
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

I don't deserve her.

Issei on:

Okay, let's recap things a little bit, I lost once again the thief that already made me famous as a bandit, I had an erotic dream with Rias, Asia and the Black Cat herself, I got my thoughts messed up and when I got home, Asia told me that her mother woke up and that they would probably move to another city soon and to close with a golden key, Asia told me that she will miss me and kissed me, leaving me now with so many doubts that half an hour has passed and I'm still in the kitchen static.

-What happened? -I ask myself wide-eyed.

That was my first kiss and I had no reaction other than to stay static and look silly. My God Issei, if before you had a thousand head now it is a million. After thinking about how my reaction to Asia's supposed declaration and our kiss was, I decide to go up to my room and when I enter I throw myself headlong into bed and try to sleep, but now I have another problem, the damn insomnia.

-Who knew that a simple kiss would make me so confused? -I say quietly to myself.

Issei off:

Author on:

Meanwhile, in Asia's room, the young woman was also lying face down with her head between the pillows with her face flushed and full of shame. She knew that she would most likely move in with her mother when she got out of the hospital and she knew that she might not see Issei anymore, even though he said that they would probably see each other, but she still felt like she needed to get her feelings out in the first chance she got and so she made that statement and kissed him in that moment where the two of them were alone, but that doesn't change the fact that she was now very ashamed of her actions and also ashamed to look at him again.

Asia: Oh my God, what have I done? -She said quietly with her head on the pillow. Asia: I practically declared myself and kissed him just like that, how am I going to be able to look him in the face tomorrow?!

Asia whined in shame and frustration until 2:00 am when she fell asleep, while Issei stayed up until 3:00 am thinking about Asia and when the sun rose, Rias was the first to wake up and get out of bed. She was in a good mood and somewhat cheerful, so much so that while she showered and changed clothes, a light smile never left her face. She put on tight jeans, a yellow shirt and red sneakers and then left her room to go have breakfast that was already ready and made by the maids of the house. She went to the kitchen and initially found it strange that Asia had not yet come downstairs.

Rias: Hmm? That's strange, usually Asia is the first to wake up. -Rias commented, feeling strange about Asia's absence.

She then felt herself and started to eat her breakfast as usual and half an hour later Asia finally wakes up and with difficulty she gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom, where she removes her pajamas and takes a shower in cold water that ends up waking her up a little more. Soon after that she puts on a green sleeveless dress that goes down to her knees and white sneakers and then goes downstairs to have coffee with Rias.

Asia: Good... day. -Speaks Asia yawning still sleepy.

Rias: Ho! Good morning Asia, is everything all right? You look tired. -Said Rias upon seeing her friend visibly sleepy and slowly walking over to the chair and sitting down.

Asia: I'm fine.... just need a coffee. -Said Asia filling a cup of pure coffee and taking a sip.

Rias blew off her friend's tiredness, but didn't say naga and continued to eat her breakfast and just finishing she took her plate, cutlery and cup to the sink and left them there.

Rias: There Asia, Akeno and I are going out later to go to the movies, do you want to come with us ? -Rias asked, leaning against the sink.

Asia: Hmm? I think so, but first I have to go to the hospital, my mom woke up. -Informed Asia.

Rias, upon hearing this news, was filled with joy and opened a huge smile.

Rias: How wonderful! I knew your mom would wake up and everything would be fine! -She hugged Asia who blushed.

Asia: I thank you very much, but there is something bad about all this. -Asia said a little sad.

Rias: And what is it? Your mom woke up and soon you'll be together again, that's something to celebrate!

Asia: Indeed, but... my mom told me that probably after she gets discharged we will move to another city and start from scratch. -Said Asia down and sad.

Rias then realized the reason for Asia's sadness and hugged her again.

Rias: It's okay Asia, I'm sure you'll be very happy together and even in another city, me, Akeno, Koneko and Issei, we'll still be friends. By the way, what about him? That way he'll miss breakfast.

The moment Asia heard Issei's name, she remembered what happened last night. She remembered her declaration and her first kiss with Issei and her face immediately became as red as a bell bell pepper.

Asia: Rias... can I talk to you? -Asia asked blushing.

Rias found Asia's attitude strange and looked at her with confusion.

Rias: Well, of course. Isn't that what we're doing?

Asia: No, I mean....your private place. -Asia whispered.

They then left the kitchen and went to Rias' room, closed and locked the door and then sat on the bed facing each other.

Rias: Okay! What's so important that we need to go to a secluded place? -Rias asked.

Asia was initially stubborn to speak, after all she was still very embarrassed, but being in the company of a trusted friend, she managed to get some courage and began to speak.

Asia: Well.... remember when Akeno asked us if we liked Issei and we denied it? -Asia asked, blushing.

Rias blushed too and looked away.

Rias: Haha.... I remember, I do....hehe. -She replied, looking away.

Asia: Yeah.....I lied! I love him! -She confessed.

At that moment Rias felt a slight jealousy hit and choked a little, but kept his composure.

Rias: Really? That's nice.

Asia: E.....last night, when I got this news from my mom, I ended up telling it to Issei and afraid of never seeing him again, I ended up confessing e...

Asia's face was practically steaming and Rias was getting more anxious with every word that came out of her mouth.

Rias: And ?!!!!

Asia: I kissed him. -Commented Asia with difficulty.

At that moment Rias could picture the scene and her face locked as she felt an enormous jealousy hit her chest.

Rias: Wow... how cool... what was his reaction? -Rias asked with a forced smile.

Asia: I don't know, after I kissed him I ran to my room. -Asia explained.

Rias: Wait, you two didn't talk anymore after that?

Asia: No.....fair enough, I don't think I even have the courage to look at him now.

Rias then put her jealousy aside and felt a little pity and compassion for Asia. She then put her hand directly on her shoulder and gave her a gentle and honest smile, Asia seeing this calmed down a bit and the two then hugged. As much as she also loved Issei, Rias knew that Asia also had the right to be happy and she would not hate her friend who had already suffered too much until that moment for being faster than her. Asia then calmed down and Rias was happy to have helped her friend, even though she still had feelings for Issei.

Author off:

Issei on:

My eyelids are heavy, my body is also heavy and I barely slept last night, every time I could sleep I dreamt about Asia. Sometimes the dreams were just romantic dates or walks and sometimes they were erotic dreams. Damn, who knew a simple kiss could do all this to me. I struggle to get up from my bed and go straight to the bathroom to take a shower and since I was still very sleepy and needed to wake up, I chose to take a shower in cold water. I know it's not pleasant, but I managed to wake up a little and after the shower I put on dark jeans, gray socks, brown and white sneakers, a red shirt and a dark denim blouse and only after changing I left my room and went downstairs to have breakfast and hoping not to end up meeting Asia now. I'm not saying I'm mad at her or anything, I'm just too embarrassed to talk to her right now, especially since I don't have an exact answer for her. Do I really like her? Do I love Asia? These doubts flood my mind as I go downstairs and to the table for coffee and this time I avoid drinking the coffee. Since I gained my powers, the taste of coffee has become very strange, at first I thought it was temporary and would pass, but it's been two months and nothing of this business is gone, it was only last night that I discovered that coffee is poisonous to spiders. What the fuck, was I poisoning myself on purpose?!!! Anyway, I will never drink coffee again in my life, just in case. While I eat my breakfast alone, I feel my cell phone vibrate and when I pick it up I see a message from Rias.

-Could you come to the main hospital at 3pm? -I say reading her message.

Why does she want me to go there? Anyway, I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

-Of course, but why? -I write to her.

In the end she just sends me a message telling me not to be late and I just turned off my cell phone and went back to eating my toast and after that I take my plate and cutlery to the sink and leave them there, but just doing that I notice that there are two more plates and I realize that I was the last one to wake up and they have already had coffee and must have returned to their rooms. Hummmm, so I think I'll take a walk as Spider-Man. I then send a message that I'm going out for a while but it was at the hospital at that time, then I go to my room, put on my uniform next to the web launchers, leave my ordinary clothes in my backpack, then I put it on my back and jump out the window, shooting a web thread on the wall of the house and swinging me out of the land and then falling on the wall of the residence and jumping forward, shooting another web thread on a nearby building and swinging me to the city. As I swing around aimlessly, I wonder why Rias wants me to go to the hospital and I also wonder how I really feel about Asia. Well, I like her....he's really nice, cute, pretty and my heart always races when I'm around her and... damn, I really have feelings for her. I fall on top of a building and then sit on the edge and look down thoughtfully and silently.

-My God..... I really like Asia. -I say in a low voice to myself.

At that moment I started thinking about Asia and at the same time memories of her smiling and happy come to mind, my heart races, proving that my feelings for her are real, however I am still very afraid to move forward with these feelings, the reason? Simple, it's because I don't see myself being worthy of her. Asia is perfect in every way, she is beautiful, smart, calm and kind and I.....m just a dumb perverted loser who let his parents die for selfishness, I don't see myself deserving her, Asia deserves someone better than me..... I then waited on top of that building until it was time to go to the hospital, thinking and reflecting on a love that I would never have the courage to accept, not because I was afraid, but because I didn't think I was worthy of such a perfect angel. Time passes and when it's already 2:45pm, I throw myself off the top of the building I'm in and swing myself to the hospital as fast as I can. Reaching it, I land on top of it and change clothes right there, putting my web launchers and my uniform in my backpack and putting on my civilian clothes and then putting the backpack on my back and jumping towards the ground in a nearby alley. I go down without any problems and after making sure no one saw me, I walk towards the hospital and as I enter it I soon notice two familiar people in front of me, one with red hair and the other with blond hair.

-Damn, I better sneak out. -I say turning around.

Rias: Ho ! Issei, what a surprise to see you here. -Rias turns around and sees me.

Damn.... I've been discovered. I turn around embarrassed and see Rias looking at me with a smile from ear to ear and Asia looking away from me in a cute way, while tightening the skirt of her dress.

-Hey..... You laugh. -I say embarrassed.

Rias: It's a big surprise that you show up here, just when Asia and I were about to visit her mom, what a coincidence isn't it?

-It's.... very coincidental.

Rias, you planned all this in secret, didn't you? From Asia's reaction I must be right.

Rias: Well, since we're all together, why don't the three of us pay her a visit? -Suggested Rias.

Hospital receptionist: Hey! You can only go two at a time. -Said the hospital receptionist.

-Wow, that's too bad, then you two can go and I'll go last alone. -I say trying to sound sad.

Rias: No need, you and Asia can go ahead and I'll go next time. -Rias said turning me red. Rias: You both know her and have reasons to visit her, I only came because of Asia, but since you two are here you can go together.

This can only be a joke. Rias then goes behind me and pushes me towards Asia, stopping inches from her, but being close enough to see her blushing face. We then without much choice put on the visitor bracelet and headed towards Asia's mother's room, while Rias stayed behind us looking at us with a small smile.

Issei off:

Rias on:

That's it, the first part of my plan has worked, now and with you Asia. You must be wondering what I'm talking about and you must be confused, well let me explain.

Flashback on:

Asia and I are hugging each other and I'm feeling really sorry for her, after everything that happened she deserves to be happy and I would be very selfish if I didn't help her.

-Asia... you really love Issei, don't you? -I would ask her.

Asia: Yes..... I love him. -She answers would be.

-"In that case I'll help you win him over. -I say smiling at her.

She smiles and hugs me again with great joy.

Asia: Thank you very much Rias, thank you very much! -She said hugging me.

Seeing Asia so happy and grateful, I can't help but hug her too. My plan for the two of them to get closer and make her stay in the city was quite simple. First I would have to make the two of them go to the hospital where Asia's mother is, but since they wouldn't be able to do it together I sent a message to Issei and asked him to go there at 3:00 pm, then I asked Asia to look surprised to see him and as she is very nervous this was very easy, then by his reactions Asia's mother will probably see that they feel something for each other and will most likely give up the move, consequently this will bring them even closer and most likely they will end up dating and happy ending.

Flashback off:

I leave the hospital with a smile on my face, both because I'm happy for Asia and because my plan is working.

-Good luck Asia.