to see the pamphlet as well, including the librarian who should be experiencing menopause right now. The pamphlet was about some shady clinic that cured Erectile dysfunction!

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