
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Spider-Man is back!

Issei on:

It's been two months since I gained my powers on that school field trip at Oscorp and it's been a week since I stopped being Spider-Man and decided to have a normal life. Asia's mom is still in the hospital in a coma, the doctors don't know when and if she'll wake up, but every day Asia goes to visit her in the hospital after school, me and Rias go with her sometimes and every time she does, Asia cries and I feel terrible inside, I wish I could have stopped it. Asia's father got 5 to 10 years in prison and although I still think it was too little, at least I feel relieved that he was punished. Since I retired from the superhero business, my life has more or less returned to how it was before, but without my parents and with me still having to hide my powers sometimes. I've started hanging out with my friends again, I've been doing better in school, Rias, Asia and I are closer as friends and I've never felt lighter in my life. At the moment, me and my friends, Matsuda and Motohama, are getting back to having an ordinary afternoon as friends, walking around downtown.

Matsuda: Have you heard about Spider-Man's disappearance? It's already in the newspaper that he hasn't been seen for a week and many think he's dead. -Matsuda said.

Motohama: True, some girls were sad, because they wanted to meet him and maybe go on a date. -Said Motohama.

-Seriously? There are people who wanted to go out with that guy? -I asked pretending to be silly.

Motohama: Yes, many were sad because they were in love with him, I confess that I felt envious, having so many girls after you and you don't even care, it seems to be something a little dumb, in his place I would take advantage of this fame and adoration very well.

Matsuda: Me too! Don't you agree Issei?!

-Of course... I would definitely do that.

It seems, even though it's a tempting idea, I don't want to use my powers selfishly anymore, that didn't end too well last time.....

-Whatever, I don't think he's dead, he just might have given up.

Matsuda: Gave up? Why ?!

-Hey, you still ask? All the police were after him, and Clarin was calling him a thief, a threat, and several other names. Hardly anyone would put up with that every day. -I say in a relaxed way.

They wouldn't understand why I gave up all that, even though they were my friends, they couldn't understand, even if I told them my secret. We walked around the center some more, having a fun afternoon, but when I least expected it, a car sped by while a police car ran after it.

Motohama: Eita, what was that?! -Matsuda asked after seeing the chase.

Suddenly on a television inside a store, a report about the chase appeared.

Reporter: Good afternoon, a few minutes ago two bandits kidnapped a child from a nearby daycare center and demanded payment for the ransom, the money requested was 50,000, but even after paying the ransom, the two bandits did not return the child and now the police are in hot pursuit of the criminals.

Citizen 1: My God, is the child okay?

Citizen 2: I hope so.....but where is Spiderman? He could help.

At that moment I feel a huge weight fall on my back and I remember that I could help, but I decided to leave everything behind, I don't want this hero life anymore, I'm just going to continue to be Issei Hyoudou.....

Issei off:

Rias on:

Issei is out with his friends, Asia is in her room doing homework and I'm getting out of the shower with the towel covering my body, while talking on the phone with my friends, Akeno and Koneko.

Akeno: Hey, how has it been living with Asia and Issei? -Akeno asks.

-Ha ! It's been normal, why do you ask? -I answered, lying down on the bed.

Koneko: It's just that you never talk about it, so we don't know how things are at home. -Koneko says.

-They're not too surreal, we all help each other and have a good time together.....we're friends. -I say as I think about the way we are living.

Issei different from the way most girls describe him at school, is not a pervert completely, at no time did he spy on me or try to grab me or take advantage of me or Asia and look that I kept an eye out. Maybe he's not as bad as they say and Koneko believes.

Akeno: But as for Asia, is she better ?

-Physically, yes ! However, her mother is still in the hospital and she always looks a bit sad. -I comment to them.

Akeno and Koneko: Poor thing..... -The two speak at the same time.

Asia has suffered a lot, it's amazing she's been able to endure all this, I would have given up if I were her.

Akeno: Things aren't easy, especially at my father's work, the crime rate has gone up a lot since Spider-Man's disappearance. The criminals in town have gotten bolder, my dad even started to wonder if he was really a criminal.

True, it has been a week since Spider-Man was last seen and since that day several theories have been made to find out what happened to him. Some say he died, others say he left town and others say he gave up. Honestly, I believe he gave up and although I don't know him very well, I have the slight feeling that he is not a bad person and being quite honest, I also have the feeling that he and I have seen each other before. The memory of the day that hooded man saved me comes to mind. My God.....are they.....the same person? As I catch myself thinking about it, I completely forget about my friends and only remember when they shout.

Akeno: rias.... rias... Rias ! RIAS ! -Akeno shouts, calling my attention.

-Hi! I'm here! What's wrong? -I ask, coming back to the real world.

Koneko: We just said we're going to disconnect the call. -Koneko explains.

-Hey! In that case....bye.... until tomorrow. -I say goodbye.

Koneko and Akeno: See you. -They say goodbye and end the call.

I soon after that turn off my cell phone and lie down on my bed, while thinking if that hooded man was Spider-Man.

Laughs off:

Issei on:

Since yesterday afternoon when I saw that report about the police chase, my mind has been very confused about my decision about giving up being spiderman. I almost changed my mind just yesterday, but that changed when I heard that the police had managed to apprehend the bad guys and rescue the child, this made me relieved and made me forget about the idea of going back to being spiderman, but for some reason now I always carry my uniform and my web launchers in my backpack. Now I'm in class and in the middle of a history exam, but I confess I'm not able to think about anything but my decision to retire. Suddenly while I'm taking the test, I feel my spidey-sense beep and inform me of a nearby danger. This makes me look around to see where the danger is coming from, but when I least expect it, a tremor hits the school and guns are fired, along with the sound of something exploding. Everyone starts screaming and running around awake as they wonder what is going on.


Pupil 2: Was that a bomb ?! Oh my God!

Student 3: I want my mom!

I get up, grab my backpack and run to the exit, but at that moment I feel my spider sense warn me of the danger and instinctively I duck and from the window behind me, a bottle with molotove falls, setting the room on fire, making everyone much more scared and to make matters worse the doors are not opening. You can't jump through the windows, from that height many could get hurt or die and if the door is not opened soon, the smoke or fire will kill us, I need to get them out of here before the worst happens.

-GET AWAY! GET AWAY! -Grito going to the door and kicking it, making it fall and open passage. -GO! GO ! GO ! GET OUT OF THE SCHOOL!

Everyone runs out terrified and just as I leave the room, I realize that the whole school is on fire and many are fleeing desperately, with the teachers guiding the students and among them is Azazel.

Azazel: GO OUT OF THE SCHOOL AND STAY AT A SAFE DISTANCE! DO NOT PUSH! -He shouts to the students running in fear.

Suddenly my spidey sense goes off and everything starts moving in slow motion. Not that one, something is coming! I look for danger and after looking forward I see Sona Sitri about to be crushed by a part of the ceiling. Damn it! I run to her and push her and the piece of ceiling falls on my back and buries me. There... Damn it! I should have thought better of that, but at least Sona is okay and I can use this distraction to separate myself from the others. With a bit of difficulty I lift the piece of the ceiling and exit out the back side, which is all empty and on fire. Perfect, I can use the smoke to get away and hide, I just need to not breathe so much smoke. I cover my nose with my shirt and then walk out the other side of the school, where I grab my backpack, open it and look at my outfit. Now I know.....can't stop being Spider-Man, not while I have these powers, so.....it's time to come out of retirement.

Issei off:

Author on:

Outside the school, students and teachers were calling police, firefighters, doctors and their families, all telling them about the situation that was making everyone terrified. In the middle of the crowd, Rias was trying to call her brother while looking for Asia, Akeno, Koneko and Issei.

Rias: Come on, come on, pick up soon ! -Rias grumbled, trying to call her brother and find her friends.

Sona: RIAS! HERE! -Sona shouted along with Akeno, Koneko and Asia.

Rias ran to her friends and soon she asked how this had all started, but unfortunately no one had an answer to her question, all they knew was that everything had started suddenly and without any explanation.

Akeno: I already called my father, he's already coming with the police. -Akeno explained.

Koneko: I already called my sister, she's coming.

Rias: Great great, now just us.... perai....-Rias missed someone. Rias: Where's Issei?!

Asia: I saw him leaving our room, but I didn't see him after that. -Commented Asia.

Akeno: My God, is he still in there? -Questioned Akeno in fear.

They all looked at the burning school and wondered if Issei was still there and if there was anyone else inside the school. Sona then remembered the time when her life was saved by someone who pushed her and avoided being hit by a piece of the ceiling and wondered if it was Issei. Hope was lost, but when least expected, something jumped into the air and with a confident and excited voice, said.

Spider-Man: LOOK AHEAD! A great superhero is coming through! -Said Spider-Man leaping over the crowd and into the burning school.