

Once there lived a boy who was very poor as he lost his parents while he was 10. Life became hard for him as he don't have money to buy food for him. Then he decided to do something to meet his daily needs so he joined in tea shop as a cleaner. Atleast now he is able to get food and he was relaxed that he is getting food daily. And he used to read newspaper regularly, whenever he reads newspaper he can see atleast one **** cases daily and something bad about politics daily. Everyday he reads the same thing and daily he will be thinking that I want to do something for the world, so that I can change the world. But he used to forget when he goes to tea shop for his work. And whenever he is reading the newspaper he can hear some weard noise from his heart. And he tries to find out what it is saying and suddenly one day he has found out. " Fate is not written, it is written by ourselves". He couldn't understand why he was hearing these words whenever he reads newspaper or thinking something about that news. He was thinking for more than a week but couldn't got the answer.

Suddenly on one fine day weird voice keep on repeating the words go to this forest (some forest in Tamilnadu). And he couldn't even able to sleep as the voice was continuous. And in the morning he asked his owner for some money and he decided to go to that forest. He reached the forest and he can hear the voice of birds, river, leaves etc.. and place was so calm and Air is so pure. He then decided not to go back to the city and he was enjoying the nature there. And again he heard the same weird voice but this time not from his heart but from outside......The story begins.