
Power of a girl's love

A girl born with some amazing power.Who can make the impossible possible with her love.That the touch of her hand can do the same thing as before.Who brought her boyfriend back from the path of death with her love.Who brought back the lost soul of nature with the touch of her love.Whi saved the world from the devil.

Daoistfog2wD · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The mystery of the girl's birth

Merrill and Virmi are very rich couple.They did not lack anything. They had a lot of property. They had a lot of ten maids.So, naturally they should be very happy. But surprisingly, they were not happy even after having so much wealth.Because they did not have any children.Wealth can never give happiness to the mind, these are just relative happiness.There was no peace in their minds because they always missed that one child.

One day they discussed this and decided that they would go to a shrine near them and pray for a child.So they set out for the shrine the next afternoon.When they reached the shrine, they began to pray to the Creator.Just then a religious guide came to the shrine.He shows them how to understand their minds.He told them to help. He told them it was a curse on them.To get rid of this curse, they have to complete certain tasks. Then the couple asked him what exactly they should do.He told them to donate all their property and to live in a simple hut.He told them to make a living by farming like ordinary farmers.After hearing all this, they agreed without thinking. Because what will happen with this property that property can not bring any happiness in their life. They need a child.And for all these reasons they agreed to give up everything.

As promised, they donated all their property and took refuge in a small hut.They brought only two clothes to wear and two days' worth of food to eat.There was no furniture in their hut, just a bunk bed to sleep on and there were two earthen pots for cooking.

Seeing them, one can understand how great happiness is child happiness. This happiness is a happiness for which any relative happiness can be given up.

When their meal was over two days later, Merrill set out in search of food and work.But that day he did not get any work or food, so he had to return home empty handed. They spent that day without eating.The next day Merrill went out again for the same purpose and that day he had the opportunity to work in agriculture with some farmers nearby.He was able to bring food that day. After returning home, his wife was very happy to hear all.

A few days later, Virmi suddenly fell ill. Merrill was very worried, so he called a doctor.The doctor examined her and confirmed that she was pregnant.They were both very happy to hear all this and they went back to that sherin to thank the guide.

When they got there, they told him the good news and thanked him.Then the man told them something about their child which surprised them.He said their child would be born with some amazing power.And he told them something about this.

A few months later, one day, she suddenly started having labor pains. She was having a lot of trouble.It was raining outside that day, Merrill didn't get a chance to call a doctor outside.He did not know what to do.Suddenly Virmi screamed, and after that scream came the sound of a baby crying.Merrill ran home and saw that she had a daughter.He was very happy, but when he called his wife he did not answer.In fact, Virmi was already dead.Then he took his daughter in his arms and completed the last task of his wife.And he named his daughter Verin.

And thus was born a wonderful daughter of Verin.