
Power Manipulator System in the Multiverse.

(I started this on QQ as Zackman2k12. You can enjoy it here or there.) Natsuki Subaru moved to Brockton Bay after Kyushu was sunk by leviathan, Natsuki Subaru Triggered when the s9 attacked with a trump power so insignificant that It might as well be nothing. Return by death did nothing for him but make sure he survived until he could get a second trigger. Durring Golden Morning The battle between [COMPANY REDACTED] and the false savior, Scion caused the world to shake as their mighty blows shattered buildings. Natsuki Subaru finally received a power that had the potential to be heroic. now if only Earth-bet wasn't destroyed by [COMPANY REDACTED]. "Well, Subaru-Kyun Do I have a contract for you! Please sign here." said the spider to the fly.

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Company man Fucks Earth-bet

"Well, Subaru-Kyun Do I have a contract for you! Please sign here." said the spider to the fly.


5 hours and 30 minutes ago ​



"[Cycle Cessation!!!]"



I heard the big burly guy in the cape standing next to Alexandria exclaim towards the being that everyone now knew was an abomination sent to destroy the Multiverse in order to collect data to stop some catastrophic failure of the universe that will happen in a trillion years or something. I honestly don't get the science behind anything because I dropped out of Winslow high.

Because fuck that place. Last thing I heard about that was some girl died in a refuse filled locker and it got shut down.

The horror on Alexandria's face when his words were only met with rage, a glare, and then getting vaporized would be hilarious if only it weren't so fucking horrible. for the multiverse.

Alexandria seemed to be calmed down when Company Man reappeared behind Scion and seemed to instantly move his arm into him as he slammed into the skyscraper next to it, causing it to Explode,

the world shook, as I stared at the tv.

Then the power went out.

And then everything exploded.


My return by death activated and the start of the news report.

at the time I turned it on.

played again.

I broke into a cold sweat as I began to run in the opposite direction of where the blast came from last time.

"This is a report from your local PRT correspondent Glenn Chambers. This is an emergency and is being broadcast simultaneously across the entirety of earth-bet. You are about to be affected by a shaker effect that makes you aware that everything the user is saying is the truth being spoken. Eidolon has selected the planet-wide truth field to make absolutely certain that you understand how much danger we are in. Go ahead, try to lie to anyone around yo-"

I close the door, not bothering to lock it and start booking it away from Boston in the westward direction.

At this rate I'll never make it!!

[5:25:59] Until Company Pickup.​

it's then that I notice that the explosion is coming from




no no no no!

This can't be happening!

They blew up the whole w-



[5:21:48] Until Company Pickup.​


I wake up in the same spot and just wait for the world to explode.

it does.

I don't want to die anymore.

I place all the charges into regeneration. Hoping that I can survive for a long time.

Which I realize was a mistake, I could have gotten a lot of charges just by letting myself die over and over.

But then dying hurts a lot. I really want to stop dying.

But then I survived just long enough for the debris of the world to start floating away.

My damn save point moves forward to the point where I was suffocating in outer space!!

[4:59:59] until company pickup​


My name is Natsuki Subaru and I am completely FUCKED! Utterly boned! How the hell is return by death even supposed to let me survive if there's no Planet to come back to?!



I thought, as I asphyxiated in the void of space.



The only thing keeping me alive is that my first 5 charges from my second trigger were put into regeneration.

oh wait, im dying again. I explosively decompress... this is the fucking worst.

+1 charge for dying



What the fuck do you mean 1 charge isn't enough for space-breath?!



okay, 2 charges, cool. not enough?! SHIT!



3 fucking charges isn't enough for life support in outer space?! why not?!

God damnit!



okay, 4 is enough to live in outer space. forever. maybe I should have waited for enough charges to travel the multiverse on my own...I pull out the phone from my pocket, which is utterly wrecked. of course it's utterly wrecked, my whole body was shredded and now that I look down I have only a loincloth-esque floating tiny piece of jeans and the starting of a pocket. It's a miracle that my phone even stayed in the same place let alone was in slightly less destroyed condition.

I tossed the phone into the ether, what was I gonna even do? play fate Impact?! I get it's a multiverse spanning super-game but how the hell would I even connect to the servers with the multiverse connection server literally shredded by fucking Scion and Company Man?!

I stare into the void of space... and realize its getting rather hot. for fucks sake-


[4:10:31] until company pickup.​

well I think I need radiation resistance now... because the second my trajectory even got close to the sun Its rays decided to fry me. I didn't even go out in a blaze of glory! I just died of super-cancer.


[Somewhere in another dimension Amy Dallon-17-ℜ51∑, sneezed]​

I dumped 1 point into minor radiation resistance.

[3:10:31] until company pickup.​

which prolonged my suffering by an amazingly amazing 5 minutes. how amazing is that?! actually I don't even know if it was 5 minutes.

maybe 10.

I dumped another point into radiation Resistance.


I wake up in a chair in front of an unworldly beautiful woman with 13 cat tails swaying behind her. Her voluminous raven black hair waved out behind her in a breeze that wasn't there.

"Well, Subaru-Kyun Do I have a contract for you! Please sign here." said the spider to the fly.